Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2732 Firebird Land (Forty)

"Come on, drink this up."

Madam Pomfrey handed a small cup of green potion to the student lying on the hospital bed.

"I don't take medicine!"

The little boy covered his head with the quilt and refused to cooperate.

Pomona felt that Harry was better than other children of the same age. Even if he knew the medicine was bitter, he would still drink it, because he knew it was for his illness.

"You were bitten by a fox, Mr. Ackley, if you don't drink the antidote..."

"I won't drink!" Stuart Ackley yelled angrily under the covers.

Pomona really wanted to call Fei Liwei to see if this little guy still had such a bad attitude in front of his headmaster.

Just when Madam Pomfrey was helpless, Pomona came to the hospital bed.

"Here, try this," Pomona said to Madam Pomfrey.

"What is this?" Madam Pomfrey took the box.

"Candy." Pomona said, and as soon as she finished speaking, Akeley, who had buried his head in the quilt, poked his head out out of the corner of her eye, but retracted her head again as if afraid of being discovered.

"I think he needs the medicine more now, Director," Madam Pomfrey said.

"It's medicine." Pomona lowered his voice, "It's an electuary that contains an antidote."

Pomfrey looked at the green candy in his hand with suspicion.

"Severus made it," Pomona said. "He thinks it's a common drug."

And there are many little trolls who refuse to take medicine.

She thought to herself, looking at Akeley on the hospital bed.

Humeizi is very active in winter and is easily attracted by fire. As a result, students who are warming by the fireplace are often harassed by them. Older students know how to deal with them, and younger ones are often bitten by them.

Madam Pomfrey no longer doubted, and whispered in Akeley's ear for a while, and he finally lifted the quilt and ate the candy.

"How does it taste?" asked Pomona.

Ackley looked at Pomona "Is there any more?"

"Even if it's a medicine, taking too much can be poisonous." Pomona handed the candy containing the antidote to Madam Pomfrey. "One candy is equivalent to one drop of medicine."

"I remember, Headmaster." Madam Pomfrey looked at the sugar bowl and said happily, "It was really helpful, please thank Headmaster Snape for me."

"I will." Pomona said, looked at Akeley again, and found that he did not have any adverse reactions, and his complexion was better than before before leaving.

As long as no one tells them, who knows that they use students for experiments.

Pomona thought darkly.

They wanted to try the effect of this detoxifying sugar for themselves, but Hu Meizi didn't bite them, and this magical creature knew who to mess with.

The ingredients of the Humeizi antidote also contain the seeds of the tinder bush. It just so happened that Pomona had a lot of "fire seeds" in his hand recently, so Severus boiled some potions and took some of them to make sugar potions , but it did not condense into hard candy or soft candy after cooling down for a long time.

Intrigued, he experimented with the Honeydukes candy recipe, which culminated in the antidote gummy Ackley just ate.

"What did you feed Ackley just now?"

Pomona was startled by the voice behind her, and when she turned around, she realized it was the Weasley twins.

"What are you doing here? It's class time!" Pomona poked her waist angrily.

"We discovered something recently," said George or Fred.

"When there was a Professor Sprout teaching in the Greenhouse," said Fred or George.

"There's another going on somewhere else in the school," said George or Fred.

"Like Hermione in third year," said Fred or George, "but we found out later that she used a Time-Turner, are you using it now?"

Pomona decided to give the two boys "hush money".

"It's a nectar," said Pomona. "You can ask Professor Snape how it's made."

"Don't you know?" they both answered together.

"I just know how to eat."

"As she said." Snape's oily voice came from behind the twins. "What are you two doing here?"

Instead of being afraid of Snape like most kids, or fighting him like Harry, Fred and George were as sweet and flattering as two magpies.

Pomona had a substitute teacher who drank Polyjuice Potion, and she wondered how Severus managed to sneak out during school hours. Did he use a Time-Turner too?

Then she left the corridor of the medical wing without the three of them noticing.

Instead of going straight back to the cellar, she went to the auditorium, where Filch just happened to come out with the broom, muttering as usual.

