Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 283 Embracing Happiness

Beeches are planted everywhere in Hogwarts, and the green leaves turn yellow every autumn, and then fall like rain. The golden color makes it easy to think of gold.

The snow in winter is pure white, not the same as silver, but silver frost was arranged at the Christmas ball in the year of the Triwizard Tournament. Fudge is very rich in this aspect, and Ginny is not old enough to be eligible to participate The ball, but she became Neville Longbottom's partner so she could be part of the gala.

On the contrary, Pomona, the person who arranged the venue, went back to her burrow and cried after watching the scene where Victor took Hermione away. Thinking about it, she felt very pitiful. The Potions Master said "No".

Among the faculty and staff, there is also someone who is in the way of affection to go to the dance together, but she doesn't give him any face.

She was like a house elf, wearing dirty robes for all seasons, and she had no clothes suitable for the ball at all. The more she thought about it, the more miserable the result was overeating, and she wanted to eat that black forest cake by herself.

The sudden knock on the door interrupted her self-pity and self-pity. She opened her teary eyes and hurriedly pushed the black-haired monster away. Slytherin's old bat suppressed his anger and said coldly, "Come in ", Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger came out of the study, apparently it was Hermione who knocked on the door from the study just now.

It couldn't be more weird than this, and Pomona was as full of doubts as if under the Confusion Charm.

"Did you Confound me on Christmas night?"

"No." The old bat denied it flatly.

"What about the day of the second game?"

He fell silent.

Hufflepuff, who was full of optimism and sympathy, raised his fists and beat the old Slytherin basilisk fiercely. Hermione and Draco seemed to have seen a spectacle that could be recorded in history, and stood in place together as if petrified. at every turn.

"What's the matter with you?" Severus Snape said in a malevolent voice that was perfect for cursing.

"I think it's time for me to go," said Hermione. "When can I come to practice Occlumency?"

"What are your plans for her?" the old bat asked coldly.

"Go to Hannah Albert." Pomona panted heavily, "Let her tell you about pure-blood wizards."

"She lives in Godric's Hollow."

"This is Godric's Hollow, honey!" Pomona called.

"Yes, mistress." The house-elf appeared with a poof.

"Take Miss Granger to Albert's house."

"It's Mrs Weasley," Hermione corrected.

"To be honest, let Ron change his last name, he doesn't care anyway." Draco Malfoy said impatiently.

Hermione glanced at Draco and followed the house-elf like a strutting lioness.

"Is the wand still working, Draco?" Severus asked his godson when the door slammed shut.

"It can't quite serve me," Draco said listlessly. "Even if Scarhead finally gave it back to me, Ollivander said it had changed hands."

"Are you going to buy a new one? You don't have to use one wand forever," Severus said.

"I'll think about it." Draco pursed his lips.

"About Astonia, she plans to start a small business in Diagon Alley, and she wants to cooperate with Hogsmeade's Honeydukes, you can help her." Severus said dryly, "The address has been chosen Yes, it's right next to the Leaky Cauldron. The force that attacked the Leaky Cauldron this time came from the Muggle community. Your godmother said it was done in silence. If there were obstacles, it wouldn't have caused so much damage to Diagon Alley. Do you know what to do, Draco."

"Yes, Godfather." Draco said softly.

"Take advantage of this opportunity to learn more from Fei Liwei. Many of the plants in your greenhouse are rare species and need someone to take care of them. Your godmother has other things to do."

"I know how to deal with it." Draco agreed immediately.

Pomona had seen Sirius and Harry's way of getting along, and then looked at the godfather and godson pair, she felt that she was going through the most painful punishment.

"Have you ever hugged Draco?" she roared angrily. "He's your godson, not your subordinate!"

Unexpectedly, both Slytherins looked at her with weird eyes.

"Disgusting," Draco Malfoy said in disgust. "Who would hug someone for no reason?"

Severus smiled triumphantly, and then said slowly, "Don't curse, Draco, it's not good to curse, she thinks I'm the same as the dog godfather of the savior, what should I say?"

"Clingy baby."

"That's right, a giant baby who will cause trouble or cry loudly if people don't pay attention to him." Snape said in a slow and vicious tone, as if Sirius was right in front of him now. "He's used to Without the feeling of being noticed, an absconded criminal still wants to show off, how can a person like him give the great savior the correct guidance."

Pomona looked at Draco, his expression full of approval.

"He's your relative, Draco!"

"I've hardly seen this uncle, and he didn't give me any inheritance." Draco Malfoy gently placed the pile of cockroaches warming on the palm of his hand, and the little snake immediately coiled around his wrist familiarly. "He Hippogriff hurt me, he doesn't like Slytherin at all, and he doesn't want to be a Black, why should I fight the godfather and speak for him?"

Pomona choked.

"You're not as sensible as a child." Severus shook his head regretfully. "When will you be smart again?"

Pomona decided to stay away from the two poisonous snakes.

"You're not invisible anymore, Pomona, someone noticed you." Just as she was about to turn to leave, Severus said, "Remember that letter I found in Stupid Dog's room? Lily Mention that 'she' made friends with Grindelwald, Harry Potter was born in 1980, when Grindelwald was supposed to be in prison in Nurmengard, he wasn't Lockhart, and 'she' wasn't a fan of his books , if someone sends him a letter, he will definitely be interrogated, unless Grindelwald is no longer in prison at that time, he can make friends freely."

