Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2866 Unforgivable Secret (3)

The carnival at the fair is still going on, but Pomona is no longer in the mood to participate.

She drank wine as she walked, which she bought from a roadside peddler. According to him, it was botrytized wine from Alsace. Buy a Galleon and buy it.

It is said that the ancestors of Sir Maxim came from the Hugo family in France. Because of the abolition of the "Edict of Nantes", their family came to Plissmouth in the United Kingdom, then went to Massachusetts in the United States, and then reached Myanmar due to the westward movement. Because of this, they acquired a piece of land there and worked hard, and Hiram Maxim was the eldest son of the family.

The Hugo family was originally a German aristocrat. They migrated to the Alsace region in the 16th century, where they managed wineries for generations. This kind of grape infected by noble rot will shrink like the skin of a shrunken fig, but it is very sweet. The wine made from it has a special fruity aroma and strong roots, even the natural enemy of the grape Phylloxera is hard to shake its roots.

But it may not be aphids and weather that can destroy a vineyard. Anyway, the Hugo vineyard has survived the French Revolution, the Franco-Prussian War, and the First and Second World Wars, becoming "liquid gold."

In 1851, the World Exposition was held in Hyde Park, London, England. Louis Napoleon Bonaparte carried out a coup, dissolved the National Assembly and the Senate, and declared the French Republic an empire. He also called himself Napoleon III.

Hugo was one of the members of parliament who opposed Napoleon's empire, and he was exiled abroad for nineteen years. He sold his property and took his wife and children into exile abroad, but it was his mistress Juliet who helped him escape from France. She managed to get him a fake passport and escaped from the police. The large box of Hugo's manuscripts will be reconciled in Brussels.

In short, by 1885, Victor Hugo was dead, but his works are still there, and there is also his resounding reputation.

In fact, before Maxim appeared, there was a machine gun named Gatling that appeared on the battlefield of the Civil War. It was invented by a doctor. When the war broke out, Gatling lived in Indiana and belonged to the northern forces.

After Gatling designed the machine gun, he first introduced it to the Northern Army. At first, the officers of the Northern Army rejected his recommendation.

However, as the situation of the war changed, the Northern Army bought a batch of Gatling machine guns. Even though the machine guns were still hand-cranked at the time, they caused a large number of casualties. However, as the war ended in 1870, these guns were left idle.

The first is the issue of gunpowder. Sir Maxim also has an older brother who developed smokeless gunpowder. After the end of the Civil War, Britain purchased Gatling's patent and improved on the original basis, which played a huge role in the subsequent foreign conflicts.

There was a Minister of Magic. She was said to have participated in the Crimean War. Although there was no Gatlin or Maxim on the battlefield, the British army suffered heavy casualties.

There was a female nurse named Florence Nightingale who came to the field hospital to provide medical care for soldiers, but the other side of the war was rarely mentioned.

French was the language of the Russian aristocracy, and by coincidence some Englishmen also spoke it, and during the winter months, as the siege entered a lull, both belligerents built fortifications.

Because he was busy digging fortifications, there was no major battle during this period. This was called "shovel work". The British soldiers didn't want to do it, so they let the Irish do it. The Irish didn't want to do it either. He could hold a gun and a bayonet, but he couldn't. Willing to do "shovel work", which is no different from what he did in his hometown.

Then the Russians raised a white flag. At first they were worried about fraud, but then the Russian officers and guards came unarmed, and they threw a few cigarettes at the British.

So the two sides who were still shooting each other five minutes ago began to share tobacco leaves and drink rum. The Russians complimented the British for their friendliness, and the British complimented the Russians for being a gentleman. They spoke French and English for a while.

Everyone doesn't want to die, and they don't want to be cannon fodder on the battlefield. Siege warfare has become a formality. Today you shoot a few shots at the sky, and tomorrow I shoot at the open space. Soldiers spend more time digging fortifications than firing. Otherwise it was playing cards or sleeping in the trenches.

