Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2806 Red Hunger (8)

Dumbledore held a teachers' meeting on Monday, at which two main things were discussed.

One is safety issues. Although the incident in Irondale did not cause any casualties, it made everyone aware that the danger had shifted from the school to the outside, and threatened the safety of nearby villages.

It is not an isolated case that mountain monsters become extremely dangerous. There have been similar situations in history. Rudy is in charge of investigating mines and helmets, and the order in the castle is in charge of Slytherin.

The second is the relationship between the colleges, which should maintain unity and friendship, competition and harmony, blah blah blah.

The other was the stray pack animal. After checking it, Hagrid thought it should be treated. As for whether to return it to the pack, another arrangement would be made.

In fact, according to the current scale of the Hogwarts horned pack herd, it has already exceeded the limit that the environment can carry. The best way to do this is to release them back into the mountains across Europe, where they can live like their ancestors.

But even if the beast's hide is stronger than the dragon's hide and most spells are useless against it, they will still be poached due to the high medicinal value of their horns.

Compared to that ending, Vera the Horned Pack (as Hagrid named her) was lucky, even though she was bruised and bruised.

"She's small for a horned beast," said Hagrid, stroking Vera. "We won't hurt you, pretty girl."

Vera is lying weakly on the floor of the dungeon. She has just eaten food containing sleeping potions, and Liz is examining and treating Vera under the guidance of Kettleburn.

Of course, the state of wild animals is different from that of domestic animals. In addition to minor wounds, Vera also has problems with her lumbar spine. The back of a normal horned beast is raised, probably because of the weight of the troll, and the curve of her spine looks very abnormal.

Many people say that the invention of the saddle and horseshoe changed warfare, and some even lamented that it took so long for the ancients to invent such a simple thing.

Although there are many similarities between the life of hunting and the nomadic life of living by water and grass, it is easy to confuse them, but they are completely different.

Hunters in the jungle are very good at making traps, such as digging a hole, just deep enough that animals cannot jump into it.

The main source of food for the nomads is the livestock they raise. Bow hunting is a supplementary means of their life, and they have precious livestock that can be exchanged.

The most flexible parts of a horse's spine are the neck and tail, and their heads can even be bent back to the side to see what's behind them.

But their thoracic and lumbar joints are not flexible, and the approximate position of the saddle is also the thoracic spine. When the horse turns, the spine will have a series of movements. If the saddle affects these movements, or the rider makes the horse flex too much, the thoracic spine The spines of the horse may affect the horse's actions and cause people to turn over on their backs. This wrong riding posture and habits will also affect the health of the horse.

A good rider understands horses. Under his control, the horse will run happily and flexibly without feeling pain.

The heavily armored knights of Europe in the Middle Ages put a severe burden on the horse's spine, and some horses even had a concave back.

Vera's pain was not just a skin trauma. Fortunately, she was still young, and the deformity of her spine could be corrected, but she needed to drink a lot of Bone Spirit.

In the 12th century there was a village called Stinchcombe, and there lived a man named Linfred, who seemed to others to be a loose, absent-minded fellow. Despite this, his helpfulness and affability made him popular, and he was often seen by his Muggle neighbors.

But they didn't know he was a wizard, which led to Linfred being able to experiment on them in private, inventing many medical potions, including Skeleton.

Everyone thought he was a sweet old chap who didn't fight and took his time tending his garden, which earned him the nickname "the potterer."

He gave birth to seven children in total, and he accumulated a huge fortune by selling medicines. After his death, he left a large inheritance to each of his sons. Among them, Hadwin, the eldest son, married Aiolanth Peverell, and they used Linfred's nickname as their surname, and then there was the Potter family.

James Potter's generation made his fortune from hair smoothers, but James never used his own products to keep his hair messy, as if it had just come off a broom.

Snape had a deep grudge against Quidditch players, who were often injured during training and competition. Ever since he came, "patients" have complained that Hogwarts' Bone Spirit tastes much worse than the ones sold outside, but this medicine is first free, and second, it has good curative effect. They all stuck out their tongues choked by the bitter and spicy taste.

Although the fireweed is the material of the memory potion, they don't seem to have a long memory after drinking it, just like those giant monsters who can't remember seeing the helmet of unknown origin and can't pick it up.

The trolls have no houses, they live in caves in winter, and the mines are likely to be the armory where the goblins store those faulty helmets. Snape, who originally "disapproved" of Rudy being in charge of off-campus security, happily accepted his current job after seeing Rudy being pissed off every day. Even Gryffindor didn't go to the Quidditch pitch due to several heavy snowstorms in a row, which also gave him a lot of free time to cook bone spirits.

One of the medicinal materials of Bone Spirit is biting cabbage. Fortunately, the greenhouse is not affected by the blizzard, so the teaching content in Pomona is changed to the cultivation and harvesting of biting cabbage.

"I don't have much work here. If you want to end the confinement as soon as possible, I suggest you go to Professor Snape." Pomona said to Barnaby. Class 'skip class'."

Barnaby's expression was filled with pain, just like many students who were locked up by Snape.

Kettleburn brought the swallowtail dogs to the castle to raise. They were originally pets. These active puppies would rub against the wizard's legs more actively during meal time, and then waited helplessly for the little wizards to throw the bones on the table to him. they. Someone simply adopted one. The only difference between them and the unadopted swallowtail dogs is that they have a collar. They usually play with other puppies, but they will follow their owners back to the lounges of various colleges when they sleep.

Many people don't just keep one pet. Pomona suggested that Barnaby adopt a swallowtail dog and teach him the Painless Cutting Curse, but Barnaby said that he didn't know which one to choose. His eyes are very cute.

Pomona looked at his hand with the rings on, and when he teased the little swallowtail dogs, they would automatically avoid the rings, and Barnaby would be careful to avoid the dog's teeth.

Kissing is an act of love, which can be a kiss on the lips or a kiss on the hair or cheek.

The knights in the feudal era would kneel down to the object of allegiance, kiss the other party's ring to express obedience and loyalty, and in Scandinavia, it also meant an oath.

This is in honor of Tyr, the god of war, who sacrificed an arm to put Fenrir in chains, and the gods admire him as the keeper of the oath. But because of his deception and false oaths to Fenrir, he is not seen as a facilitator of the reconciliation.

Godric Gryffindor gave the Goblin King the materials to make the sword, and the Goblin King provided the technology to make the sword. Human beings feel that the sword belongs to them for the entrusted fee. The goblins thought that without their skillful hands, even if they had the materials, they couldn't make such a masterpiece, and after Gryffindor's death, the sword should belong to the goblins.

The Dark Lord had no rings on his fingers, and he only allowed people to kneel and kiss his robes. However, some people said that he wore a ring with an obsidian face for a period of time when he was in school, and it was not ordinary that the mysterious person took a fancy to. That ring must have a lot of background.

But he came to Barnaby's house in person. Apart from seeing this kid who used black magic items as toys, didn't he fancy other things in his house? After all, the Li family used to be antique collectors, and they collected so many that they could almost be compared with Black.

At present, the glowing frog with a bow tie has not been taken away. If no one wants it, Pomona plans to give it to the frog chorus. At least it can find a companion to sing with, and she will not let it be so lonely all the time Going down, occasionally howling crazily like a lone wolf.

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