Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2823 Runaway Wolf (6)

As the Scots say: I don't buy something without seeing it.

We arrived like ghouls in the wee hours of the morning in the cemetery, which was lined with tombstones, and I stumbled after Van Helsing and Dr. Self, and now Mrs. Harker's son Arthur, who followed me. Back, get the shovel for us.

Two yew trees were planted on the farthest side of the cemetery, and two rows of pine trees divided the cemetery and the passage. Because of the mist, I always felt that there were white flying objects flying around.

"Is this one?" Van Helsing held his lantern on one of the tombstones for Dr. Self to see.

"Yes, I think..."

Before Dr. Self could finish speaking, Van Helsing took the shovel from Arthur, and started shoveling as I expected.

"Hurry up!" said Van Helsing to us. "Before daylight comes."

I also picked up the shovel and dug the grave with Van Helsing. Doctor Self walked aside. Perhaps because of professional ethics, he did not participate in our operation.

Arthur joined me and Van Helsing after observing for a while. Neither of us spoke, only the "rustling" sound of the shovel being inserted into the soil.

A bell in the distance indicated the time was 4:00 a.m. and we finally dug the coffin. Before opening the lid, Van Helsing tied a handkerchief over his face, and I thought he would at least keep out the stench by doing so, so I did the same.

"Give me the candle," said Van Helsing to Arthur.

After receiving the candle, he held it up to illuminate the tarnished metal nameplate on the coffin. The wax dripped on the coffin, congealing into a white stain, and the wood faded by time was covered with mud.

After confirming that it belonged to the captain's coffin, he took out the screwdriver from the tools he carried with him. This situation was difficult for me to accept, although I had prepared beforehand.

"Fear or something else?" asked Van Helsing.

"I'm not afraid," I said, but it seemed to me an insult to the dead.

"Courage is not the absence of fear, but the recognition that something is more important than fear," Van Helsing said, and he slammed the screwdriver on the coffin so quickly that I shuddered.

A small hole appeared in the outer shell of the coffin, big enough for the prong of a circular saw to fit in. I thought Van Helsing was going to destroy the coffin, but he sawed a slit in the coffin as carefully as a carpenter, and before the window board he sawed was about to fall, he grabbed the edge, took it out, and held a candle to watch. for a while.

"How?" I asked.

Van Helsing gave me the candle, and I drew closer and peered into the coffin, which was empty.

"Have you found the answer?" Dr. Self asked.

"I need more evidence." Van Helsing looked up at Doctor Self who was standing on the ground. "Where was the person who buried him?"

"I'm afraid we have to ask the priest, but if we ask, he will have us caught immediately." Doctor Self said.

"You don't have to worry about that." Van Helsing looked at me. "Will you come forward?"

I don't think it's a big deal, but Arthur backs off, all he's willing to do is take the tools back to the inn.

I collected a box of dirt for him to take away, and then we walked to the church next to the cemetery. At this time, the sky was already a little bright, and after the light became better, I didn't stumble as before.

Soon Van Haisey knocked on the door, and at the same time there was a rooster crowing in the distance. Before someone came to open the door, Van Haissey asked me to stand in front, and then an old priest opened the door.

"What's the matter? Child."

"I am the commissioner from the capital, and I have some questions to ask you." I pointed at Van Helsing, "He is my advisor."

"Good morning, John." Doctor Self greeted the priest.

"Good morning." The priest said to Dr. Self indifferently, "Whose grave did you just dig?"

I looked down at myself and saw that my body was covered in mud, and so was Van Helsing.

"The captain's grave," said Dr. Self. "What do you have to explain, Father."

The priest looked a little flustered.

"Can I go in and talk?" asked Van Helsing.

"No, you can't," said Father John, closing the door in our faces.


The Killing Curse, Cruciatus Curse, and Imperius Curse were designated as Unforgivable Curses in 1717. Although the law stipulates that anyone who uses the Unforgivable Curse will face life imprisonment in Azkaban, but old Buddy Crouch is in charge. Aurists were granted the privilege of using the Unforgivable Curses while in the Ministry of Magic.

They were a tiny minority of the Aurors, and now that the war was over, their privileges were being revoked with the fall of old Buddy Crouch. In other words, Cecil of the werewolf capture team has to brave the snow and cold to catch dangerous gangsters on Christmas without using the Unforgivable Curse.

Whatever Cecil's older brother was, Barnaby did well at school because of such an uncle. In contrast, Snape, who drank eggnog and "chatted" with the children, seemed too lucky.

But the Potions Master has something besides being "young and promising" and pushing his teacher away. After drinking their eggnog, they left Hufflepuff's cellar and went to Slytherin's dungeon. After walking through the intricate dungeon for a while, they came to an iron fence. Severus turned the snake-shaped lampstand next to him with his wand, and the snake's green eyes lit up.

"I heard it," said Barnaby in horror. "It said 'Password.'"

"You are surrounded by divine mysteries." Severus smiled eerily at Barnaby.

Then the iron bars opened.

"What is this place?" Liz looked around and asked.

"The library." Severus said, and just as he finished speaking, the serpentine sconces lit up, illuminating the entire hall.

There are many iron doors here, and behind the iron doors are bookshelves, but these bookshelves are all empty.

"Salazar Slytherin's library?" asked Barnaby.

"If you have any secrets that you don't want to be heard but need to discuss, you can come here," Severus said.

"Can't I do it?" Pomona asked.

"I agree," Liz said.

"Me too," said Barnaby.

"What about you, Ben Cooper?" Severus asked the Gryffindors present.

"I agree with..." Ben said with a sad face.

Pomona felt he couldn't be allowed to go on like this.

"Bravery is not the absence of fear, but the realization that something is more important than fear," Pomona said to Ben, quoting from other books.

"With Paul, sooner or later you will be exposed to the dark arts." Severus looked at Ben and said, "Do you think you can bear it?"

Ben didn't answer right away.

Severus let out a long sigh.

"If it wasn't for the sacrifice of a woman, would you have won like this?"

"If James was here, he would have drawn his wand by now," said Pomona.

Snape smiled triumphantly, as if waiting for some people to draw out their wands.

"No, not because of a woman." Barnaby stood up and said, "This is a world full of mysteries, and the mysterious man may know more than us, but he doesn't know everything, and there are always situations that are out of his control. "

"He couldn't control everything, not even himself," Liz said.

"What do you have to say?" Severus asked Ben again.

"It's not that simple to find the 'important things'." Seeing that Ben couldn't answer, Pomona answered for him.

'I think you already know where to find it. '

she heard a voice say.

She looked around but couldn't find the source of the sound.

"What are you doing?" Severus looked at her suspiciously.

"I'm looking for something." She said confusedly.

"What?" Severus asked.

"Even though it's vacation, it's too late," Pomona told a few students. "You should go back."

They looked at each other and left without objection.

Pomona didn't speak until he heard the sound of the iron fence falling behind him.

"Is there anything else you want to tell me?"

After a long silence, he said "No."

"Then good night and merry Christmas," said Pomona, turning away.

"I might have a clue," Severus said suddenly.

"What clue?" she asked with her back turned to him.

"My news comes at a price, what can you give me?" He said slyly.

Pomona looked back at him.

His eyes were shining like a hungry wolf.

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