Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2702 Firebird Land (10)

There was an English traveler who wrote in his travel diary in 1785: always happy, this is the nature of France.

Pleasure is the only keynote in social activities in France, because it is the only way to please a lady.

If she is talented, praise her for her hard work and concentration; if she is beautiful, praise her delicate skin and flute-like voice; When she grows old and is no longer as attractive as a young girl, she should also be praised for her fashion. If he's got a witty mind, say an exaggerated age, and she'll laugh and say "wrong" and sweeten the little dork.

Pleasure can make people refreshed. On the same occasion and in the same circle, everyone gathers together and finds ways to entertain when they have nothing to do. Sometimes a little hunt is arranged, sometimes a masquerade, or a "pastoral play" in a little theater, where the sun is a bright candle, the sky is a painted ceiling, and fans rustle, With the gentle swaying of those delicate arms, bursts of perfume filled the air.

All of this is not all for careful caress, the fan language from the Spanish court expresses her true thoughts. She may smile at you sweetly while telling you to leave with her fan.

All of these are feasts for the eyes and the mind, and there are real feasts too, with fountains of wine flowing like water and endless jams tossed from windowsills simply because it doesn't suit a certain wife or mistress taste.

When the picnic team pitches their tents at a creek or some pleasant spot, farmers will soon gather around them. To please everyone, the farmers can also share a piece or two of bread and meat while the host enjoys exquisite dishes. .

Small-act comedy was the chief pastime for the children, and the boys in their silk coats and ribbons were not allowed down the river to catch fish.

If only it was like this every day.

But one day, like bad weather, the people who had been outside their tents waiting to share their bread rushed in and took everything that was theirs. Then the whole of France, and even the whole of Europe, will have to face this midsummer storm.

Some hid with relatives in neighboring countries, while others organized resistance. Who would have thought that Rousseau, who was deeply melancholy in the salon, did not know how to talk, and wrote gorgeous rhetoric only after the fact, could bring about such a big change?

The exiles gathered in the north, and together with the anti-French alliance formed by other countries, they planned to destroy the newly established republic. This is not without precedent in history, but Louis XVI ordered the disbandment of the army. This demoralized the exiles, who scattered, some went to the Netherlands, and some went to Aachen.

After they arrived in Aachen, they first ransacked the local area, so the locals welcomed the revolutionaries very much, and the revolutionaries compensated the locals of Aachen for their looted losses. However, the local environment is very complicated. The Prussian minister promulgated a compromise constitution there, which can be understood as liberal monarchism, which retains a large number of religious frameworks and protects the two largest local religious groups, Lutheranism and Catholicism. .

And there are other questions, coming back to this Louis Stanislas. Although compared with Louis XV's colorful mistress group, Mary from Poland was mediocre in appearance, but she still stood out from 99 marriageable European princesses and became the queen of France.

More importantly, she gave birth to the crown prince, but what people did not expect was that the bleak political career of Louis XV's father-in-law, the King of Poland, actually played a role. Maria Theresa of the Holy Roman Empire exchanged Lorraine for Tuscany, and Louis XV arranged for his father-in-law to retire in Lorraine.

The wife of the Grand Duke of Lorraine, Queen Katarina of Poland, wanted to return to Poland, almost to the point of paranoia. The Grand Duke felt that she was boring, so he found many mistresses after he had his own court in Lorraine. Many of them were also Katarina's maids. Combined with asthma and heart disease, the Queen had only one surviving daughter, Mary. Due to "no heir", after the death of Stanislas I, Lorraine was owned by France, and he became the last Duke of Lorraine.

During their exile, the king and his wife once needed to sell the queen's jewelry to survive, even to the point where they couldn't even make up their daughter's dowry.

But because he was a Catholic king, he received the support of the church, and it was precisely because of his Catholic status that Mary became Queen of France.

Then this Louis Stanislas in the robe of the gods appeared, sitting on the side of the sofa at the moment, with a blooming phlox next to him.

Georgiana was sitting across from him on the sofa, next to a frangipani plant, which had obviously just been brought out of the greenhouse, otherwise it would not have been able to bloom in such a cold room temperature.

"I hear you have a red dress. Is that yours?" asked Father Stanislas.

"No." Georgiana looked at the dress made of red Turkish cloth on her body, "Isn't this pretty?"

"I just want to see what it's like to be a woman who can charm Bonaparte," he said with a smile.

"You don't think I'm attractive enough?" Georgiana asked.