Once a group of unarmed Russian soldiers borrowed fire from the British sentry. The two sides still complimented each other.

Alcohol is the greatest joy in the trenches. The Russians drink vodka, the British drink rum, the French drink wine, and even the Turks drink Crimean wine. Almost every regiment has few who can stand , Cry, laugh, dance, and fight when drunk.

In spring, Crimea, which had been silent for a long time under the burial of severe winter, suddenly became a very beautiful place. The grass was full of flowers of various colors, and there were a large number of snowdrops, crocuses, and hyacinths in piles. The ammunition and heavy machinery ordnance drilled out in groups, and the melodious birdsong was everywhere.

I heard that the wizards who went to Europe to recruit students in the past would rain rain after a long drought to revitalize the land. Pomona didn't know which side Orpington joined in the Crimean War? But she understood one thing, the Maxim machine gun also has a name called "devil's painbrush". It is impossible to draw such a scene with the devil's brush.

As she walked, she seemed to trip over something under her feet, which made her lose her balance.

Just when she was about to fall, someone supported her, but the wine bottle in her hand fell to the ground and shattered because of the random dance just now.

"Thank you." She said politely, even if it was a stranger she didn't know, he should be grateful for helping her.

Snape seemed about to say something.

"You don't need to follow me," she said kindly.

"You're drunk," he said.

She drew her hand back and casually walked into a tent.

At first Pomona thought the people in the tent were playing poker, but later discovered that they were using tarot cards for divination.

"You're lost?" said the old witch, all covered in cheap jewelry.

"No." She sat down on the witch's rug. "I'm just tired."

The witch handed the Tarot card in front of her.

"Draw one."

Pomona drew a card from her hand, and as soon as she touched it, it levitated.

The card is a boat with six swords stuck in it. A man is holding a pole to support the boat that looks like it will sink at any time. A person who is wrapped in cloth and cannot tell whether he is male or female is sitting with a child. On the boat, follow the boat forward.

One side of the boat is calm, the other side is rough, and in the distance is a calm scenery.

"Do you know what this card means?" asked the witch.

Pomona said nothing. She had studied divination, so of course she knew what it meant.

But the witch misunderstood her and explained to her, "These three are people who share weal and woe. The boatman is trying his best to row the boat out of this dangerous situation and go to the calm waters. Go forward together?"

Pomona drew another card, this time the Squire of Wands.

"A young lad, or a new beginning." The witch smiled and said, "A new life and strength."

"But I'm old." Pomona lay wearily on the stranger's rug.

"Choose another one," said the witch.

Pomona didn't move, Snape chose for her.

"She is a good mother." The witch looked at the card and explained, "I want to get care, but I don't know how to ask for it. I always think that I am a victim, and become depressed, depressed, overly sensitive, and unrealistic..."

"Enough!" Pomona sat up angrily.

"Emotional." The witch put the three cards together "In order to retaliate for the humiliation someone gave her, she began to punish her new partner and become callous. You have to forgive or make peace with someone in your past life." Cut it off so you can free yourself from it, or you'll empty yourself emotionally and spiritually, and be more of a burden than others than yourself."

"I have no one to retaliate against," Pomona said.

"Then it's living in an unbearable situation and not being willing to change or leave," said the witch.

"She's not going anywhere," said Snape grimly.

"Then change it a bit," said the witch. "Don't say 'never forgive.'"

Pomona thought she was talking nonsense and got up to leave.

"Thank you," Snape said.

"Three silver Sickles." The witch held out her hand to Snape.

"Charlatan!" Pomona yelled at the witch.

But Snape paid and gave a Galleon.

"Welcome next time," said the witch.

Pomona tried to reach for her wand, and tore down her tent.

Snape then turned into black smoke and led her away from this place.

He caused a small panic when he left, and the puff of smoke was remembered as the Death Eater's hallmark.

But what happened later she couldn't see because they had flown away.

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