Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2879 Lion of Liberty (1)

If you count the history of Ben Cooper's family, it is not that his family has no celebrities. During the Chartist period, Sheffield had a labor leader, Thomas Cooper, known locally as "brother".

At the beginning, the Chartists and the Anti-Corn Law League were allies. Later, after the spread of the fourth chapter of Matthew, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God." The crowd stopped clamoring for bread, and began to ponder some abstract concepts.

From this period on, the struggle between the Chartists and the Anti-Corn League became very intense. Some historians have analyzed that the failure of the Chartist movement was related to the immigration of leaders, but Thomas Cooper did not go to the United States or Australia, but went to live in London. He lived until 1892, and his last job was to deliver newspapers.

He was a brave man, but also an authoritarian father. One of his three sons and daughters was forced to go to the New World by him. Since then, they have never been in contact with each other. Ben Cooper didn't even know that he had such a relative.

There were several major economic crises in the United States, which occurred in 1810, 1837, 1857, and 1873. Among them, the two crises in 1819 and 1837 were due to risky speculation by banks.

At that time, the United States was engaged in infrastructure construction, and the digging of cotton and canals had a far-reaching impact. A large amount of loans from Europe were invested in these infrastructure constructions, and along with it came civilians who fled to the United States because of the European war. A wave of immigration.

In western movies, you often see desolate land and dreary villages and towns with sparsely populated land. In fact, if people can settle on the east coast, they are unwilling to move to the west.

Real estate speculation has led to a lot of ghost towns that are only on the map, and bankers don't visit these ghost places anyway.

With the discovery of gold mines in California in 1848, a new round of speculation began, this time on railroads, but Wall Street undoubtedly had a greater boost than gold mines.

Compared with the United States, the increase in the railway mileage of the British mainland during this period is pitiful. Even if the railway from King's Cross Station to Hogsmeade Station is added, it is only a fraction of the American railway mileage. There were 10,000 miles of railroads in the United States in 1850, and 30,000 miles by the time of the Civil War.

The discovery of gold mines filled the desert with water and became alive. Just like a canal needs water to ferry boats, if the current is small, it cannot be sailed.

But even if it is the Black family, there is not much magic silver in the family. Even if Isidora's device contained a lot of magic iron, it would be almost impossible for Hogwarts to pay the goblin the money.

The goblin didn't remind Isidora that she withdrew her confession if she had no money and magic silver. Isidora was only busy perfecting her own magic and her dream of a world without pain, and forgot to pay a price for taking other people's things.

Gryffindor was given the sword, and the goblins said that the magic silver in the sword was not enough, and they needed more, so they had to use the castle to pay off the debt.

The fat monk told her to look on the bright side of people, and Isidora wasn't particularly bad, at least she didn't use her abilities to form a cult organization, charging followers to remove pain for them.

Fortunately, Isidora is a girl, and the mysterious man is actually very talented, but see what he has done?

After returning to Hogwarts, Severus went to find those brats, and Pomona went to Albus to discuss Paul's problem.

Ben Cooper said that Paul absorbed too much power. Assuming that what he absorbed was the "waste" that Isidora couldn't handle and needed to be placed with magic silver, then Paul might be as indestructible as Peeves.

If Peeves wants to absorb children's emotions of mischief, then what Paul absorbs is people's emotions of avoiding pain and longing for joy. Instead of becoming friends when they get together, they are going to war because of territorial issues.

It would be best to get Paul away before school started, but where would he be sent?

So confused until the evening, after having dinner at school, Pomona planned to go to Hogsmeade to find Priya Moore. Before she left, she thought it would be best to ask Severus to go with her this time, so she took Out of the two-way mirror.

"Where are you?" Pomona asked.


"Come to the bridge, we're going to Hogsmeade," said Pomona.

Then she waited by the wooden bridge.

The summer vacation is coming to an end, she didn't sleep in all day, it's really unlucky.

After about half an hour of waiting, the old bats finally came out, like those real bats that haunt the evening sun.

"How are the kids?" Pomona asked.

"Still looking for clues." Severus said blankly. "Is it necessary to send Bill back to London and come by car?"

"He's a prefect, of course, and besides, Patsy is starting school this year." She cheered up and walked along the wooden bridge.

The only sound was their footsteps.

"About talent." He said suddenly.

"Percival and Albus are indeed relatives, and they speak in the same tone." Pomona said helplessly.

"Have you considered other options?" Severus said.

"You mean marry and have children like Lily?"

He didn't speak, as if acquiescing.

In fact, Pomona admired Henrietta very much, and she gave full play to her talent, as well as witches such as Silodiana.

"When you have a family, both men and women have to sacrifice some freedom. Dumbledore has been single all his life. He can do many things that the headmaster dare not do, and he has no time to do, because he has no family to accompany him. You know Barnaby's Dog, Dexter, I named it after Dexter Fortescu, the headmaster in the 18th century."

"Why did you choose him?" Severus asked, frowning.

"Every time Phileas Black doesn't obey the headmaster's order, he will help Dumbledore, 'dereliction of duty'!" Pomona imitated Forescu's tone and said, "Philias Black is often not in the portrait in the headmaster's office .”

"He's home?" Severus asked. "Is there anyone alive in the Black family?"

"He can go to other places, such as drinking at the drunk monk on the third floor, oh, mentioning this, by the way, don't save Ferdinand." Pomona said solemnly, "Just let him wash in Peeves' room." stay in the room."

"Why should I save him?" Severus asked inexplicably.

"Nothing," Pomona said with a laugh. "I thought the portraits were interesting, even with the Phoebe thing."

He was silent.

"Helen Keller is deaf and dumb, and she can also touch the light. I don't believe that Phoebe can't." Pomona said, "She can go to Hogsmeade next school year. If I catch anyone who dares to bully her..."

"I know." Severus said impatiently, "I'll keep an eye on it."

"If my students agree to your dungeon dance and they have a problem, I'll add some 'seasoning' to your dishes." Pomona said through gritted teeth, "How about some soft-clawed land shrimp?"

He looked at her with new eyes.

"When the rash is over, we'll talk about who's spots are legitimate Slytherin green!"

"You want to fight me?" Severus said with a smile.

"You think I dare not?" She also asked with a smile.

He took a big step forward, from walking side by side to blocking her way.

"What about you? Go to the dance with me?"

"It's better for adults not to go to children's dances, so as not to spoil everyone's fun." Pomona said lightly, "but you can come to my office and do something grown-ups would do."

"Like what?" he said jokingly.

Read, read, arm your mind.

But she didn't say it, and walked past him.

Priya Moore is probably waiting for them, and if she delays for a while, she might change her mind and leave.

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