Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2704 Firebird Land (12)

The small town of Esleben is located at the eastern foot of the Harz Mountains, where the vegetation is dense, the hills are undulating, the fields are planted with wheat and barley, and there are villages everywhere in the mountains. This city is the hometown of Martin Luther.

In 1483, when he was born, wine was still being made in the north of the city, but it was not a drink on the table of ordinary residents. People drank beer from morning to night, and wine was only drunk at Sunday mass. get.

When he was a student, Luther, like many young men at the time, often stayed in the tavern in the town. When he went to Wittenberg to continue his master's degree in theology, it was the main city of beer production in Saxony.

At that time, Saxon lord Frederick III was a well-known "Mingjun". He went to the holy land of Jerusalem in 1493 and was named the Knight of the Holy Sepulchre. He was the most knowledgeable German prince of that era, and he was also a beer lover.

In 1513, Pope Leo X, formerly known as Giovanni de' Medici, let the guests drink wine from a gold barrel to celebrate. There was wine, but the expenses for these celebrations were the Pope's own personal property, and the assets of the church were not used. The church spent most of its money on the construction of St. Peter's Basilica.

The Atonement Scrolls have actually been published for centuries, but in the 16th century they became more direct and public, and there was a growing trend.

After Luther's theses were made public, he became a "celebrity". His every move was observed all the time, and even every glass of beer he drank was recorded, so his enemies used this as a basis to call him "Wittenberg Alcoholics".

When he married Sister Trina, there was also beer on the wedding table, some of which were brewed by Trina herself. The beer in the monastery is very famous, and she learned some techniques more or less.

The brewing of beer in the Middle Ages mainly used spices, called Groot, and hops did not appear until around the 13th century. The composition of Groot is a huge secret, and only a few people can sell it. Between the Church and the Principality.

Later, when hops appeared, beer guilds began to form. Starting from the cities of the Hanseatic League, guild organizations spread all over Europe. The members were mainly workers in the same industry. They had strict requirements on the quality of beer. Without the consent of the guild, there would be no The entry of new competitors ensures that the brewer can concentrate on the problem of brewing beer for a long time without being affected by "other reasons".

Georgiana's original intention was to collect "rent" from brewers instead of consumers, and then use the money to protect vulnerable groups, but when it came to actually implementing it, it completely violated her original wishes.

Not everyone thinks her approach is problematic. For example, Joseph van der Linden, a member of the Knights, the hotel run by his family has been doing very well these days. Customers are drinking and dancing to celebrate the arrival of peace. , there is absolutely no risk at all.

This hotel is located on the edge of Brussels Square and is part of the huge classical architectural complex of the square. It was personally approved by Queen Maria Theresa. In 1788, he was awarded the Order of Saint John of Jerusalem. He is the younger brother of Mayor Mayor.

The last time Georgiana went to Metz, it was still a natural village, but it is now being planned and built on the scale of a city. During the period of Austrian rule, he was responsible for restoring urban order when riots broke out in Brussels. At the same time, the Van der Linden family was also a well-known large landowner in South Brabant. They can only be housekeepers in the Habsburg family for such family affairs.

The other is Baron Auguste. He is a French-Belgian half-blood. He once received classical literature education in Paris, and later studied in England for several years. He is an expert in Latin and French literary history. He is currently the editor-in-chief of the Brussels Official Gazette. , He also did not receive any news at all.

There was also an elderly sculptor and painter named Antoni Caton, who was a professor at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Brussels, specializing in book illustration and frontispieces, and treasurer of the Institute of Architecture and Sculpture. His other identity is the master of the Masonic Third Hotel in Brussels, but he has received a little rumor...

"Why didn't you say it earlier!" Langenhorn couldn't help yelling loudly.

"Superstition is the new name after rumors are widely spread!" Ka Dong said calmly.

That was what Sir Bacon had said too, but she did not want to pursue the subject at the moment.

"I don't want this incident to destroy public security and the unity of the people." She said lightly, "Only when the public order is gradually restored can commercial and industrial activities be gradually restored. You gathered here to hope that Belgium will prosper again. Do you think I'm right?"

Some people agreed, some people didn't make a sound, but no one made a voice of opposition.

Then she brought up the matter of sugar production. She still planned to use incentive money to encourage production, although the entire Belgian land was used to grow sugar beets, which was not enough for France's consumption.

This time it went much better, although without the help of the Archbishop as in Ghent.

