Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2795 The sun in the water (seven)

The bee fuzz (fuzz) often appears in English nursery rhymes because it rhymes with another characteristic of the bee (buzz).

Entomologists also often rely on the fuzz to identify and describe the wasps they study, and they only need to look at the fuzz on their body to distinguish bees from wasps.

For example, Shakespeare wrote in "Troilus and Cressida": The bumblebee sang happily until it lost its honey and sting.

Almost everyone knows the fat, gentle bumblebee that lives on every continent except Antarctica, Oceania, and parts of Africa, survives as long as the weather isn't too bad, and is a pollinator of many plants.

There is a large class of orchids called bee orchids, which are widely distributed in Europe, North Africa and West Asia. The flowers look very much like bees and are covered with downy hairs that look like hairy female bumble bees.

The purpose of their growth is to attract male bumblebees to pollinate. Some not only look alike, but also secrete a very similar smell to the female bumblebee. From the perspective of male bumblebees who are just in love, those swaying bee orchids are just like one by one. Ninety females. So they flew to the bee orchids without hesitation and tried to mate with these flowers.

If the bee orchids are pollinated successfully, they will stop secreting their scent, and the female bees will hatch at this time. If the male bees are not dead at this time, they can continue to reproduce.

This competition ended with Orchid's evasive evolution winning. Orchid didn't consider mutual benefit and win-win at all here. After all, this group of bumblebees died, and new bumblebees would hatch next year. In this competition, plants have no ability to fight back when insects are beaten to the ground, and they are completely reduced to being used tools.

Evolution has no direction, which is the premise of understanding all life. Only more mutations can create more diverse genes, and more diverse genes can create a richer world.

There was something about the celestial dance party before, and the reason why it was terminated in the 1970s was because everyone didn't have that mood at all. Now that the Mysterious Man has fallen, the world is at peace, and everyone has nothing to do, that's why we're in the mood to hold this party.

What did that party have to do with Hufflepuff, who had few friends in Ravenclaw and no interest in competing for head of the Student Council?

Oh, you need flowers to decorate the venue? Either pay the money, or use Transfiguration or other magical transformations yourself, otherwise there is no need to talk about it.

The Ravenclaw girls also planned to invite Hufflepuff's students as bait to get Pomona to provide free flowers. This kind of scene in Pomona has been told by Lily that she is usually the "prom queen" of Muggle schools. She will find "nerds" with good grades and ask them to help her with homework, and then she will invite "nerds" to the prom as "thank you".

Although there is no clear dress code for the ball, everyone wears formal attire by default. It is an occasion for fairies to fight their skills, and mortals should not mix it up.

About the existence significance of the student union, 90% of the students in school can't answer it. It is actually a mimicry of the adult world, but it is a little different, because there is an issue in the Muggle election, here is the competition With high popularity, Lily and James were both elected as the male and female chairmen of the student union, like the "king" and "queen" of the ball.

Occasionally, the student union can come in handy, just like the time when the school toilet was rebuilt in the 19th century, the student union mobilized all the students to sign and demand the school to make rectification. After all, the wizards at that time couldn't bear to use the chamber pot like the people in the middle ages.

Due to the collective protest of the students this time, even if the "old antiques" of the school board insisted on maintaining the "tradition", they were overthrown by the "innovative" faction, otherwise they would go on strike.

The mysterious person used to be the male chairman of the student union. In order to fight for the position of the female chairman, it is said that he fought hard and bloody at that time, but the mysterious person didn't care, and instead regarded the party as a personal performance.

He hadn't shown any anti-Muggle tendencies yet, after all he was just a fledgling, handsome, good-looking top student who wanted to be liked and sympathized by his teachers. At that time, the Second World War had just ended, and apart from Britain, both wizards and Muggles had suffered heavy losses. What could be more enjoyable than the topic of peace?

When the stars in the sky are moving, everyone abides by their own rank and status, and follows their own invariable orbits. That's why the brilliant sun can arch out of the universe, correct the mistakes of the stars, expose the evil and promote the good, so that the stars will not change. Going off track and destroying the harmony of the universe.

Hierarchy is indistinguishable, and it is the duty of the most able and powerful to put the humble in their place and fulfill their duties.

Magic is power, and those who have power have the responsibility to carry out this mission.

People get together not only to share joy, but also to allow "like-minded people" to build a common dream.

Anyway, Pomona does not agree with what the mysterious man said. There is no absolute good or evil in the world. The difference lies only in the strong and the weak who cannot distinguish the facts.

The vast majority of people in this world want to go up and become big shots.

The mystic said that greatness breeds envy, envy breeds hatred, and hatred breeds lies.

Who is lying?

There is a perfect lover for a woman, the smiling, dimpled, smart, educated, "do-nothing" guy who chats with every pretty woman.

The Viscount Vermont is such a person, he can have a stable income without working, and has the time and energy to calculate the relationship between men and women.

His reputation is very bad, but Mrs. Du Wei didn't care about it, she thought that the rumors were not all true, and then she fell into the scheme of Vermont's rhetoric and let him win the game .

In order to impress Dean Du Wei's wife, Fan Ermeng asked his servants to find a poor man in the surrounding area. This man must have no daughters in his family, so as to prevent others from suspecting his purpose. Then he called the tax collector and paid 56 yuan for the family. River, who deeply moved the family of five, also felt happy himself, happy for doing good.

Spider's End is a slum, only women will love to live in it, and men will try their best to leave.

Pomona touched her wrist, she could completely understand what Severus did at that time, he didn't want to go to Azkaban, and she herself was just a bumblebee in love, being used by Bee Orchid.

Didn't Albus already remind her, don't trust a man's tenderness, and she has read so many "theories", which are useless at all, and are just "talks on paper".

Sometimes Pomona wondered what the situation would have been like if Hufflepuff had chosen to continue to find out the truth and do Phoebe justice.

When spring comes, a large group of worker bees will leave the original hive with the new queen and build another nest in another place.

Now that it has become like this, there is still the mood and time for a party?

But the premise is that there is a place to go, the house-elves are "free" after being kicked out, and become homeless, Hogwarts will take them in.

Article 6 of Hufflepuff's code of conduct, just smile, but be expressionless if you are really angry.

Pomona smiled into the mirror, then blew out the candle with a blank expression.

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