Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 28 The Shrieking House (Part 1)

On the second day of the new school year, Pomona woke up early in the morning, and everyone else in the dormitory had gone to class. There was an extra plate beside her bed, with soft bread and blueberry jam on it.

Hufflepuff never had to worry about running out of food, and even though she didn't know who left it for her, Pomona was still grateful, because she didn't eat dinner last night, and now she's hungry.

There are still two days before the night of the full moon. She has to find a way to dig the tunnel leading to the outside of the school. In order to hide the eyes and ears, she has to do it at night. The lack of sleep may last until Sunday. Haggard face" was bad enough.

After regaining consciousness, Wilmina's words kept reappearing in Pomona's mind.

Will it be like that? Her father was possessed by the mother's demon, so he abandoned his daughter?

She was confused by that feeling, how could anyone get out of control like that? Lupine once said that there are monsters more terrible than ghosts in the world. Pomona believed that he was talking about werewolves, and he was a werewolf himself. He suffered not only physically, but also psychologically. This made him a precocious character.

He is like the Whomping Willow that gave birth, stepping directly into adulthood without enjoying childhood. And those unsuspecting classmates are like clay that is not suitable for its growth, and it is almost driving Remus Lupin crazy.

The werewolf likes to bite people very much, but he must control his desire to bite people, not to hurt those flesh and blood that are delicious in his eyes, and turn them into his own kind.

Veela's nature is to seduce humans. She has always wanted to fall in love with someone of the opposite sex. Maybe this is not her real intention. In Muggle terms, it is instinct, just like fish swimming back.

If Dumbledore wanted her to restrain her desires, the old hat should have assigned her to Ravenclaw, as a witch who would never marry for life in pursuit of knowledge and power, but it just assigned her to love for daytime The Hufflepuff of the dream, just like Lupin, the werewolf, was assigned to the jealous Gryffindor. Are they being played by Dumbledore or is this fate?

She took out her own wand, which was the one she bought at Ollivander. Ollivander is one of the twenty-eight sacred surnames. Like Jenny Weasley, he belongs to the family of pure-blood wizards and is a well-known figure in the wizarding world. , who would have thought that Jenny, who spoke softly and had no sense of presence, would be admired by the King of Darkness.

Not all pure-blood families will enter Slytherin. Some people may not believe it. Hufflepuff has the most pure-blood nobles, more than Slytherin, because Hufflepuff has a large number of people, and Slytherin still has There were quite a few half-bloods, and removing them from the already rare number, the number of pure-bloods in Slytherin would not be as many as Hufflepuff.

The ancient family, the sacred blood, sounds very exciting, but the reality is that pure blood is getting rarer and rarer, and the Longbottom family has no heir so far.

Slughorn elected to replace Dumbledore as Hogwarts' Executive Minister of the Ministry of Magic, Buddy Crouch. He is the oldest pure-blood wizard family and one of the twenty-eight holy families. His personal strength is not as good as Abu Dumbledore, but how can the strength of his family be compared to the little-known surname Dumbledore.

Barty Crouch is a man of integrity. He has tried justice in several cases between wizards and other races. He is respected by goblins and other races. He is good at multiple languages. Being the headmaster of Hogwarts not only has to deal with the school, but also with surrounding races.

Slughorn's recommendation of Buddy Crouch is not particularly partial to pure-bloods, but once Buddy Crouch becomes the principal, the situation of Muggle students in the school will be worse, and they may not even be able to obtain admission qualifications. Muggles dare not use strange abilities, just because they are afraid that they will be regarded as aliens and freaks.

Of course, you don’t have to worry about these things when you are an ordinary student. You just need to enjoy learning and having fun. After you become a professor, you must have your own standpoint. On the surface, it is up to the headmaster to hire professors at Hogwarts, but the Ministry of Magic still has its own trump card. They can send people to the school to intervene in the name of educational evaluation, and even expel some teachers they think are inappropriate. It is a way to eliminate dissidents. Now Pomona is considered by Head Slytherin to belong to Dumbledore, and it happens that she is only eleven years old. Who would believe that an eleven-year-old child can be a professor?

She is under a lot of pressure. Believe it or not, pressure can make people grow continuously, but excessive pressure can make people collapse. She needs to find a way to relieve it. She can't keep crying in Pete's arms.

"Can you hear me?"

As soon as she lifted the quilt and sat up, a man's voice came from behind her. She looked back, but there was nothing there.

It was such a horrible sight that Pomona felt goosebumps, but besides that she felt a disabling sadness, a warm touch near her neck, as if someone had pressed it against her neck. to breathe.

"Who is where?"

She stepped on the carpet with bare feet and looked around. With a soft "poof", a house elf appeared in the corner.

"What are you doing here?"

"Professor Graplan asked Honey to wake the lady up at nine o'clock, otherwise you will be late for the second class." The elf said timidly.

"Honey?" Pomona thought its name was very interesting. She once told Lily that food makes people happy. Maybe she should correct it. Sweets make people happy.

"Yes, miss, that's my name." Honey opened her big watery eyes, her hands were twitching her fingers anxiously.

"Can you get some chocolate?" Pomona jumped on the bed. If it was at home, Mrs. Sprout would not allow her to eat chocolate early in the morning anyway, but she is now in Hoag Woz, who can stop her from having chocolate for breakfast.

"Come right away, miss." Honey snapped her fingers and disappeared. Pomona took advantage of this time to wash up. When she came out of the bathroom again, there was not only bread and jam, but also a large plate of chocolates on her bedside. It's just that the honey is gone again.

The long-standing habit of getting up early didn't allow her to really sleep until nine o'clock. It was too late to go to the Art of Dark Arts class at this time, and it was a bit early to go to the second divination class. So I decided to go there and have a look.

When she stepped out of the burrow, she found that the sun was shining brightly outside the house, which was not at all like yesterday's rainy day. Unfortunately, none of the four academies had flight lessons today, so such good weather was wasted.

She chewed chocolate and walked leisurely in the winding corridors of Hogwarts. Everything here has remained the same for many years, and the speed of time seems to have slowed down here. Old school again.

She had an inexplicable fear of the puddle of water in the corridor, and padded her feet to avoid it carefully. At this time, she heard the salsa sound like a snake talking again, and she closed her eyes and ran away in fear , She didn't stop until she couldn't hear the voice, then opened her eyes, and it turned out that she actually ran to the greenhouse.

She has never been here before, but she feels that this place is familiar as if she has been here thousands of times, but it looks different from the familiar one, it is too old.

She pushed open the antiquated door, with the handle still Hufflepuff's badger, and was startled by what she saw inside.

I don't know how many years I haven't really taken care of it carefully. The plants here look weak, and there are a lot of weeds mixed in. I don't know how many times messier than the tropical rainforest in the girls' lounge.

"Oh, poor little guy." Pomona stroked the leaves on the mandrake soil. It looked small and yellow, and it looked malnourished. She quickly found earmuffs from the preparation room and put them After putting it on, I pulled out the mandrake suddenly. Its human-shaped rhizome was like a premature baby, small and thin, and its crying was weak.

The cry of the mandrake can wake up people who have been petrified by the basilisk, and it can also kill people, but there is a prerequisite, that is, it must cry vigorously, and the mandrake in her hand Let alone killing people, Pomona wondered if she still needed to wear earmuffs.

She looked around the messy greenhouse again, and it looked like she had a lot to do.

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