At this time, she probably saw what Napoleon was doing in governing the occupied land. No wonder none of the senior French officials came.

Or for other reasons, she touched the "rules", and she will soon fall to the bottom like Augereau.

No general or army could go to Paris without Napoleon's consent, except for the gang of young officers from the Military Academy at Fontainebleau.

The allowance for military students who have never been to these battlefields is 35% higher than that of an ordinary officer. Why?

They are hated by other troops, and the enrollment places are also open to other troops. The equality advocated by the Great Revolution is not here. After sending her to the round with Bonaparte, they will go to Boulogne to experience "amphibious" combat.

Alcohol makes the heart weak, swimming makes the body healthy, and even though Cokeworth is next to a river, Severus can't swim because the water is dirty, and she doesn't even know now that he can Won't.

London does have the Thames, but Sirius wouldn't learn to swim in the Thames. He is also somewhat related to Patricia Linnaeus, and being a spellbreaker at Gringotts is just her hobby, as if she has a castle somewhere in Scandinavia, and Sirius didn't Been there before the family fall out.

The dimension there is higher than that of the North Sea, and Sirius may have been able to swim back from Azkaban because he was used to the cold water.

She's not short of money, so she doesn't need to assign pet monkeys to steal from her colleagues, but no one believes her.

When she left, Pomona saw her off, and she took out a piece of parchment from behind a picture hanging in the classroom. It was the Marauder's Map that Sirius and the others used to make.

"Do you know why parchment is used instead of papyrus?" Patricia asked her.

"I know," Pomona said.


“Parchment can be bought anywhere, and it’s not easy to arouse suspicion,” Pomona said.

Patricia looked at her and smiled.

"What's the problem?" Pomona asked.

"Parchment is made of sheepskin. If someone tattooed a map on their body, would it look like a tattoo?" Patricia asked.

Pomona froze.

"This is for your safekeeping," Patricia said, handing the Marauder's Map to Pomona.

"I don't……"

Before Pomona finished speaking, Patricia suddenly frowned.

She opened the Marauder's Map, but there was no Marauder in it, only a map of Hogwarts.

"It's fake!" she said angrily. "Who stole the map?"

"Who else knows where the map is hidden but you?" asked Pomona.

"There are a lot of students coming in and out... Forget it." Patricia only worried for three seconds and didn't care. "Anyway, I'm leaving."

Pomona didn't care either, she thought the map was useless, mostly for pranks.

At that time, she didn't pay attention to whether the pet monkey was standing on the ground like Peter Pedilou. If it was really an Animagus, his name would be displayed on the Marauder's Map.

The real culprit who cast the portrait curse has not been caught yet, but after Patricia left, no similar attacks have occurred, and many people think she is the real culprit.

Anyone with a sick cow should go to the veterinarian, not suspect that some woman with an inflamed eye has cursed it, much less burned her.

There are many causes of superstition. Francis Bacon summed it up. The last one is that it was a barbaric age related to catastrophe.

After the meeting, they left the VIP living room one after another. Not long after they left, Ferrier came in with a man who she thought looked familiar.

"Ma'am, I found this," said the man, taking from his arm a wooden cylinder containing a scroll of parchment.

It has been a few years old, and it has turned yellow. Georgiana remembered that he was Champollion's father, what was his name...

"You need to take a look." Ferrier said anxiously.

"About what?" said Georgiana casually.

"Same as last time," said Champollion's father.

Georgiana was silent.

"This is a false accusation!" Ferrier said angrily.

"Since you know it's fake, why show me?" She said in a bad mood.

After a moment of silence, Champollion's father put the roll of paper on the table, bowed to her and turned to leave, but Ferrier did not.

"Can you read Latin?" she asked wearily.

"I can learn." Ferrier knelt at Georgiana's feet.

"You know the content above, Mr. Champollion told you?" Georgiana asked softly.

Phil hesitated.

"Yes." She said softly.

"Do you think he's a man of secrecy?" asked Georgiana.

Phillip didn't speak.

Georgiana clapped her hands.

A French wizard appears.

"Erase his memory."

"Yes, ma'am," said the wizard, bowing to her, and leaving the drawing room too.

"I asked you to keep the memory because you are good at keeping secrets." Georgiana smiled gently, like a statue of the Virgin Mary. "Have you hidden that contract?"

"Yes." Phil said cautiously.

"You did a good job." Georgiana used the summoning spell to take a piece of chocolate and gave it to Philil. "This is your reward."

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