Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2873 The Unforgivable Secret (10)

The human heart, nerves and brain are like delicate machines that require very precise operation. As far as Pomona knew, the Muggle world divided neurosurgery and cardiac surgery. The doctor who presided over the operation was not only experienced, but also received systematic training, unlike Isidora.

She is like a "Mongolian doctor". Either she can't cure the disease, or she is ruthless, prescribes fiercely, and uses all means to solve the problem.

Who dares to let a medical student with "two knives" have a craniotomy? But her father supported her work and let her try it. As expected, something went wrong. Sen Batar visited her home one night and found that her father was "stupid", or not only painless, but also other emotions. Without it, it's like an empty shell without emotions and desires.

Scamander once used a large-scale amnesia spell in New York. There is a premise that "bad memories" contain negative emotions such as fear, anxiety, and anxiety. Jacob remembers the memories related to magical animals because It was a "good memory," with positive emotions in it, that saved him from a life that had hit rock bottom because of failed loans, not being able to open a bakery, and being dumped by his ex-fiancée.

Isidora "cut off" both the good and the bad. There was no more pain and fear, nor joy and peace. like that.

A "Mongolian doctor" thought she had become a miracle doctor who could cure all diseases. She not only used it on people she didn't know when she was traveling, but also used it on students after becoming a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts. The little monsters are so "smart" that they take "smart medicine" and live in the school hospital. They don't know what harm Isidora's "painless" magic can do to them.

After "solving" Isidora, Sambakar's job was to examine and treat the students. He may have been in a hurry and appeared impatient. As a result, many little wizards who had been removed from pain hid the matter , Without timely examination and treatment, many of them later became black wizards.

When we do things that violate our conscience and morality, it also brings pain. He doesn't feel it, and he has no remorse when he sins.

Albus placed a drink in front of her.

"Have a drink," said Albus.

Pomona was really in no mood.

If the mysterious person is pretending to be clever and clever in front of the teacher, then Isidora is sincere and kind, and she looks very good. After she learned the powerful power, she did not satisfy her selfish desires and do evil. She just wanted to let the world Get better without pain.

"What are you trying to say?" Albus asked Severus.

"How dare I judge her 'genius' so presumptuously." Severus said with a flattering smile.

Pomona couldn't help rolling her eyes.

"Isidora has a lot of immaturity, but you think Sumbatar should have put the Killing Curse on her?" Albus asked.

Severus said nothing, and neither did Pomona.

"She's still a student," said Albus.

"She graduated," Severus said.

"You think the students have nothing to do with you after they graduate?" Albus asked. "Think about the relationship between Slughorn and Voldemort?"

"Everyone is responsible for their actions when they grow up, and I have no such obligation," Severus said.

"Isidora is still in school," Pomona said. "She's not like other students who graduate and leave."

Severus still had that "none of my business" look on his face.

"You also think the students have nothing to do with you after they leave school?" Albus looked at Pomona.

Pomona first thought of Newt Scamander.

"No," said Pomona dryly. "I still keep in touch with some of the students after graduation."

Albus smiled, then looked at Severus.

"When the Dark Lord applied for this position, he hoped that the students would establish a trusting relationship with him after graduation, and he would come to him when in doubt."

"A teacher for a day, a father for life," Pomona added.

"I'm in my twenties, not that good of a father," Severus said dryly.

Dumbledore was a little annoyed.

"How many students do you think still think about their 'alma mater' after they graduate?" Pomona looked at Dumbledore and said, "Those who have feelings for the school don't need us to maintain them, they will come back by themselves, just like returning home The swallows in the nest return to the same place every year."

"The memories carried in the heart are different from those recorded in the brain." Albus ignored Severus's "rotten wood", picked up his wand and gestured in the air, just like holding a paintbrush to outline Pattern of a galaxy.

"To us, the Lyra is a harp played by a musician, but to the Arabs, it's a bird with outstretched wings." Dumbledore said while drawing, "This is Beta Lyra."

"Beta Lyrae is an eclipsing variable star," Pomona said to Severus, who was not in astronomy class, "but the primary star and the companion star are connected together, and the tidal gravity pulls out the material in their photosphere and transfers mass. "

"Constitute a 'bridge of fire'." Dumbledore said, "like the relationship between the heart and the soul."

The scene was truly spectacular, and Severus wasn't being sarcastic.

"When are you going to explore Batalta?" Albus asked.

"This afternoon," Severus said.

"Why not at night?" Dumbledore asked. "I remember I told you that Sumbatar is an astronomy enthusiast."

"We have other appointments tonight," Pomona said.

"I'm asking you, Severus," said Dumbledore, looking at him.

"Miss Moore from the Ministry of Magic said she has something to discuss with us," Severus said.

Dumbledore looked at Pomona.

"He's telling the truth," Pomona said.

"What is she going to tell you?" Dumbledore asked Severus.

"Her career is at stake," Severus said.

Dumbledore picked up the key floating from the locket "Where did you find it?"

"Peeves' bathroom, where Principal Eupracia Moore allowed him to swim," Pomona said hastily.

"Take me to say hello to Miss Moore. If she needs any help, she can ask for it at any time." Dumbledore said.

"Can we go?" Severus asked.

"Are you all right?" Dumbledore said impatiently.

"Not for now," Pomona said.

"If there is an update, I hope you will report it in time." Dumbledore said, closing the pendant.

"Yes, Headmaster." Pomona took the pendant Dumbledore handed over, with a red gemstone on it.

"What are the students doing now?" Dumbledore asked.

"I'll find out now," Severus said.

"What do you mean centaur?" asked Dumbledore.

"They don't know, they don't know the purpose of the butterfly released by that stone. The starry sky only told him the general situation, what will happen in the future, but only when they are in front of them, will they know what will happen." Severus said .

"You trust them?" Dumbledore asked.

Pomona looked at Severus, when did he meet the centaur?

"They're just messengers, and they don't play with fate," Severus said.

Dumbledore was silent.

"Help me keep an eye on them, Severus." Dumbledore said to Severus. "Don't think that there is a big difference in age. When you are my age, you will find that they are as young as you."

Severus gave a false smile.

"Let's go." Albus waved his hand.

Pomona put the pendant and key around her neck, and left the headmaster's room with Severus.

When they were far away, Severus asked Pomona.

"You know Simbakar is from Slytherin, don't you? What you did to him..."

"You can be less oblique, do you want to ask if I will use the Unforgivable Curse on Isidora like him?" Pomona said.

He sighed, acquiescing.

Pomona had a lot of emotion for this beast professor from Slytherin... There used to be no separation between zoology and ornithology.

"That requires decisive determination, not for indecisive people." Pomona said, looking at the distant scenery, "Isidora possesses too much power, and she needs to be stopped."

Pomona thinks she can stop telling students, "Do the right thing because it's right." Isn't she a self-righteous "Mongolian doctor"?

"You don't think he's evil?" Severus asked.

"Because he's from Slytherin?" Pomona asked.

"And because he used the Unforgivable Curse," Severus said.

"In his time, Avada Kedavra was not the Unforgivable Curse...I don't think he did anything wrong." Pomona said firmly. "You think I was wrong?"

He stared at her.

"Let's go, let's see what other people are doing." She said, walking down the stairs.

If it was Fei Liwei, he wouldn't express his opinion so soon, why did she say it?

The more she thought about it, the more she regretted it. It was obvious that she was not a smart person and could not express her opinions. I hope that everyone who knows this secret should make their own judgments according to their own conscience.

After all, this matter is already on the other side of good and evil.

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