Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2743 Firebird Land (51)

An Eternal Candle is an enchanted candle that burns infinitely. The candles used to be put in the helmets of the armor when the students spent Christmas at school.

Because of the Christmas holiday, there are very few people celebrating the holidays in the school. Even if the candles can't burn out, no one has the thought to clean them up, leaving them in the armor that hasn't been cleaned for many years.

And on Hallow's Eve, candles were put into jack-o'-lanterns, which Pomona didn't pay attention to for a long time.

Anyone who likes to make plans and stick to them is also prone to aversion to change.

Just like when a beginner plays chess, after envisioning some "smart moves", he expects the opponent to play chess as he thinks, so that he can win "as expected".

But the tricks of the novice can be easily cracked by the veteran. If he is merciful, the novice may not lose interest in playing chess because of losing too badly.

On the second day after the "chessboard" was laid out, an "accident" happened, and the whole maze was shrouded in thick fog, making it impossible to see anything.

This anomaly has drawn the attention of many, including those who thought the labyrinth hadn't started, and they thought it had finally begun.

Ludo Bagman expressed his desire to go in to the headmaster, and Albus let him in too. In a sense, the fog also plays a role in obstructing the line of sight and protecting secrets, but it cannot be ignored because who knows what Bagman did in the maze.

Originally Pomona wanted to use a tornado instead of hot and cold water to create a vortex, but now she no longer needs it. She started to make Hogwarts auditorium candles, which are not only a "special product" for Mrs. Maxim, but also can be used to drive away Moisture away. As for the hidden candles that are lit, it is also easy to hide, just use the invisibility spell and Dumbledore's extinguisher to suck the light source away.

In India there is a kind of candle tree, a tropical tree that is so dark that it does not burn like a tinder bush by itself.

The seeds and fruit of Candleberry are safe to eat. The dried fruit contains about 60% oil and can be ignited directly after drying. Its seeds have a layer of wax-like pseudo-skin. Muggles will use hot water to boil the wax on the skin of the candle tree, and then dry the fruit. After it cools down, you can see the wax floating on the water, and then make this layer of wax into a candle.

Light used to be expensive, and European candles were made of beeswax and tallow, which even a king could not afford to burn. At night, everyone can only gather in the hall with burning torches for banquets, dancing, and toasting.

Reading was a privilege, and it was in the hands of the church, a time known as the Dark Middle Ages. Even in the East, reading is a luxury, and people who are not wealthy enough cannot study.

No one thought that the Triwizard Tournament would end in that way, and everyone's contact was not broken because of the end of the grand event.

Fleur, who returned to France, went to Gringotts in the UK for an internship after graduation, and met Bill. They didn't know that they had been in the same time and space until then through talking.

They got engaged after only a year of knowing each other, and Molly was horrified that she would have preferred Bill to be with Tonks, but Tonks preferred Remusloo, who was decades older than her. flat.

After Sybill Trelawney, the future booze-storage, was thrown out of the Room of Requirement, Severus returned, looking like he'd done something inconsequential, lying comfortably next to her.

In such a dark place, lit only by the flames in the fireplace outside, she wondered what he could see, what did she look like? It doesn't matter if it's beautiful or ugly.


Perhaps sensing her critical gaze, Severus asked.

Pomona turned away from him, wrapped in a blanket.

Harry Potter made it difficult for him and his godson, but he took care of Harry anyway, because Harry had the same eyes as Lily.

"I'm being rude?" he said in a smug tone.

Why would Sybil open the door to this room?

Maybe it was because she wanted to hide the wine, she needed a dark place, and she felt guilty because professors were not supposed to drink.

She didn't speak, and he didn't continue to ask. He lay back in his position and breathed a long sigh of relief. It didn't take long to hear his breathing become slow and long.

Other than that, there was only the sound of firewood burning in the fireplace. She didn't see the fire, but she couldn't help but imagine the dancing flames in her mind, and the firebird in her dream, which seemed to be dancing in the dark .


Mrs. Maxim soon thought of sleep magic after seeing the dragon trainers using sleep potions to transport dragons. If the dragon's resistance to magic also works on sleep potions, then the dragon would not fall asleep so easily. , and was controlled.

