Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 281 Fighting and Rowling

When Draco Malfoy was a child, he was especially suitable for strawberry cream cake. The seat of Slytherin was determined, unlike other houses where he could sit casually. Pomona would ask the house elf to put brightly colored cakes on every banquet. in front of him.

Platinum-blond hair, green Slytherin robes, blue eyes, with red strawberries, the smooth-haired Master Malfoy had a colorful childhood, and every time he saw Pomona at the dinner table, he would feel very happy good. However, after the sixth grade, he was dressed in black like his godfather, just as the sun suddenly disappeared from him. Pomona hoped that he could become colorful again, and Astonia just reached a consensus with her. The cute little dragon woman can't help but want to pamper him.

Christmas tea is usually turkey sandwiches, scones, marmalade pudding, and Christmas cake, occasionally gravy, although she can't prepare a feast like a banquet due to time constraints, but there is elf honey Help her still prepare a table of decent dishes. The rice with gravy was steaming hot, the dessert was marmalade pudding, there was another piece of Easter ham cured yesterday, it smelled delicious after being topped with mint juice, adults can drink, but in order to avoid Draco Drinking too much, Pomona swapped the table wine for eggnog, and the dinner looked Christmassy, ​​as if they were still celebrating the holidays.

"Do you usually eat like this?" Hermione said in disbelief as she looked at the table full of delicious food.

"Not always," Pomona said with a smile. "Today is your first day back at work. Let's celebrate."

Master Malfoy snorted coldly, his cold goldfish eyes narrowed into a line, he raised his glass and took a sip of eggnog. His godfather was still the same as before, and he didn't like to talk when eating, except for Quirrell.

Severus likes others to flatter him very much. At Harry's freshman banquet, Quirrell kept expressing his admiration for Head Slytherin, and how frightened he was to be a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts. Chatting with people while eating is as rare as a rooster laying eggs.

The basilisk raised by Slytherin always complained that the pipes in the school were too narrow, or that there were too few mice and it couldn't get enough to eat. After Quirrell came, he started to say "tear", "crunch", Words like "kill" have become very dangerous since the second half of Harry's first grade. Careless Harry didn't think that the face behind Quirrell's head was Voldemort himself, and he could also command the basilisk , young master Draco was completely ignorant and ignorant. During the summer vacation of the first grade, he went to an unmanned school to experience the feeling of being a "master of the castle". As a result, he met the bloody Baron. Not only was he frightened, he was also beaten by Lu Xiu Dobby, the house-elf, became so berserk that he longed for freedom.

"How did you come up with the idea of ​​bibimbap?" Hermione asked.

"This is what we ate when we went to XZ, and this was the food that was served in the camp at that time." Pomona sighed and said, the chef who distributed the food to them at that time looked at her and Severus as if they were looking at the rice bucket, who I can imagine that the human fire magic recommended by the fire magician Dumbledore is so bad.

"Have you ever been to China?" Hermione asked with interest.

"I've been there once and stayed for a while." Pomona stared at the former Death Eater on the opposite side. "At that time, a Mongolian wizard told us that the Kabbah migrated from Japan to Mongolia for some reason. It was written differently, and he also questioned whether the professor had read the book on Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.”

"Oh." Hermione looked at the food on the plate with a strange expression.

"Books are not always right, knowledge needs to be constantly updated. I remember that book has been revised fifty-two times. Severus has read every edition. He is a bookworm like you. You can't pass her Of course, Draco."

"When did you fail the exam?" Severus opened his mouth.

"It's not that good test scores mean everything. The twins' owls scores are not as good as Passy's. Do you think George and Fred are smarter or stupid than Passy?"

"What's the comparison?" Severus complained incredulously.

"I mean, being good at school isn't everything. Draco is good at other things."

"Like what?" He said, looking seriously into her eyes.

"He's good at Quidditch, almost tied with Harry, and he's also good at reading, almost on par with Hermione. His overall quality is higher than the two of them, but he didn't rank first in sports or reading." Mona looked at her godson with satisfaction, "Not to mention he's so handsome, it's only natural for a girl to like him."

Draco was a little smug, and smiled with feigned reserve, picked up the spoon and ate the gravy and rice.

"Don't spoil him, one Narcissa Malfoy is enough." Severus said grimly.

"That's right, he still likes to talk about my dad." Hermione agreed with the enemy.