Pomona waited for him to leave before pushing open the door of the auditorium. Because it was daytime, there were no candles floating above the auditorium. Only the Goblet of Fire was still placed in front of the teacher's bench, quietly burning with a blue flame.

She approached it and stood about four or five steps away.

When Sirius' soul was sucked out by the dementor, it emitted a blue-white light, which was similar in color to the flames in the Goblet of Fire at the moment. It's just that compared with the burning flame, the human soul is as insignificant as a spark, which will be extinguished and turned into ashes in an instant.

From her velvet pocket she produced a glass bottle containing a tinder bush that had been incinerated by the dragon fire, and another bottle containing water of unknown origin that she had extracted from a cave.

There is an anti-theft waterfall in Gringotts. Whether it is disguise or drinking compound decoction, it will lose its effect if it is drenched by the water of the waterfall. There is also the river of Wangchuan that makes the forgetting potion. Few people know where their source is .

Pomona regretted that she should have continued walking with Hagrid that day to see the huge waterfall in the cave, but she had other things to do now.

She placed the two materials on the ground, then pointed her wand at them, causing the ash and water to float from the bottle and fly towards the Goblet of Fire.

Feliway said that the Goblet of Fire seemed to be an alchemy tool, although now it was used as a referee to decide who was the "champion" who was eligible to participate in the Triwizard Tournament.

When it has made a decision, it will turn into a red flame, and then "spit" it out, and there are burnt marks around each piece of parchment.

"Do you think the formula is right?"

Just as the water and ashes were about to be poured into the Goblet of Fire, Albus said suddenly.

He was standing by the staff entrance.


"That's why you hired a substitute?" Albus asked, staring at the Goblet of Fire.

"It's the only time when no one is in the auditorium," Pomona said.

"No other reason?" Albus asked.

Pomona hesitated.

"What are you doing tonight?" Albus asked again.

"I'm modifying the Mountain-Moving Charm," Pomona said.

Albus turned his gaze to Pomona, his blue eyes the same color as the flames of the Goblet of Fire.

"Come to my office tonight."

"Yes, Headmaster."

"Put them away now," said Albus. "There are daytime things to do during the day."

Pomona immediately returned the ashes and water to the glass bottle, and Albus nodded before turning away, the star robe rustling on the ground.

Pomona watched him leave, and put the glass bottle back into the flannel pocket.

As soon as she stood up, she suddenly hiccupped.

She had a premonition that the compound potion was about to expire, so she ran away from the auditorium.

In fact, apart from night excursions, skipping classes is also a violation of school rules, so even in the daytime, she still feels nervous and afraid of being caught.

Later she thought, hey, she is already a teacher, why should she be afraid?

The moment she stopped running, a hand stretched out in the darkness, grabbed her, and brought her in.

The black cloak billowed like thick smoke, and the smell of sage reminded her of the flames burning during the centaur divination. When she woke up from the trance, she found that she was not in the Forbidden Forest, but in the broomstick.

"What did you go to the auditorium for?"

he said in a hypnotic low voice.

She didn't want to answer this question, and hooked his neck to continue the kiss just now.

This is what she did at night, and it's obviously not working tonight, so she has to make up for it during the day.

But the break between classes is only 10 minutes, what is this time enough for?

==================================================== =========

The bones of the father, the flesh of the servant, the blood of the enemy.

These were the last three ingredients added to Voldemort's resurrection potion, and everyone was so focused on his "re-emergence" that no one noticed the Portkey that had been used once and then thrown away.

Imagine that the maze is a giant octopus. If the head is cut off, the claws will not "die" immediately, but will continue to twist with muscle memory, as if it is still alive.

But this kind of "live" will not last long, and it will eventually remain motionless.

After the soprano finished singing, Duboer took his cello on stage again. There were still no ballet dancers or opera singers, but the audience seemed to have gotten used to this form of performance, and gradually quieted down, waiting for the sound of the piano.

That very night, Albus gave Pomona a number of documents in French, which he did not say were Nicolas's legacy.

