Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2696 Firebird Land (4)

Why are we afraid of heights?

When Harry first rode his broomstick, he was able to fly a short distance in no time and catch Malfoy's memory ball, which got him noticed by Minerva McGonagall and into Gryffindor Many Quidditch teams.

When Harry got on Buckbeak's back for the first time, he went around the school without incident.

Whether it is the broomstick or Buckbeak, Harry from the Muggle world has never been exposed to it, but it seems that as long as there is no teacher to teach him anything related to flying, he will learn it.

Except for the Quidditch match between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff in the third year, it was not only lightning and thunder, but also Dementors, Harry fell off his broom, if it weren't for Dumbledore's slowing spell and The patron saint of the phoenix, no one can predict what will happen.

It's "common knowledge" that creatures die when they fall from a height, so Pomona didn't feel the need to explain why Rohart used "alarte ascendare" on the viper summoned by Draco Malfoy in the Dueling Club , throwing it high into the sky.

In nature, an eagle can also be seen grabbing a snake and flying high with it, but unfortunately the poisonous snake did not "die" as Rohart thought.

Is it because it doesn't "fly" high enough? Or because of other reasons—the snake that looks like a living creature is not life, but a quasi-life like a frog and a rabbit. It is not really alive, so there is no such thing as "death" .

"If you were to duel with Patricia Linnaeus, what do you think your odds are?" Pomona once asked after the duel club's first show.

Snape looked at her in surprise at first, then laughed as if he had heard something funny, showing his yellowed teeth.

"Do you need to ask, of course it is Professor Snape." The ancient rune professor who was also drinking and celebrating in the teachers' lounge said cheerfully.

Her point of view elicited a lot of agreement, only Pomona laughed and said nothing.

"You seem to have a different opinion," Snape asked.

"No, I think so too," said Pomona, and took a sip of the liqueur.

That was the second time that all the teachers in the school were equally hostile to a person, and even Snape, who was not very popular in the school, seemed much more pleasing to the eye.

The difference is that Patricia Linnaeus is a real thief, she even has the nickname "Treasure Hunter". When Albus found her, she was working at the Castro Bruso Academy of Magic in Brazil. At the same time, she also discovered an Inca ruin under the school. According to the usual practice, she didn't take everything inside. will give up.

Her appearance is not the same as that unshaven "artist" of Mendungus. She has long fiery red wavy hair and blue eyes. She often wears a blood red sleeveless vest and dragon leather high boots. A pair of matching trousers looks tall and agile. Around her slender waist were two brown belts, one holding a holster for her wand and the other for her throwing knives and other gadgets.

Sometimes she is draped in a dark gray robe, fastened with a gold Eye of Horus pin. She looks very confident, but when she faces those who she thinks are not high, she will show indifference and contempt, and since she thinks she is a world-renowned top figure, half of the professors in the school don't care about her in the eyes.

As for the other half of the teachers, it was because of her pet monkey, which was loved by the students. It was interested in shiny things like a sniff, and everyone suffered some property losses. When the owner asked her to ask for the lost property, she pretended not to know, which annoyed everyone.

Then there was the unpleasantness of her encouraging students to duel in a ruthless way in the classroom, and her indistinct and muddled understanding of the Dark Arts, which was very different from that of the Hogwarts teachers who had only experienced the First Wizarding War. The attitude of caring caused her to stand on the opposite side of all the teachers in the end, even though she seemed kind in the eyes of the students.

Patricia has a lot of actual combat experience. She once provoked Felix half-jokingly and half-seriously, but was finally rejected by the dueling champion on the pretext that he wanted to lift the curse of the portrait.

Time is not only like annual rings, which go round and round again, but also like arrows, which never return. Time stacking is like a candle on a birthday cake for most of us, each time we add a year we grow a year.

But this kind of cognition has been challenged in the magical world. It is dangerous for normal people not to eat or drink for 3 days, not to mention a month or a year. The only explanation is that this is all magic. After all, it turns students into portraits and petrification It looks like a sculpture is made by magic.

Then it was reasonable for the mouse to live for nine years, after all, this is the magical world, until someone jumped out with a "puff" and said loudly that it was unreasonable.

Whether it is day or night, the sky and the earth are pulsating rhythmically. There are birds singing in the morning and insects singing one after another in the evening. We are familiar with the changes of the four seasons, but these are perceived through vision and hearing. Yes, is there any other way to feel this pulsation?