"Hermione, do you look down on pure blood like Dean Thomas?" Pomona said with a cold face, "The pure blood Neville, Crabbe, and Goyle you have come into contact with are quite mediocre, but the pure blood is amazing. You haven't really come into contact with it because you don't have a deep understanding of the wizarding community, and even the Weasleys have their strengths."

"Which aspect? Especially fertile?" Draco said sarcastically.

"Draco, don't humiliate people in this regard, it will make you look very rude, and swearing is very bad." Pomona said immediately, "If it wasn't because Ron's wand broke and the spell rebounded, it would have changed Make you spit snot."


Draco and Hermione showed disgusted expressions together, and Severus' eyes were very deep, which made her flustered.

Pomona took a sip of her eggnog, avoiding Severus' gaze. "It's a good thing he wasn't very magical at the time, and he could wait until he finished spitting up the slug."

"I thought about breaking the spell, but his wand broke." Hermione shook her head and said, "Ron used everything second-hand."

"That's because Molly and Arthur don't care about him at all. How can you use a second-hand wand?" She kicked her "lovely" husband under the table. The magic effect of your own wand will be greatly reduced. Although the wizard is killed or disarmed during the duel, the object of allegiance of the wand will change, but it still has a little loyalty to the original owner. Only the Elder Wand is the least loyal. It understands feelings, it is always calm and cruel, choosing a master only considers ability, Draco has been recognized by the Elder Wand, I think this is the most incredible part, if Draco is really mediocre, the Elder Wand will not It chose it, but it should have chosen the man who killed Dumbledore, Severus Snape, the head of Slytherin, but the result was obvious, it chose the better one, do you know why?"

"Because Malfoy is pure blood?" Hermione whispered, but Pomona didn't care at all, she was staring into those smiling evil eyes.

Severus' wand is made of birch, the oldest tree in the forest, and is often used to exorcise ancient undead, with a sacred and beautiful temperament.

But the person using this wand is an ugly dark wizard, what a contradictory and confusing combination.

"You want to say that the Weasley family is more resistant to dark magic than others, right?" Severus said slowly, curling the corners of his mouth, "Lockhart was bounced back by his Oblivion Curse and lived in the Holy Mount forever." Ge, Arthur was bitten by Nagini and could be saved, but I died."

"But you're still alive, Severus, sit with us and enjoy dinner." She rubbed her ankle lightly on his pant leg "When I was living in seclusion, I thought I was dreaming, or hallucinating from insanity , but now Draco and Hermione can help me prove that you are indeed alive, can you tell me, Hermione Granger, were you present at the dock that day?"

"Yes, it is."

"Why didn't you save him?"

Hermione didn't answer.

"You watched him die, dear, the man who taught you a lot of knowledge, I know Muggles don't always respect teachers, but in the world of wizards, I passed the throne to Neville, and no one dared to question my Decide, even if Neville is not Hufflepuff College, and he is not my best student, no one in Hufflepuff's class like Neville will dare to question my decision, only people outside the school can, you are a Muggle , have no roots in the wizarding world, and have no money, and what's worse, you're still a woman, and if you want to excel, you have to work harder, but you still have an advantage, that is, you are very close to Kingsley Shacklebolt. Familiar with him, you and he are both members of the Order of the Phoenix, have you ever thought about passing the throne to let him give you the position of Minister of Magic?"

"No." Hermione shook her head.

"Because you think in a Muggle way of thinking, the Prime Minister is elected by election, right?" Pomona smiled and looked at Hermione, "You are a wizard, Hermione Granger, don't be like a Muggle. What are you going to do after dinner? Watch TV?"

"No." Hermione pursed her lips and said palely, "I'm going to continue learning Occlumency."

Then she turned her gaze to Severus Snape, "Please teach me, Professor."

"I won't show mercy just because you're a girl." Severus said slowly, smiling happily.

"I want to keep that secret, but the professor said that if I can't meet your requirements, she will erase those memories." Hermione lowered her head, not daring to look into those unfathomable eyes.

"I'll think about it," Severus said dryly, then glanced at Pomona again, and continued eating as if nothing had happened.

Draco quickly scanned the expressions on everyone's faces, sinking back into his dinner.

No one spoke during this meal, it was as quiet as he had hoped.

It would be much happier to have dinner with Sirius. After dinner, she could dance with Lupine and the other three, but it was a pity that she chose it herself.

Now she is his "cellmate".

She just hoped that she wouldn't become so gloomy like him, she had to keep the color, and she couldn't be turned into black and white by him like little Malfoy.

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