Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2767 Tome and Scroll (Part 2)

Gerald Rohart is a best-selling author. The stories he wrote are really wonderful in terms of single plots, but after "Vampire and Sailing", he was admitted to St. Mungo's Hospital because of an amnesiac spell. Works now.

When she watched the "vampire" stories in the early years, the wolf-like monster reminded her of Zewodangmon. Gevaudan is located near Languedoc in the south of France, while the hometown of Baron Gilles de Rais is in Brittany. Their geographical location is so far apart, and Gevaudan is not like Zouwu. Apparation, can move from the south of France to the west of France at once.

Kant said that human cognition begins with experience, and human cognition is stimulated to act. If there are no two "forms" of time and space, things cannot be presented to us.

The concept of transcending time and space is unimaginable, but it is a part of life for wizards. Every student needs to learn to Apparate. He or she can move anywhere at any time. You can even bring people from other countries to the scene of the Quidditch World Cup in England regardless of the distance.

The haunted mirror on the fourth floor does not move people or a certain space. It is like a switch when a train changes lanes. It will move in a certain order and at a certain time, so that the secret passage behind the mirror and a certain space connected. After that time, the turnout is active again, and it is impossible to return from the original road. It will wait until the next turn of the "switch" to connect the space where the adventurer is in and Hogwarts. If the adventurer can wait until then .

It stands to reason that he could Apparate, but the same anti-Apparition spell was used there as at Hogwarts. People will stand on the ground, and some people even think that the soil will stain their shoes, but "earth" is also one of the four elements, although it does not have the lightness of wind, the enthusiasm of fire and the changeability of water, it will bring Bondage, including ghosts after death.

The spell that restricts human apparition is ineffective for "beasts". Human apparition needs to "clearly" know where they want to go, and Zouwu can understand where people want to go through "feeling". Taking Scamander's apparation, he left the French Ministry of Magic, which also had an anti-apparation spell, and came to the Pere Lachaise Cemetery.

It can also feel good and evil, and the circus owner needs to chain it to keep it from running away. It was like a cat in front of Newt Scamander. Scamander didn't need to chain it at all, and was worried that it would run away. Instead, he used its "nature" to leave the dangerous situation.

When Harry wanted a place where he could do Defense Against the Dark Arts, Sirius suggested he use the room behind the mirror on the fourth floor. If it wasn't for the accident later on, the robbers planned to clear it out for Remus' transformation on the night of the full moon, instead of going to the Screaming Shack.

It's probably broken for some reason, so it's stuck in that broken tunnel, and Harry didn't use it in fifth year.

That story wasn't all false either, like Lockhart's. Rice has a very high talent for language, and even has a great insight into classical literature. In the dark middle ages, aristocrats like him were relatively well-educated.

The long-term disappearance of children on the territory made the nearby residents suspicious, but instead of attacking the castle with torches and rakes like in the movie, they reported the matter to the Inquisition and secular courts. After receiving the report, the Duke and the Bishop of Nantes launched an investigation. When they found out the real culprit, they immediately arrested Rice and his accomplices and handed them over to the church court and the secular court for trial.

Montesquieu said that vassals are not named vassals because they own land, they can get land as a reward precisely because they are vassals. It is not so easy to move the king's vassals. Although Rice's servants have all confessed, as long as there is no king's approval, neither the religious inquisition nor the secular court can punish Rice, and he can even refuse to obey the summons. Go to court for trial.

Rice refused to plead guilty because he had no fear, but the "help" of King Charles VII has not come for a long time.

This means that Rice was abandoned, so Rice, like Joan of Arc, finally accepted the stake.

In the book she read, someone wrote: There is only one kind of good in the world, that is knowledge, and there is only one kind of evil, that is ignorance.

There are also people in this world who use knowledge to do evil. If power and knowledge are handed over to the wrong person, the damage caused may be greater than when he was "ignorant". What's more, Rice not only has knowledge, but also power and prestige.

Even though the case has been closed, there are still rumors that the case was fabricated, a trap set up by the church and the Duke of Brittany, Vivio, to seize the land of Rice. It is also said that the Duke of Rice once saved Joan's life and expressed sympathy for her death. Anyway, there are different opinions, and it never stops.

In 1749, the Ministry of Magic warned vampires. At that time, there were rumors in Paris that Louis XV had leprosy and needed to be bathed in the blood of children. This legend is easily reminiscent of the vampire Countess Elizabeth Bartoli. Mrs. Elizabeth Bartoli is also elegant and dignified. Before her true colors are revealed, the girls' parents send their children to her castle to learn etiquette, but why do vampires spread such unfavorable rumors?

Jack the Ripper couldn't find the real culprit, so the Ministry of Magic found a vampire to burn it to ashes.

By 1750, the serial disappearance of children had caused the angry citizens of Paris to tear the police chief Rabe to pieces, and even Louis XV had lost the popularity.

So will there be a group of people who want to continue Rice's research and continue to make the Philosopher's Stone.

Baron Rice used vagrants. He coaxed the children into giving them a warm place to live and providing them with food. people.

But for children with parents in their care, they have all of these, and it is not so easy to seduce them.

She didn't think of it before, because she read too many books like a "bookworm".

Voldemort's pride did not allow him to rely on weak people. In fact, he didn't regard other "weak people" as human beings at all. Whether they were Muggles or pure-blood nobles, if they were unhappy, they would use the Avada Kedavra Curse.

But even though he regards people like ants, because of his knowledge, he also knows that the Philosopher's Stone was not made by Rice's method.

The Romanian longhorn had dark green scales and golden horns that stood out even in the dark, leading it to be hunted to the brink of extinction. The Romanian Fire Dragon Reserve was established at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, and "now" is only 1802.

To establish a protected area, a piece of land must first be designated. If Georgiana can help Romania get things done, then it will not be a problem for her to get a piece of land.

The Fire Dragon Reserve can be used as a strategic buffer zone. Anyway, neither side will set foot in it. Later, with a hidden spell, the Fire Dragon Reserve will become unmarkable on the map.

But that's not the point of the question.

One cannot be overestimated, how can a little girl like Tsarist Russia and the Ottoman Empire be able to deal with it? Even if she currently seems to have the support behind the first ruling in France.

What's more, when she stood in front of the Mirror of Erised, she didn't see herself in the world, nor did she have gold, silver and jewels. She only saw one person in the mirror.

If Henry didn't accept the fact, after seeing the princess played by Alisa clearly, and still insisted on finding the real princess, all the efforts of Alisa would be in vain.

Forget it after crying, and don't forget about the warrior who is obsessed with illusion. There are always some regrets in our lives. The fat monk has always cared about not becoming a cardinal, and she doesn't want to be a ghost with regrets, and she doesn't want to continue to live in this world with endless dreams like everyone else.

She will choose to go on, just like Sirius Black, if death is really just another great adventure, as Albus Dumbledore said, it would be nice to have a loyal companion like him.

It's just that it's not the time yet, she needs to find evidence that Harry Potter is right.

Maybe she didn't need to say it to her face, Severus used his memory to convince Harry, and all she needed was a "gem", like the one the wizard found in the forest.

She looked down at the trembling flower bracelet on her hand, which was studded with precious stones.

This thing looks expensive, maybe someone will pick it up.

On the contrary, the resurrection stone looks mediocre. If it falls in the forbidden forest, who will pick it up?

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