So in the first event of the Triwizard Tournament, Fleur used the Stunning Curse, but even so, she was still ignited by the dragon fire after getting the golden egg. Fortunately, she extinguished it with a spring of clear water.

"She's lucky," Bill said to Pomona after leaving Dumbledore's office, and they were on their way to the Grand Staircase. "I've heard dragonfires don't go out that easily."

"Probably because the dragon was asleep and snoring." Pomona replied, "Since you are coming back, why didn't you come back sooner? You missed a lot of wonderful things."

"I rushed back as soon as I received the letter and attended as Harry Potter's 'family'," Bill said.

Pomona thought of Cedric, who had asked his parents if they could come and see the Third Mission game.

Now that Bill is here from Egypt, maybe Fleur and Victor Krum's parents are back too, although the Weasleys and Harry aren't "real family".

Harry saw his parents in the Mirror of Erised, will he accept these "new family members"?

Maybe her worry was unnecessary, because it was all arranged by Albus, although it was just a coincidence that Ron and Harry were in the same box when they took the Hogwarts Express for the first time.

Soon they were at the grand staircase, and the portraits hanging on the walls were barely touched, just as they were when Bill graduated.

Then they looked together at the portrait that had trapped Phoebe before, where now hung a portrait of a witch, one of the Headmasters of Hogwarts, Edsa Skenderberg, who lived at 15 Century, whose specialty was Muggle history, stood before her a Ravenclaw student whom Pomona recognized from his purple scarf as Andre Eggwood.

Indian elephants often pull besiegers or fortifications, protecting archers, like a moving fortress.

The role of the castle was originally for military purposes, and Hogwarts had other defensive measures besides the "protective cover", but the grand staircase has always been ignored.

Not only Phoebe, but also Sirius Black tried to break into the Gryffindor lounge, so Edessa's portrait was hung here, and there was also a portrait of her in the principal's office. If she found something unusual, she would immediately Report to the principal.

Andre Eggwood didn't seem to be plotting wrongdoing. He was asking Edessa a question about Muggle history, and judging from the difficulty of the questions he asked, he didn't ask them for elective courses.

Then Pomona thought of the freshman Ravenclaw who had looked at the armor and asked her why it moved.

Today's children are not like the previous era when information was blocked and transportation was underdeveloped. They have many ways to get in touch with information. We should not think that they know less when they are young.

The feeling of being caught up by young juniors is not as gratifying and proud as parents feel when they see their children are outstanding, but a kind of pressure. When people are old, their ability to accept new things is indeed not as good as that of young people, but if they don't want to be caught up by the "back wave", they must continue to make progress, just like being pushed by an invisible hand.

If you follow, you are drifting with the tide, and if you don't follow, you will be a "stumbling block".

"Let's go." Bill said, he didn't intend to go to that platform, and walked down the stairs to the cultural relics exhibition hall.

Many teachers liked Bill, including Patricia Linnaeus, and there were plenty of students who wished they had stayed on, but who would want to work with someone they didn't like?

Sybil seldom went to the teacher's lounge, and always stayed alone in the tower, either studying the crystal ball or drinking, after all, her speech was always an inaccurate "prophecy".

But Albus Dumbledore hired her because of her prophecy, and the Mysterious Man was really defeated.

If you don't believe that the mother keeps the child's real name and has the ability to resurrect her beloved son, why do you believe that the mother has the ability to sacrifice herself for love and the magic power generated can rebound the Avada Kedavra?

If the mother has a dark side, it will appear terrifying. She should burn like a candle, illuminating the surroundings, instead of poisoning the only way for Ra to resurrect Osiris like Isis.

The kids want a kind mother, but she's hard to come by because she's a witch.


A gust of wind blew through and closed the secret door of the bookshelf.

The only light disappeared, like a candle being blown out, and the people behind her hugged her, as if they had changed to a more comfortable sleeping position.

Pomona listened to his even breathing, but didn't feel sleepy.

It might be an illusion, she felt as if she heard Bellatrix's very "characteristic" laughter.

So she shrank back and hid in the warm and generous embrace, as if it could bring her a sense of security.

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