Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2700 Firebird Land (8)

James and Lily left Harry a lot of gold coins in Gringotts. For Harry, who has been treated badly in the Muggle world, the money seems to be a lot. But if he spends it according to his godfather Sirius Black, he probably won't last this money until he reaches adulthood.

So Pomona volunteered and offered to do some accounting for Harry, since she had nothing else to do.

Since Harry didn't have any living blood relatives other than Petunia, she first sought out the guardian who signed the consent form for Harry to go to Hogsmeade. As expected, Albus handed over all Harry's property to Sirius, but...

"What's going on here!" Pomona asked in amazement, looking at the dozen account books.

"The Potter family is also the school trustee of Hogwarts." Sirius said lightly, "After the war started, he needed a lot of funds, so he donated the inheritance left to him by Philemon and Euphemia."

Pomona then remembered that Harry had generously lent his Triwizard Tournament winnings to the Weasley twins to start a business.

"Harry doesn't know?" Pomona asked.

"I don't think he has time." Sirius said, taking a sip of Fire Whiskey, as if this drink with fire seems to be able to drive away the cold that Azkaban and the North Sea have accumulated in his body "He is too busy now Write me back."

Pomona felt that Sirius was a little too dependent on his godson.

"What about these?" Pomona pulled out a dozen newer ledgers.

"The hair growth potion company went bankrupt, and the property was used to pay off the creditors," Sirius said.

"So all he's left with is that house in Godlick's Hollow? Why didn't he file for bankruptcy?" Pomona asked angrily.

"It was Albus' idea." Sirius said calmly, "It will be to Harry's benefit."

Pomona thought of the articles in the Daily Prophet and thought they were worthless.

"What's he doing now?" Pomona asked.

"You mean Harry?" Sirius asked.

"Do you know the whereabouts of Dumbledore?" Pomona said with a sneer, and continued to look through the ledger.

Sirius didn't speak for a long time. Pomona looked up at him and found that he was looking at her with a probing look.

"What's wrong?" She asked strangely.

At this moment, there was a sound of opening the door, followed by a burst of familiar footsteps.

Pomona looked at Sirius, and Sirius looked at her, and the two opened the door from the dining room together, and it was the old wizard they were talking about just now, with a serious face and his shoulders Pet Phoenix.

"Why are you here, Albus?" Pomona asked.

"Where's Moody, or Arthur." Dumbledore looked across Pomona at the dining room that was used as a meeting room.

"Just the two of us," said Pomona, noticing that Albus' beard seemed to be burning a little.

"Aren't you supposed to be at school?" Sirius asked.

Dumbledore's eyes turned to Sirius, looking horrified.

"Did Harry mention anything in his letter to you?" Albus asked softly, like the calm before the storm.

"I don't know, he's been busy lately," Sirius said.

"What are you busy doing!"

"I don't know, what happened?"

"What about you?" Albus looked at Molly who came out of the kitchen. "Have Ron, George, Fred, Ginny mentioned anything to you?"

"I...I don't know what you're talking about." Molly stammered.

Seeing that there was no answer, Albus planned to leave the headquarters.

"What happened?" Pomona demanded.

But Dumbledore still couldn't leave without looking back, and disappeared at the gate of Grimmauld Place in a blink of an eye.

==================================================== =========

It was only through the next day's newspaper that Pomona, Sirius, and Molly found out what had happened. Albus Dumbledore had set up an army at Hogwarts with the intention of overthrowing the Ministry of Magic. Umbridge noticed it in time and prevented the rebellion from happening, and soon after that came the news that Umbridge had replaced Albus as Headmaster of Hogwarts.

As for Harry, the so-called Dumbledore's Army was not punished too severely, after all, Fudge's target was Dumbledore.

Albus had already planned for Harry that he would not inherit the tonic company left by the Potter family, but would work in the Ministry of Magic. Although rare, Sirius would occasionally put on a godfather's majesty and make Harry pay attention to his words and deeds. But when it comes to the degree of mischief, Sirius is much more serious than Harry.


Just as Georgiana was about to go to the lounge, there was a woman screaming in the corridor.

The guards in the corridor all ran towards that direction. They were all young officers who had been trained at the Fontainebleau Military Academy and were brought to Brussels by MacDonald. It looks similar to the Guards.

But as long as you meet their eyes, you will find that they are not very old. These young people rushed over after hearing the screams, as if they were afraid that others would take the credit.

In the past, Georgiana used to be a story and history, someone sneaked into Marie Antoinette's bedroom at night, and now she herself began to worry about whether someone sneaked into the palace.

However, when she also went to that room, she found a dead owl on the ground. It was covered in blood and its feathers were dyed red.

"It looks like someone threw it in," said a young officer, looking at Georgiana.

But she looked behind him, the Thestral was standing in the corner.

"Let's all get out," said Georgiana.

So the young officer left the room with the help of the lady who was frightened by the dead owl.

When they were all gone, Georgiana picked up the dead owl's talons, when it thumped and spattered her all over with blood.

She was not annoyed, after finding its wound after petrifying it, and then cast a healing spell on it with a wand, the wound stopped bleeding quickly, but blood tonic was needed to replenish the lost blood.

She found a letter on the owl's claw, and when she unfolded it she saw that it was Parvati Patil's handwriting.

'I have arrived in London and everything is going well. '

And then it's gone.

"This is not a mobile phone text message!" Georgiana complained, but still put the letter away, and then looked at the injured bird.

"I heard someone was hurt?" someone said at the door.

Georgiana turned and saw that it was a tall Dutchman.

"Who are you……"

"I'm a doctor, are you injured?"

Georgiana looked at him blankly.

Then he lowered his head and saw the owl still fluttering its wings on the ground.

Then he stares at her without suspicion in his eyes, without asking if she did it.

"I came with my brother," said the doctor.

"I didn't ask you that question." She said coldly.

He hesitated.

"This blood...has magic power?"

She didn't say she wasn't a witch, so how could she know.

But there was a Thestral in this room that hadn't been fully domesticated, at least Hogwarts's domesticated Thestral would not harm an owl, so she couldn't just turn around and leave him here.

"Can you treat it?" the doctor asked.

"Yes," said Georgiana.

"Oh." He said awkwardly, "Then I think I should leave."

Georgiana also felt very ill, but fortunately the doctor left by himself.

When he was gone, she looked back at the Thestral and sighed.

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