Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2782 Spots of Youth (2)

"What are exploding ginger eyelashes?"

Pomona asked, looking at the book that Severus Snape had brought from Spider's End.

"The lashes of the ginger-haired man?"

After she finished speaking, she looked at Lily Evans not far away, and Lily immediately protected her eyebrows with both hands.

"What are you reading?" Snape asked, taking the book.

Pomona handed him the well-worn book.

The serious and mature Snape, who was obviously underage, frowned. He didn't know what he thought of, and left the laboratory.

"Your eyebrows are safe." Pomona smiled at Lily.

"My eyelashes won't explode." After Lily finished speaking, she put down her hands and picked up the book Pomona was reading just now.

What Pomona saw just now was the formula of the motivating potion. It may be due to encryption. There are many contents that she can't understand at all, just like the eyelash problem just mentioned.

"Have you been to Severus' house?" Pomona asked Lily.

"I haven't been there, we only met under the willow tree." Lily replied, "Why did you suddenly think of asking this?"

The book in Lily's hand reminded Pomona of Irene. She took a lot of books with her when she left the Prince's house, so that Severus knew more than the seventh graders when he entered school.

At this moment Severus returned.

"This is it!" He placed a glass jar on the table.

Pomona could tell it was ginger hair, but she wasn't sure if it was eyelashes, or maybe ginger cat fur.

"You're going to cook this?" Severus asked.

"The book says that the medicine must be drunk immediately after it's brewed." Lily read from the book, "and you will lose all your friends."

"I was just asking what it was," Pomona said.

"What kind of potion is this? It's so scary." Lily said.

"Dragon's blood is used in it," Pomona said. "I guess it's high-end stuff, don't worry about that, I've prepared pears in ice cream syrup, do you want some?"

The two little ones immediately showed great interest in her ice cream.

And what kid isn't interested in sweets?


"I think it's time for 'Gorgon' and 'Knox' to disappear." In the circular headmaster's office, Albus Dumbledore said to Pomona.

She had met him earlier when she and Sirius had gone to the tower where the pen of acceptance and the book of admission were kept.

"Why?" Pomona asked.

"They're graduating next school year," said Albus. "What grade is Knox in?"

She was astonished.

"You're like a never-graduating ghost to them, as colorful as Peeves, and you're more needed for work outside now." Albus went on. "I'll take care of everything, you Go back first."

She floated out of the principal's office like a real ghost.

She looked at the scenery outside the headmaster. The mountains and the lake seemed to have not changed for many years, and they were still the same as the oil paintings drawn by the students two hundred years ago, so that she forgot one thing. When the years passed by Lily, James, Sirius, When Severus, Remus and others were superimposed, they would also be superimposed on herself. If she was already in fourth grade when she met them who were still freshmen, then she should have graduated two years ago.

When Lily was a child, she still had light freckles on her face, but they are gone now, and she has become more and more beautiful.

In fact, as long as Irene thinks about Irene, I can understand that when Irene and Tobias quarreled, Irene swallowed her anger, and sometimes Severus was added. As Severus' friend who talked about everything, Lily Of course I know this, falling into such a marriage is like falling into a swamp, and sooner or later it will be over.

At this time, Pomona was very glad that she was not the vicious queen who was jealous of the princess's beauty in fairy tales. Albus also mentioned to her that many talented witches gave up their talents after marriage. In fact, there are many outstanding witches in the history of wizards. Contributed witch.

But she thought of Lady Cinderella, and when she decided to wear the Ravenclaw crown and continue her quest for wisdom, the Baron killed her.

As a witch, Irene has more advantages than Muggle women. Unfortunately, Tobias stipulated that she was not allowed to use a wand at home. Fortunately, Tobias only yelled and didn't know how to do anything. Even so, Severus didn't intend to stay in such a home for long.

Life in the magic school is also different from what he imagined in childhood...

At this moment, she heard footsteps coming from downstairs. When she followed the sound, she found that it was Snape in black robe. He looked a little older, already in his 20s.

It's also possible that she's misremembering, because he looks older than he is.

"What are you standing here for?" he said in a slow tone, echoing Malfoy's.

"I..." Pomona thought about it, she seemed to come to Dumbledore for the dessert of the school-opening banquet, and what she prepared happened to be white pears in ice cream syrup, which the old fool loved very much.

Then she bowed her head, her figure rounded, and she was now the benevolent Professor Sprout.

In this century, no one thinks that "pig fat" is a good word. The first time she saw the Inferi, she thought they looked like mummies, the muscles of the limbs and the skin of the abdomen stretched on the skeleton due to dehydration.

She felt sorry for those infernal corpses. If Langley hadn't run near the entrance, but ran somewhere else and might become an infernal corpse, she wouldn't have taken his belongings to his French home to kill him. He was buried.

Although it was just a tomb of clothing, the locals finally had a result. What happened to the young man who left home to explore, and it was there that Pomona knew what plant hunters were, and it was they who stepped into the unknown. Bring the plants that grow on the top of the mountain, the bottom of the valley, and the virgin forest to the world.

In addition to ice cream and pears, there is another thing. The "package" from France has been successfully placed in the underground vault of Gringotts, waiting for the right time to be opened.

Homunculs is another forbidden area. In the 1970s, Muggle test-tube babies also caused wizards to have a big debate, but the final result was not to introduce them. Even though wizards are facing very serious population problems, many ancient pure-blood families died out due to extinction. .

This includes the prosperous Black family, Sirius Black was imprisoned in Azkaban, and Regulus Black's whereabouts are unknown. This is the case for the direct heirs of the family, unless a miracle happens.

Probably because she stood there stupidly for a long time, Severus went straight up the steps, passed her, and then knocked on the door of the principal's office.

"Come in." Albus' voice came from inside.

Severus pushed the door open and walked in.

At this time, the red-haired girl was already lying in the cemetery. On the day of her funeral with James, the death knell echoed around her. White lilies were placed around her grave, and many people around her remembered Mrs. Potter, haha Lily Evans is rarely remembered as Lily Porter's mother.

Because of James' mediation, Pomona and Lily talked again later. As an adult, of course he couldn't lose control of his emotions.

And James is also willing to get along with Lily's Muggle relatives, but it's a pity that James and Dursley are really not from the same world, and finally broke up.

Lily had made her choice to stay in the wizarding world, and everything about the Muggle world was as much a part of memory as an iced Coke at Pomona.

The war is over and it's the 1980s.

Pomona slowly descends the steps. She wants to collect honey again before autumn comes. There are too few flowers in autumn, and almost no flowers will bloom against the cold wind in winter. Bees also hide in the hive and live on honey .

No matter how much you want to eat something sweet, you can't eat up the bee's food reserves, otherwise, will there be honey to eat in the coming year?

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