"This hypothesis is not interesting at all!" Pomona was trembling all over, feeling a chill spreading from her body to her body surface.

"The Dark Lord killed Grindelwald, but the Elder Wand didn't belong to him." Draco frowned. "If the one in the tower is a fake Grindelwald, then if you kill him, the Dark Lord won't get it." Ownership of the Elder Wand."

"Draco, you made a mistake. You obtained the ownership of the Elder Wand from Dumbledore. How did the Elder Wand get from Grindelwald to Dumbledore?" Pomona was full of excitement. asked suspiciously.

"Certainly not as a gift." Severus said thoughtfully.

"The Invisibility Cloak was given to Harry by Dumbledore. It used to belong to James. If James gave it to Dumbledore for temporary storage, would it be possible that the old wand was also given to Dumbledore?"

The two Slytherins fell silent.

"Is this mentioned in the documents left by Dumbledore?" Pomona looked at Principal Snape, who inherited Dumbledore's inheritance.

"No idea at all," Severus replied immediately.

"That's why Moody hates you," Pomona said through gritted teeth. "Why do you start talking like you're lying?"

"Draco, did you find out who made the fake Gallon in the Order of the Phoenix?" Severus turned his gaze to Draco Malfoy.

"It's very simple, Arthur Weasley." Draco said with a sneer. "He likes to study Muggle gadgets. I heard that his car is still in the Forbidden Forest."

"Find a way to get his son, Ron, into the operation, I've heard his boggarts are spiders." Snape Slytherin smirked. "Bringing him in is helping him overcome his fears." , Pomona."

"Do you still remember the trouble they caused that time?" Pomona's eyes widened in disbelief. How many years ago did this happen?

"They're violating the International Statute of Secrecy, and Mr. Ron Weasley fervently wants me to be fired. Do you think that someone like me who has participated in the Death Eaters would have any place to hire me? He wants me to be poor." Down and out, sleeping on the street, who told me to be so annoying."

"No!" Pomona shook her head in disbelief. "Ron was a twelve-year-old kid."

"They can send an owl if they can't catch the train." Draco said emphatically, "Why take such a big risk to go to school? I heard they were almost hit by a train."

"Take such a big risk to come to school, look what they learn? Harry Potter owls only have an o, Ron Weasley doesn't have an o, oh Draco, tell me who said that just now Test scores don't matter?"

"It's you, godmother." Draco answered immediately.

"Do you think Ron and Harry Potter are smart, Pomona?"

Pomona was looking for a clever thing Ron and Harry had done together.

"Not only are they violating the International Statute of Secrecy, they're violating the Underage Witchcraft Prohibition Act, and thinking about your poor precious Whomping Willow, it's badly wounded, it's also violating the Preservation of Trees Act, they What is the price for breaking so many laws? Nothing, Dumbledore just warned them not to commit another crime next time, do you want to defend them like Dumbledore, Professor Sprout."

"Why are you so fierce at me? It's not me who made the mistake."

"Yes, it wasn't you who made the mistake. Even Minerva didn't defend them. Why did you defend those two boys who said Hufflepuff was a fool?"

Pomona looked at Draco.

Master Malfoy shrugged, looking helpless.

"Good night, godmother." Draco kissed her on the cheek.

"Wait." Just as Draco was about to go back to the room, Severus stopped him, "Wait for me in the activity room, we haven't practiced for a long time."

"Yes, Godfather." Master Malfoy immediately walked to the activity room.

When the living room returned to silence, a terrifying pressure came oncoming.

"Don't use them as an excuse that they're just kids, Draco was a kid too, but look at what he's been through." Severus looked at her disappointedly "Some mistakes can't be made even once, and Sirius will end up like that It is the result of your connivance. If he had no financial support, he would have obediently returned home and admitted his mistake, but twelve years later, he still has not learned his lesson, and still spends money recklessly, buying a Firebolt for a child. Like him, he spent all his wealth early on, and ended up so poor that even Muggles looked down on him, and then he got the Dark Lord, do you think the Black family has someone like that?"

"I'm sorry," she whispered.

"Why do you apologize when you didn't make a mistake?" he said angrily.

"I don't know how to make you feel better?" she said helplessly.

He covered his face with his hands, and stood up after about a minute or two.

"Then think about it, you are Hufflepuff, don't be as reckless as Gryffindor, don't think carefully before doing something, some things can't be forgiven by saying 'I didn't think of it'."

"Are you mad that I just hit you in front of Hermione?"

"Oh no, I'm not angry at all." He said with a half smile. "I deserve it, don't I?"

She hugged him immediately.

"It's okay, Severus, you didn't use the Imperius Curse."

"Can you forgive me?"

"There is nothing to forgive, I like you very much." She blushed at what she said next, and was afraid of being heard by Draco, so she leaned into his ear and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear .

He let out a long breath, as if he had let go of a heavy burden, his whole body relaxed.

"The next time was voluntary. It has nothing to do with your confusion spell. My mind is clear." She patted him on the back lightly. "I wore a new dress that day, do you remember?"

"Why did you tell me now?" He complained immediately.

"You deserve it." She thumped his back hard and let out a "boom" sound. "Magic can't be used in this kind of thing. If you dare to do it next time..."

"No, don't say it." He interrupted her immediately, "Don't you want to hug? We are hugging now."

"But I don't feel tenderness at all!" she yelled, and now she was full of anger and had nowhere to vent.

"That's my style," he said lazily. "Learn to live with it, honey."

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