Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2734 The Land of Firebirds (42)

According to the classification of modern potions, preparations can be divided into seven categories:

1. Decoction, that is, put the medicinal materials in a crucible in order and boil them with water.

2. Infusion (infusion), just like making tea, pour boiling water into the herbs and wait for 15 minutes.

3. Macerate, put the medicinal materials into the oil, like making ointment, until the medicinal herbs lose their original color and the oil emits a strong herbal smell.

4. Ointment, the herb is put into a solid oil, either the herb or the ointment or both.

5. Poultice: Soak the medicinal herbs in boiling water, pour off the water when the medicinal herbs are completely soaked, wrap the medicinal herbs in tulle and apply directly.

6. Tincture, the reasonable way to make it is to soak the herbs in alcohol for at least two weeks.

Seven, lotion (wash), when Slughorn was the potion professor, it was an era when lotion was popular, whether it was Rohart's shampoo or Potter's hair lubricant, and Slughorn En, the bath liquid in the prefect's bathroom is all lotion.

The headmaster at the time followed Slughorn's advice and allowed him to provide body wash for the prefects' bathrooms in the form of the "Eternal Potion", which does not mean "eternal" after drinking the potion , despite the fact that vampiric ashes are included in the ingredients used to make this potion. It expresses a state of inexhaustibility, which will fill itself up after consumption.

At the beginning, everyone didn't think too much, just to save money and trouble, after all, the bathtub in the prefect's bathroom is so big. After Severus used a shower gel that was more suitable for each of them in the bathroom of the resident teachers, everyone realized that it was impossible to change the shower gel in the prefect's room.

According to Albus Dumbledore's understanding of the fire bush, it is also in a state similar to the eternal potion. The wood consumed by the flame is quickly replenished, unlike ordinary fire, which burns out the wood before it goes out. And the new subject he gave to Pomona was the study of vampires.

Muggles believe that a vampire can be killed by piercing the heart with an ash stake or beheading. They will be suspended for a while, and then the extraordinary ability to regenerate will make them crawl out of the grave like a normal person. If you want to kill a vampire, the best way is to use a high-temperature fire. Muggles can't reach the temperature of the flame when they use the fire. This is taught in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class in the first, second and third grades of Hogwarts. Therefore, the vampire also invented a kind of magic like the wizard, which can be resurrected with ashes, just like the freezing fire spell, so that the flame does not feel pain when the wizard burns.

This kind of vampire-specific magic first appeared in Transylvania, and only Transylvania's vampire legend mentioned the word "posthuman".

There are already vampire legends in 4000 BC, when the vengeful Babylonian Idim consumed the lives of all living people, but blood-sucking was not mentioned at that time.

Later, Babylon was destroyed by the Persian Empire, and a vampire appeared in Persian legends. The name of this vampire was Paris. The Trojan War probably took place around 1190 BC. Finally, Troy was conquered by the Greeks, and then Greece was conquered by Rome. According to the records of Tacitus and other historians, the Romans called themselves Trojans at that time. Since Alexander the Great opened the Hellenistic era, the Aegean civilization and the Mesopotamian civilization have been in constant conflict.

Romania (romania) literally refers to the place of the Romans, but there is a certain distance from the mainland of the Roman Empire. The people who live there are not Romans, but Latinized Dacians and Thracians , Celts, and Illyrians, before the arrival of the Roman army, these ancient peoples already existed and lived in the vast land of the lower reaches of the Danube.

The Indo-European language used at that time, when the territory of the Roman Empire extended to the Danube, Latin also came to this place, but the Romans did not let the Romanians learn to speak Latin, but were "melted" by the Romanians to form Romanian a part of.

Before Charlie and the others left, Pomona planned to find out more about Romania. Although Percy told the Weasleys that he had a way to keep Charlie until the end of the third mission, Arthur and Molly followed Dumbledore's advice and let Charlie go back to the Romanian Fire Dragon Sanctuary, after all He has just graduated, and there are still many people who want to become a dragon tamer.

Squeezing too much information in a short amount of time made Pomona dizzy, like someone who eats too much can't digest, and she walked back numbly. Halfway on the way, she heard voices in the forest, and looked through the gaps in the bushes, and it turned out that Cedric and his friends were practicing duel.

Harry is currently "training", and Minerva allows him to use the Transfiguration classroom during his lunch break to prepare for the third mission.

Originally, Pomona thought that Moody was in charge of training Harry and Minerva was in charge of training Cedric, but she didn't see Minerva watching at all, only a few students were groping for themselves.

She was a little annoyed, but just as she was about to go, Severus' voice sounded.

"Where are you?"

She looked around, but found that she didn't see him. Only then did she remember the double-sided mirror in the flannel pocket, so she took it out in a panic.