On the chocolate frog card, there is an alchemist named Zou Yan. He put a piece of bamboo in the soil, and when the ground starts to warm up, it will form a puff of air and blow the pipe.

It's like a frozen person who gradually becomes warmer and can feel the blood flowing in his veins. For the heaven and the earth, it is the melting snow water, and there are green branches and buds. The clumps of earthworms dispersed and began to move underground.

Soon after, the hibernating animals will also wake up. The long winter has exhausted their fat reserves, and they are extremely hungry, but humans will not reduce energy consumption through "fake death" sleep like hibernating animals.

The water of death is often regarded as a powerful sleeping pill, drinking it will cause you to fall into a deep sleep. But if the princess in the fairy tale drank the water of life and death, her face would age with time, would there still be a passing wizard prince who would apply a stimulating potion on her lips many years later to wake her up with a kiss?

Death is often accompanied by corruption, and no matter how beautiful a princess is, she will become a skeleton.

While alive, it will experience birth, adulthood and aging with the superposition of biological cycle and time.

The princess did not turn into oil paints or sculptures because of drinking the water of life and death, so what kept her in this state?

In Potions class, students are always asked to stir clockwise and counterclockwise. Anyway, they stir anyway, so why clockwise and counterclockwise? In chemistry class, it is only required to stir in one direction.

Of course, there may be some chemistry teachers who forcefully ask, pulling out scientific basis such as the earth's magnetic field. But it is also possible that the teacher saves trouble, and avoids that some people will have sudden ideas, do not operate as written in the book, and stir as they please.

According to the standard operation in the potion textbook, the water of life and death should be stirred clockwise ten times first, and then counterclockwise ten times, just like turning a clock back and forth.

The working mechanism of the biological clock is very interesting. In a system with many different rhythms, there are thousands of interconnected chemical components, which eventually form an optimally synchronized state of operation, just like salmon in the deep sea. They will go to fixed places to lay eggs along freshwater rivers.

No one taught them that their parents died after laying the eggs, and they will not go back to the sea. When these little fish hatch from the eggs, they will go back to the sea along that river, and one day they will I also grew up and continued the "travel" of my parents.

What really bothers people may be the decisive role of nutrition in sustaining life. The collection and production of food has always been an important background in the stage drama of human history. This is also a mediocre and unavoidable aspect of the problem of time.

Whenever salmon cruise, there are always various animals guarding their path. As summer fades away, brown bears are about to start storing fat for hibernation, and the arrival of a large number of fish schools will allow brown bears to store enough energy to survive the winter safely.

Sometimes the fish are unlucky, and the snow makes the water too cold for them to swim in, so the bears can easily catch the fish.

But the bear still prefers to wait for the fish to jump up and fall into his mouth in the rapids of the summer rapids.

There is competition for such a good position, and often the strongest male will get that position, while the female with her young will hunt for fish in the icy river water.

They need to protect their young from being eaten by adult males.

Compared with a woman who is obsessed with love, Albus hopes that Pomona can have "maternal love". He asks her to learn from Molly. Molly's "maternal love" is not like Lily's maternal love. She sacrificed herself to protect her children.

She is in charge of the Hogwarts dining hall and vegetable garden, and the food will feed many people. Molly was always preparing food for the family, but the kids preferred the treats on the Hogwarts Express to the sandwiches she made.

When the snacks are full, there is no room for dinner, and it is impossible for her to chase the children and feed them.

Others only need to feed their own children, but she has to feed more than a thousand people. If she feeds them all, will she still have time to do other things?

Time is precious, everyone only has 24 hours, even if Hermione Granger uses the time-turner for some extra time, she will have to pay the price.

She was smart, but she was quite different from the boys. Anyway, Neville easily believed Pomona's words and defeated his own Boggart in a way that Lupine didn't teach.

People's feet are not stuck in the soil like the roots of trees, and the enemy will not be trapped in the magic circle like that Boggart, so what are they doing there? Is the center of the universe under your feet?

But this kind of thing would only be said by the annoying Snape, and Professor Sprout would not say it to make people hate him.

At that time, she might as well go back to the kitchen and make more stump cakes, preferably with a few lifelike mushrooms, maybe someone will recognize which one is from "1000 Kinds of Mushrooms", she can still Take the opportunity to add points.

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