Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2738 Firebird Land (forty-six)

Compared to "some" potions scholars, Cassino dabbled in a lot of Muggle research materials. In 1767, an Italian toxicologist named Abbe Fontana wrote a monograph on snake venom. Doctors at the time believed that snake venom was either acidic or alkaline, and it needed to be mixed with liquid ammonia or liquid alkali. A small amount of amber oil is used to treat specific poisonous snakes and release the acidic substances in the snake venom to achieve the purpose of treatment.

Fontana pointed out that venom is neither acid nor alkali, and proved through experiments that using ammonia to treat poisonous snake bites is ineffective, and by dissecting the teeth of poisonous snakes, he explained that poisonous snakes bite animals and inject them into animals through hollow fangs The system in the body, not all venomous snakes can spray poison like cobras.

The color and shape of snake venom are strange, some are like honey, some are like condensed milk, and some snake venom can decompose muscle, and some snake venom can cause blood coagulation reaction. Cobra venom contains anticoagulant ingredients, which itself is a kind of nerve Toxins, if the blood stops flowing, it will affect the flow of toxins throughout the body.

People at the time believed that, if not for the deadly venom, the body had a detoxification system that would reduce the toxins over time. But Fontana conducted experiments, and if the amputation can be done in time before the toxin enters the circulatory system, then the creature can survive.

Some people like to use poisonous snakes to make wine, but they must not use fresh poisonous snakes. You need to dry and bake the poisonous snakes, drain the snake venom from the fangs, remove the poisonous glands, and let the poisonous snakes lose their toxicity before brewing.

But it also depends on the concentration of alcohol. If the concentration of ethanol is not enough, the concentration of snake venom is too high, and medicinal wine will also become poisonous wine. It is also a medicinal material soaked in wine, and the low-concentration wine can only be used externally to treat rheumatism and the like. High-concentration ethanol tinctures can be taken orally. The production process does not necessarily have to be static, but there are also processes such as heating, distillation, and purification. The poisonous components are extracted and removed by using the volatilization and heat resistance of alcohol.

Some venoms will not dissolve in spirits and oils, but will be precipitated by alcohol, because the characteristics of venom are similar to gum arabic. Fontana defined snake venom as a kind of animal glue, which was not recognized by other scientists until 1860 The venom is proteotoxic.

His studies continued until 1799, when the Archduke of Austria, who supported Napoleon's work, was forced to leave Florence after Napoleon's entry due to the war between France and Austria.

This ill-fated scholar was born in the family of a royal notary in northern Italy one year. He had a fairly happy childhood, but when he was young, his family was in trouble and he had to return to his hometown to work as a school worker. Although he was 27 He began to receive scientific attention at the age of 36, but it was not until he was 36 that he was summoned by the Archduke of Austria, who won funding by having him look through a microscope at microbes found in still water.

He later set up a museum for the Grand Duke, and visited Paris and London successively to expand the collection of the museum. After the Grand Duke left, Fontana believed that he had an obligation to ensure the integrity of the museum. He lived directly in the museum and used the museum to grow flowers. Grass, until his death at the age of 74.

Compared with some people whose fate is really rough, Fontana seems to be relatively smooth, but the most difficult part of life is actually the ten years from 27 to 37 years old, when he was not recognized.

Most people will start a family and start a business during this time, or enjoy love and life while young and beautiful, but he spends his time in laboratories and various poisonous snakes.

Moreover, due to people's long-standing prejudice against poisonous snakes, without the support of the Grand Duke, he may remain unknown for a lifetime, and human understanding of snake venom and toxicology will not advance by leaps and bounds because of him.

Some enzymes are simple proteins that can catalyze both inside and outside the cell. When a person cuts an apple, it quickly turns brown. This browning not only affects the color of the food, but also affects the taste. Represents decay and deterioration.

But browning is not all harmful. Coffee and bread can also produce burnt yellow during the roasting process, which can cause aroma. During the cooking process, the enzymes inherent in the processed raw materials will also produce a variety of enzymatic chemical reactions.

High temperature can indeed kill many microorganisms, but not all microorganisms can be killed by high temperature. There are high-temperature-resistant bacteria near submarine craters. They can survive by using enzymes in their bodies.

Enzymes can improve the fresh and tender taste of meat, but they also have deadly toxins. In short, herbal alchemy is not as lovely as staghorn wine after entering a certain stage.

Pomona got a headache just looking at these things, how complicated is it to cook a meal. When she was accompanied by Severus before, she could barely sit still. She couldn't be more restless than her junior.

Now she has a fair excuse to stop reading Cassino's book after she put it on the shelf. She lives in this place, and if Jennifer has a problem she can't solve, she is always there to help.

Because she had time, she could read the French materials that Albus showed her. Although Paracelsus was born after Nicholas, Nicholas who drank the elixir obviously knew him.

Paracelsus once put forward the theory of fighting poison with poison, that is, if there is any poison in the body, it should be treated with similar poison, but the key lies in the mastery of the dose.

"Fighting poison with poison" is not using the poison of scorpions to deal with centipedes, but treating the human body as a battlefield. For example, snake venom serum, it first "squeezes" the venom from the snake's fangs, and injects it into the body of a horse or other animal. The venom that can kill a mouse may not necessarily kill the horse. The horse will produce antibodies that neutralize the venom. Antivenom is purified from antibodies extracted from horse blood.

Small doses of healing substances can also heal people. Paracelsus opposed the use of panaceas. "Sugar" compound pills, which contain myrrh, snake meat and other substances, often do not treat the symptoms properly, and instead lead to worsening of the condition.

