Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2759 Song of the Swan (7)

Makeup is a must for every actor. They are responsible for presenting the writer’s almost dreamlike and hallucinatory imagination. The backstage of the theater stage is no different from other occasions. There are servants and maids serving the actors everywhere.

Only half of these characters are real, whether they are kings, queens, princes, princesses, and the other half are the actors who wear these costumes. good".

Even a lesser-known actress, if she had her own lounge, would be stuffed with flowers. Even sometimes she may encounter this situation, suddenly there is a jewelry box in front of her makeup mirror, which contains a valuable necklace.

She knew it was given to her by a famous libertine, but the problem was that she couldn't easily refuse him. This person is like an annoying leech, it's not easy to get rid of if he sticks to him, and he will spread rumors and slander a person's reputation until he sees his next target.

But if she took his necklace, then she would be "his", and others would talk about it behind her back.

It is not easy for an actress to keep her innocence. She is in the middle of "right and wrong", and the best way is to leave the place of right and wrong as soon as possible.

Dorian Gray's fiancée did not have other suitors. He paid off her debts and bought clothes for her, but she despised him as vulgar and not enough for a gentleman. Her mother was more sensible, knowing that he had spent a lot of money on her daughter, how could she be so light-hearted and just say "I don't love him" like the wind blows and forget it.

Emma of Nelson also had a similar experience. Without marriage protection, she was finally "handed off" by Lord Hamilton to Sir Hamilton. She was so angry that she lost her mind and vowed to degenerate and let the whole of London know what happened to her.

Now Georgiana felt that she could not be blamed for her bad fate, and Albus hoped that she could spend her time and energy on the right path, but she refused to listen and wanted a taste of love.

There is a room in the Tuileries Palace. After going out from the reception room, go through a long corridor, go down a staircase, and come to a small door with a small window. Monitor the cell door outside, there is a line on the door:

Whoever enters this gate will give up all hope.

It is exactly the same as the one engraved on the gate of hell in Dante's Divine Comedy.

Behind this door is Bonaparte's office, which has a large desk with a rosewood mosaic pattern of musical instruments, which is said to have belonged to Louis XVI.

Although Harry is kind by nature, he is easy to be manipulated by others. Fortunately, he met a chess player with a conscience. Albus collected all the Deathly Hallows, and hoped that these magical items that can be the master of death can protect him. Life.

The Golden Snitch that stored the Resurrection Stone was originally placed in the trophy showroom. The trophies representing honor were polished by the students in confinement. It is said that dragon blood has a strong detergency, but the trophy room is filled with The smell of trophy cleaner, not blood.

In the fairy tale, Alisa accepted the gifts of three suitors, but she didn't choose the best one, which made her father very angry, because no matter it was the devil, the water monster or the duke, he, a little miller, could not offend her. of.

Alisa still thinks about Henry, but Henry is still waiting for his princess by the pond, just like the beautiful boy in Greek mythology, but instead of falling in love with the reflection in the water, he sings a sad song to express his love for the princess. like.

So she used the last method, hoping that the suitors would have a singing competition, and she would choose the one who sang the best as her groom.

Each participant is meaningless, until the three find out that there is a fourth contestant, and the judge Alyssa has already given the "champion" to the fourth contestant.

"It's not fair!" cried the Duke.

The water demon and the little devil chose to quit, they thought the jealousy and anger of human beings were too terrible, and they didn't want to be contaminated.

The ending of the fairy tale is that the lovers of Elisa and Henry finally get married, but it does not mention whether there is still the "right of the first night" in that era.

Compared to the curse, Henry's first "challenge" may be this.

He may not be afraid of demons and water monsters, but he cannot ignore the laws of the human world. The duke is his lord, Henry is just a farmer, the duke will not exercise the right of first night to all the village girls, the right of first night is a kind of tax, and ordinary people just pay two words, but it is different for Alyssa, the duke can The asking price is very high. For example, if you want to go to the miller's mill, Henry will probably take Alisa back to live in his village.

When the king goes to war, he needs soldiers, and if Henry is chosen, he will, like the bridegroom in another story, make the tomb their new home.

This is a feudal society, where happiness belongs to a few people, and most people can only "imagine" going to heaven after death.

But as long as you buy the Atonement Scroll, the most sinful people in front of you can go to heaven. Maybe the Duke will also buy some privileges in heaven one day, so that he can continue to embarrass this young couple in heaven.

Who wants future generations to repeat their old ways? In fact, Henry didn't go very far. The world he has seen is still not broad enough, but at least he has seen more than his father. If he obeys his father's arrangement and marries a girl from the village, he will be like his father and live his whole life. I can no longer leave the village where I was born.

He left the village because the people around him didn't understand him, and although his dreams were not quite the same as those of Don Quixote, they were all "fools" on a journey.

This tarot card is both the beginning and the end, representing infinite possibilities, just like the symbol representing infinity on the head of the magician, and the next card of the fool is the magician.

"one person?"

Georgiana turned her head and found that the person who greeted her was...

"Are you the mayor's brother?"

"The mayor's brother is over there." The young man pointed to the other side, and Mayor's brother Linden said, "My full name is Gallus Joannis Battista von Langen Horn, you can call me Joannis. "

"Why not Gallus (judocus)?" Georgiana said.

“Someone said the word doesn’t have a good meaning in Dutch and reminds me of Judas,” Joannis said. “They just donated a castle to house orphans, which sounds like a good deed.”

"You don't think so?"

"What's the difference between an orphan living in a luxurious castle and an orphan living in a shabby house? They both lack love."

"Love is a luxury, at least they don't have to worry about being sent to a factory or working as a chimney worker." Georgiana drank the champagne in one gulp "By the way, I don't think Gallus is a bad name, in Brittany There is a saint by that name."

"Unfortunately, I'm not a saint," Joannis said with a smile.

"Then you are a sinner?" she asked.

"I'm a 'fool'." Joannis raised the wine glass in her hand and touched the glass in her hand.

"My glass is empty," said Georgiana.

"How about a Summoning Charm?" Joannis said.

She felt an unspeakable weirdness.

"See those two people without champagne?" Joannis pointed not far away. "They are envoys from Romania."

She felt confused and incomprehensible.

"They were your Christmas present," Joannis said.

"What do you mean?" Georgiana asked.

"In this world, there is no country like Romania, where are you going to put your dragon?"

She was in shock.

"Your suffering is over, my dear. I hope you enjoy the world." Joannis smiled and said, "Soon you will find that it will bring you a lot of fun."

Georgiana watched him leave, lowered her head in a daze, and looked at the wine glass in her hand.

The originally empty wine glass was refilled with wine, just like the Muggle used magic just now.

"Who are you?" Georgiana said to his back.

"I've already told you, I'm a 'fool'." Joannis said without looking back, and then blended into the crowd and disappeared.

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