"You used magic?" he asked.

She looked at him with a smile, and sat in a posture as if she was about to launch an attack. "If it's not just me, but the first ruler is here, would you dare to come?"

"Why not?" Stanislas said calmly. "I only did this because I didn't receive your invitation."

"How do you do it?" she asked.

"What's the meaning?"

"The Brussels police searched everywhere, how did you escape them?"

"They're after robbers, and who would doubt a priest?" said he. "I hear you're a jovial fellow. It's cold outside today, and I don't want the people freezing out there."

She had an indescribable anger, but she still chose to endure it.

"Watch your manners, monk," said the Abbe Grégoire.

"As I said, I made this decision because I didn't receive an invitation. If there is any other place where I behaved inappropriately, please make it clear. This is a petition signed by the representatives of the block. Not agreeing to pay the beer tax, but willing to take orphans into their homes." Stanislas took a piece of paper out of his sleeve and put it on the small coffee table "If their children have it, these children will have it too, you There is no need to worry that they will be treated unfairly."

"How do I know that?" said Georgiana.

"I know what you want to do." Stanislas said coldly, "You don't really care about the lives of those children."

"I am Queen Ekaterina who is learning. Only a country with unity and struggle has vitality." She said.

"The queen does not support Rousseau," said Stanislas.

She wasn't too surprised. Stanislas I himself was a supporter of Rousseau. Of course, she could hear her citing the social contract theory.

"Just tell me your purpose," said Grégoire.

Stanislas said nothing.

"It seems that your 'people' are going to blow a cold wind for a while." Georgiana said coldly, and then stood up.

"About the people in the forest," Stanislas said. "You cannot force them to leave."

"Isn't at home in the forest with wild beasts?"

"They are free in the forest. You plan to trick them out first, and then realize your ulterior purpose, is that right?"

Georgiana thought of another thing. After leaving Princess Anna, William I of Orange formed an army. This army was mainly composed of bankrupt farmers. Among the many suitors of Princess Saxony, his status was not high. But among these "beggar armies", it is the highest.

They hid in the forest, and as the team continued to grow, they got the nickname of the Forest Army.

"Or you can't decide, and you want to ask the First Consul?" Stanislas asked.

According to the rules, even if Milan was on fire, she had to wait until she was ordered to put out the fire.

"I agree." Georgiana said coldly. "You can let your people go now?"

Stanislas looked at her in surprise.

"Don't catch a cold." She said coldly, "It will be even worse if you get typhoid."

"You heard what Madame said," said Grégoire. "What else do you want?"

Stanislas was silent for a moment, but finally he smiled and bowed to Georgiana.

"I look forward to an official reply from the executive government."

After he finished speaking, he stood up and left the living room under the guidance of Gregoire.

"Sir Bacon once said."

Just as he was about to leave, Georgiana called out.

"Faith itself is a beautiful thing, but you can't believe too much. It is better not to have any belief than to fall into a wrong belief. Because the latter is just ignorance of God, while the former is ignorance of God. blasphemy."

"He was banished from court at last, wasn't he?" said Stanislas quietly, "and ruined."

Georgiana said nothing.

"You came to Europe because you were like him in England."

She still didn't speak, and then there was the sound of footsteps going away.

"How can you promise?" asked Grégoire "he has other motives."

"I know." Georgiana said calmly, "But how do I convince the exiles to go back with us?"

He froze for a moment.

"People like him are fine, let alone those who have committed lesser crimes than him."

"But... let these people go back..."

"I know." She continued coldly, "The chief of police in Paris will be very busy. I hope he will not be as negligent as the police in Brussels, otherwise his end will not only be lost."

She'll tear him to pieces, it's not that hard, all it takes is a magic front without a shadow.

Probably because of her pressure, the plumeria flowers behind her fell to the ground in a cluster, as if they were cut with scissors.

Grégoire saw it, but pretended not to.

"Aren't you afraid?"

He shook his head.

"You are too risky and impulsive."

That's because he didn't know her real purpose.

She thought in her heart, but didn't say it out loud. A Hufflepuff should be honest, but at the same time he can keep silent.

In order to live happily, we must learn to coordinate with the world.

"I know, you want to promote French." She said softly, "But God makes people speak different languages ​​and prevents the construction of the Tower of Babel. We need a reason to form the goal of everyone, so that we will not follow Joseph II. I thought it was for the sake of the child..."

"Stop talking." Gregoire shook his head, and then he also left the reception room.

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