In fact, his cursed hand may still be saved, although the Hufflepuff Gold Cup, which can make all potions, has been made into a Horcrux, and the Goblet of Fire is still in the headmaster's office.

But he traveled for more than half a year, with the purpose of finding the cave where the Horcrux was hidden, and he was always in such a hurry when he came back, and left after finishing his affairs.

At last he found the place, and drank the potion in the basin that caused him such agony, though he knew it might be poisonous.

As for the Inferi, which were difficult for Harry to deal with, he drove them away with "Vulcan Make a Way", which could have completely destroyed them if he was serious about dealing with them.

But it wasn't these monsters that Harry had to face in the end.

When everything is over, life returns to peace, without so many adventures and horrors, then they have time to calm down and think, read books, Severus found in the book of potions written by Sigismund Batch clue.

This potion genius lives alone on the island of Hemetra. He originally planned to make an antidote to prevent them from coming to the island every autumn, but the first version made the foxes burn and burn the plants on the island. It was all on fire, and even when Pomona and the others arrived on the island, it was a desolate place, not without a blade of grass, but with few tall trees.

There are still residents on the island. They built houses with wood. According to the traces left by their lives, they seem to have fled to the island during the spread of the Black Death.

If the timber had been brought in from somewhere else, that place might not have been so isolated, especially since Butch wrote in his diary that when he became handsome because of drinking beauty potions, there were young women rowing to the island. He also turned a Muggle neighbor into a taciturn monk with a "laughing potion".

It was only in modern times that it became a deserted island, and only children from orphanages were taken to the island for "holidays."

What really inspired Severus was the seventh chapter of "The Book of Potions". In addition to telling the story of Felix Felicia, that chapter also told the story of a wizard orphan. The Dark Lord is so obsessed with the number "seven", maybe there is some connection.

If Voldemort knew Harry was his seventh Horcrux, why did he use Avada Kedavra to destroy him?

If he hadn't known, as Albus said, that he had created it by accident, then Voldemort would have made new Horcruxes in order to make up seven, unless he felt that his soul had reached its limit and could no longer be divided. up. Then all he has to do is to remember where the Horcrux went.

Pomona believed that the seventh Horcrux was Peter Pedilu's silver prosthetic hand, which had formed from the void like a conjuration, perfect for attaching something to it.

This is different from the situation of Quirrell. Quirrell is the real body. If the soul is compared to a flame, the instinct of the flame is to expand, from sparks to prairie fires. A body can only accommodate one soul. When Voldemort's face appears on the When Quirrell's head was back, Quirrell's body was about to collapse, and there was a rotten stench that needed onions to cover up.

When Pomona found Peter, he was lying in the snow and smelling badly, and she thought he had been wandering for too long.

That hand wanted to execute Peter because his conscience found out that he didn't kill Harry, and Harry forgave him.

Hathor told her not to forgive unforgivable people casually. Although Voldemort's wand was used, it was Wormtail who cast the death curse on Cedric.

George and Fred are very short of money, and Ludo Bagman owes money and won't pay it back. There is another way they got the bird snake eggshell, which is to mortgage it for money, so that they can have the start-up capital to open the store up.

It is possible that they "didn't think so much" and extracted the substance in the eggshell of the bird and snake out of curiosity, but they did not add this substance to the skipping sugar and swallowed it like other medicines.

Severus said they were smart people, so how could they drink aging potions, try to cheat the age line, and grow white beards as a result?

They finally accepted the money that Harry sponsored them, which was the prize money of the Triwizard Tournament. Maybe they thought that, if they could participate, they must be the champions, and this prize money belonged to them.

Pomona really wanted to see, if they really succeeded, there was only one "champion" and they had two, would they have another fight in the auditorium?

At this time Dipper pulled the strings and played a cheerful song on the cello. This piece does not reflect the deep and melancholy tone of the cello, but is more suitable for a group of leprechauns to dance...

Was he a court musician, or had he taken the wrong medicine?

The rest of the audience probably didn't have the same idea as her. They were happy to listen to this piece, smiling, their legs shaking subconsciously, and they almost stood up and danced.

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