"Hi." She waved at the mirror in embarrassment, and Severus looked ugly.

"Where are you?" he asked again.

"On the way back to the castle." She answered immediately.

"I'll wait for you in Greenhouse No. 1." He said with a cold face, turned the double-sided mirror upside down, and the mirror was pitch black, and he couldn't see anything.

She put the mirror back in her pocket and hurried back, and when she got to Greenhouse No. 1, she found that it wasn't just Snape waiting for her, but also a Ravenclaw fifth-year boy.

He is Chester Davis, the younger brother of Roger Davis, the Ravenclaw Quidditch captain and Seeker who attended the Yule Ball with Fleur Delacour. Likes potions and herbs, and doesn't like dating girls that much.

After the Yule Ball, Fleur stopped paying attention to Roger Davies, so he turned to Cedric's girlfriend Cho Chang, especially since he knew Harry had dated her.

After fifth grade, Roger stopped playing Quidditch very much and was replaced by Cho as Seeker, but Cho also had a competitor in Andrei, who had sent Taubert to the hospital wing that night. Aigewu, he always wears a purple scarf, these two people and Chester often play together...


"He wants to ask you a question." Snape said coldly, "Do you still have a headache now?"

Pomona gaped.

"Tell her your question." Snape pushed Chester forward, just as he pushed Draco, who had been knocked down by Harry's spell, to stand up on the "stage" of the Dueling Club.

"Why can't broad-spectrum antidotes cure Hu Meizi's poison?" Chester said dryly.

"Shouldn't this be a question of Potions?" Pomona said.

Snape sneered, "You're a busy man."

Her mind was in a mess, and finally she asked Chester ferociously, "How did you think of asking this?"

"I...I saw medicine candy in the medical wing..." Chester stammered.

"Do you think the candy is a potion or a herbal medicine?" the old bat asked triumphantly.

Pomona really wants to give him a grin now, to make him smile more happily, so as not to hold back the panic!

"What else do you want?" the herbal medicine professor asked the potion professor.

He smiled contemptuously, "You still say it's a problem with the potion?"

Pomona calmed down a little, and looked at Chester, "These two antidotes work in different directions..."

"So you're going over the line explaining about potions?" Snape said.

You know, the mood, the lion wants to kill the snake with its claws, and now the badger wants to bite it with its teeth.

"It's like the horned llama and the unicorn." Pomona looked at Chester. "The horned camel is aggressive by nature, the unicorn avoids conflict, but when it does attack it will stab your chest with its horn. ,do you understand?"

Chester looked at Pomona, then at Snape, and remained silent for a long time.

"Remember when you were kicked unconscious by the unicorn when you were a child, Severus." Pomona smiled sweetly. "You want to collect some powder from its horns."

Snape looked at Chester.

"I didn't hear anything!" Chester said quickly, as if planning to cast an oblivion spell on himself.

"Don't embarrass him. If you want to say something, you can say it directly." Pomona pulled Chester aside.

"You can go," Snape said.

Chester ran away immediately.

When he was far away, Snape smiled and said, "Davis has talent, why waste time on Longbottom? Don't you think this is a waste of Davis' talent?"

She didn't know why he was embarrassing Neville again.

"It's been two weeks. Is it so difficult just to think of a name?" He said suddenly, "Or you forgot again!"

"That has nothing to do with what we're talking about!" She couldn't help raising her voice.

"I won't be the same as last time, let you think about it slowly." He warned grimly, "I remind you and tell you that you still have three days, and I want an answer."

Pomona didn't ask what would happen if there was no answer.

Few couples who broke up can still go back to being friends. After becoming enemies, how can we talk about affection?

All animals know how to defend themselves and how to attack their enemies. The bees were not taught to build a nest or how to use a stinger, but they also know how to use it, even though they have never seen it before and only once.

Severus was gone, reminding her of a doe, a timid and sharp animal that didn't even have the majestic antlers of a stag, but had flexible legs and could survive by escaping.

She opened the door of the conservatory, went back to her office, took a small bottle of palliative from a drawer and swallowed it.

Even if you don't eat or touch any poison, if there is no virus entering, you will be poisoned yourself. This self-intoxication phenomenon is due to indigestion, or poisoning by self-produced toxins, which manifests itself in problems such as constipation, body aches, unexplained fatigue, or acne. The cure requires long-term sleep and a healthy diet. Taking medicine is not good for the body, and the main thing is to rely on self-healing.

"Go to sleep, just sleep for a while."

She seemed to hear what Albus said, and then, as if she had received some kind of guidance, she came to the bed in the preparation room and lay down, basking in the late spring sunlight coming in through the glass, and slowly fell asleep.

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