Now her situation is like a student who knows that the final exam is approaching, but is still wandering around.

About two or three days later, the door of the secret study was opened with a "bang", Snape looked at her angrily, and she smiled at him in a daze.

"How much sugar have you eaten?" He said coldly.

"Hi!" Pomona waved at him.

He used "clear water like a spring" on her, and she woke up a lot after being drenched in cold water.

Then he took her by the hand and left the burrow.

The wind in April is still a bit cold on the body, but the most important thing is how the sun outside is so dazzling.

She felt dizzy, and Snape kindly shaded her from the sun.

"Where did you get those candies?"

"Dumbledore's place, Madam Maxime gave it to him." Pomona said pitifully.

He took a candy and sniffed it.

"You look like a guinea pig." He said indifferently.

Pomona didn't like the metaphor, and she didn't want her Animagus to be a rat.

Then she was taken back to the castle, to the Slytherin dungeon.

She was placed on a stool in the Potions classroom, and within moments he brought her a glass of "orange juice" from the office.

"You want to say that you don't want to take medicine?" He smiled and said in a particularly soft tone.

Pomona took the potion and swallowed the spicy and bitter taste. She almost thought that she also drank the enhanced bone spirit.

"Oh~" She covered her head and wailed.

Snape looked at her with a sardonic smile.

"What's wrong with me?" Pomona took a while to recover.

"Hangover, there's amphora mead in the candy you eat."

Pomona pulled her hair. She thought Madame Maxime had added poison to Dumbledore's sugar.

Amphora mead is very ~~expensive, and the wine starts to be consumed the moment the bottle is opened, so it must be drunk as soon as possible.

"That's what Albus told me." Pomona said feebly, struggling with the hangover, "Go ahead and finish it."

"So you've been eating 'sugar' these days?" Severus asked.

"No, this is my reward, I just got it last night." Pomona said with a bitter face.

"And then you can't wait to have it all to yourself?"

She looked at the guy in front of her who had sprayed her with poison.

"You didn't like candy before, and how did I know that the candy was made of wine."

He looked at her quietly.

"I did it." She smiled softly. "I floated the maze."

This is what she discovered when she dug the basement that night and reworked it. The stratum structure is like a thousand-layer cake, with layers of soil of different colors layered on top of each other. Although she found no fossils, she found a lot of plant remains.

Obviously, the plants grow in these soils, and she once spent a summer adjusting the composition of the dragon manure to change the soil into the way she wanted. So what she needs to do is not to let the whole mountain float up, but to let the soil that meets certain characteristics float up together with the plants inside. She tries not to change the mountain-moving spell, and changes the moving target from "all" It was changed to a "special case", and it succeeded when the experiment was repeated. Albus was very happy and gave her the box of French candies as a reward.

"You want me to congratulate you?" Severus asked deadpan.

"I want to ask you one thing. What is Felix Rossier's future employment goal? I remember that the employment counseling for the fifth grade has ended." Pomona also looked at him calmly "He is going to go old road?"

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean." She stood up, and although she was short, she propped herself up on the table like Albus, making herself look taller. "Will he follow the Dark Lord like his relatives?"

"He won't be staying in England," Severus said coldly as well.

"Where is he going?" Pomona asked.

"Romania, Fire Dragon Reserve, he wants to be a dragon trainer." He smiled sarcastically, "If you didn't care about chatting with Charlie, you wouldn't have noticed that he was also in the dragon's lair."

Pomona froze for a moment.

"He wants to study the Peruvian Venomtooth and crack the cure for dragon pox. Do you want to say that it is an incurable disease?"

Pomona did not directly answer his question.

"No wonder he was sorted into Slytherin." Pomona sat down again and sighed heavily, "Do you think so, too, that only useless trash is sorted into Hufflepuff House?"

She was so frustrated that even the newspapers only had Harry Potter news, and Cedric didn't mention it at all.

"If you want something, go for it, and don't think that opportunities will fall on everyone's head fairly." Snape said calmly, "Life is not fair."

Pomona watched him, raised her calf on a whim, and rubbed his ankle against his pant leg.

He stiffened.

"You mean like this?" she said curiously, feeling extremely amused.

He glared at her angrily.

"There is a kind of people who are born humble, but want what they were not born with, so they try desperately to 'fight for', but they fall hard in the end, and they don't catch anything."

"You mean me?"

"No, dear, how come I'm talking about you? How is Patsy?"

He didn't answer.

"I guess he must be very angry now. Obviously he is the best kid in the family, but Molly and Arthur don't listen to him, but listen to outsiders." Pomona said with a smile.

"You mean, his parents made him look bad?" Severus asked.

"No, I don't think so." Pomona pulled his legs back and stood up. "I think he can only hate Albus Dumbledore, a man who is admittedly smart."

He seemed about to lunge at her, but Pomona pointed his wand at him.

"Don't act rashly, Severus, I don't want to hurt you."

"You can try it," he said grimly, drawing his wand from his sleeve.

A firefly flew out of the fireplace and flew slowly in front of the two of them.

She thought of that thunderstorm evening and the small private medicine storage room. At that time, she felt that something was about to break free from his body.

He may not be an Animagus like Sirius, but he can "molt" like a growing snake.

If she is really a guinea pig, wouldn't it be the snake's "dinner"?

"Thank you for the hangover cure." She put down her wand.

"You're welcome." He said still cautiously.

She smiled at him and left the cellar.

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