Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2797 The Sun in the Water (9)

In Muggle cartoons, you can see such a picture, a scary bulldog digs a hole for his favorite bone, and then buries it.

Hiding food is a habit of many wild animals, and wolves also dig holes to build nests. Different animals have different living habits. For example, tigers like to move alone, while lions like to live in groups. Protection of Fantastic Beasts is an elective course, which is taken from the third grade. In addition to learning how to feed, protect and treat these creatures, students also need to observe and research their habits.

Moon Crazy Beasts are creatures that have no attack power, no flexibility, and no ability to escape. Their slender legs doom them to being unable to jump and run like deer, so they become a kind of burrowing animal, only during the full moon Leaving the cave at night.

They are nothing to be afraid of, but werewolves will transform on the night of the full moon, especially Barnaby's uncle is also a werewolf capture team, he should be very aware of this.

So Barnaby Lee's confinement was to go to the Forbidden Forest with the third grade students in the Protection of Magical Beasts class on the night of the full moon. The students were responsible for recording the dances and other habits of the Moon Crazy Beasts, and he was responsible for picking up the Moon Crazy Beasts. feces.

Pomona took out Barnaby's owls results again. He didn't have 12 o's like Buddy Crouch Jr., but he had all achieved o's in astronomy, potion, herbal medicine, transfiguration and defense against the dark arts. Curse and Divination have reached e, and he has also taken History of Magic, Muggle Studies, and Protection of Fantastic Beasts, all of which have reached the level of continuing newts.

It was Divination that bothered him the most, but he studied it like a Ravenclaw instead of just sleeping in Divination.

He kept a hairy crab as a pet. Apart from his size, he didn't have any conspicuous or attention-getting features. But he has a unique talent, if she guessed right. The mysterious man does not judge people by their appearance, although he himself has a very magical beauty.

"Dean, are you there?"

The fat monk shouted from outside the door.

"Come in." Pomona put Barnaby's report card in a drawer.

The fat friar floated in through the door.

"I heard that the celestial ball will be held again, can our ghosts participate?" the fat monk asked.

"I thought you'd have to ask Professor Fleetwey, or the ghost of Ravenclaw, but I'm not involved in this event," Pomona said.

"You mean Lady Cinderella?" asked the fat friar.

Pomona thought of the beautiful, but always sad Ravenclaw ghost.

"Okay, I'll go ask her now." The fat monk said happily, and then floated away.

Even by today's standards, Helena Ravenclaw is beautiful. She is the one who knows the last whereabouts of Ravenclaw's diadem. According to school history records, she left Hogwarts with the diadem. Luo was responsible for finding her, but he did not bring her back "alive" to Rowena Ravenclaw. Instead, two pearly white ghosts came back to meet her, and the seriously ill Rowena Ravenclaw gave Barlow Put in chains as punishment for killing Helena.

In the portrait, Pomona has seen Ravenclaw's diadem. It is said that there is a sculpture in the Ravenclaw lounge. Ravenclaw can be seen wearing it. On the surface, it seems to be silver made of sapphire.

Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Slytherin, and Hufflepuff all have their own "relics", but no one has mentioned whether Ravenclaw's crown is made of the same kind as Gryffindor's sword Made by goblins, and there is no word about Helena's father left in history, so some people say that she is the daughter of Godric Gryffindor, who was never married.

It is also said that Gryffindor once liked an actress, and the portrait of the fat lady is hers. She must be restrained when she is alive, and she can enjoy it after death.

There are many legends in this castle, not all of them are true or false, just like Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets, many people are looking for it, and now one more person is added, Severer Snape, he didn't go to Hogsmeade just to eat during this time, he also ordered a lot of "equipment".

It has been said that curiosity is the driving force behind human progress.

Although curiosity is sometimes dangerous and deadly, it is undeniable that human beings progress much faster than other creatures. Even though human beings do not live long, they have accomplished some things that long-lived magical creatures cannot do.

Severus didn't have the hobby of forming a choir like Felix, nor did he like food and sleep like Pomona, and even Minerva liked Quidditch.

He is a persistent person, You-Know-Who and Death Eaters can give him what he wants, and if it weren't for the fact that they lost and were imprisoned in Azkaban, he would still be obsessed with the pursuit of power.

That's not a bad thing, sardines need to swim to reach shore alive, and throwing a catfish in the hold will do the trick.

Kindness may be insignificant, but it has amazing power to change us, more powerful than any technology.

But goodwill can't be given casually, not all werewolves are like Remus, and not all people who look like knights are really knights.

Valmont bought the illusion with 56 livres, and the wife of Dean Du Wei was fooled into thinking that he was a good person.

He said in the letter that a good hunter will drive his prey to nowhere. If Mrs. Du Wei sees his rogue nature, she will feel threatened and take out the scissors to stab his eyes instead of thinking that he is a rogue. Good man, sit in front of him and embroider at the frame.

Dean Du Wei's wife is also stupid enough, since she has already visited the village, why didn't she ask a few more, how many people has this Viscount Vermont helped?

When this prodigal son pays taxes for the whole village, how much property will he have? How could he have time to watch women embroider without money?

The Viscount Vermont died in a duel in the end, which was considered a worthy death. If he died earlier, he would cause less harm to others and less misfortune.

One of his few advantages is that he admits that he is a scum, but he will also say that he will not cheat and cheat at the same time. This is his cleverness.

A scum can actually do good deeds, Mrs. Du Wei thought she discovered his unknown side, like discovering a light in the dark, and finally found that even this was false.

He knelt on the ground and cried, saying that he was pitiful was false, this kind of person should sweep him out, don't show him the slightest pity.

To be kind to him is to be cruel to himself. After winning Vormont, he still abandoned Mrs. Du Wei, but he did not get the "reward" from Mrs. Mei Dai. Mrs. May Dai is good at holding other people's handles, making the other party fearful, and even if Mormon's life is gone, what else would he be afraid of? He made public the letter with Mrs. May Dai, so that everyone can see her true face.

People in the past often thought that hell was full of torture. In Sartre's story, three ghosts waiting to go to hell were imprisoned in a secret room without a mirror. They cannot escape from the secret room in which they are held, and what is worse, because there is no mirror, they can only see others as mirrors and recognize themselves in other people's eyes. They deceived each other, tormented each other, and gave no one peace, and they all tried to avoid the torment and pain of hell, but they sank deeper and deeper. No need to go to hell, they are already in hell and will continue to be forever.

There is a line in the play, why use a grill, other people are hell.

Pomona opened the drawer again, put aside Barnaby's report card, took out the invitation letter that Carter had given her, and burned it to ashes.

Christmas has nowhere to go and she can just sleep, maybe she can have a sweet dream, and a prince riding a hippogriff will take her for a ride in the sky.

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