Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 288 The Badger Steps Ahead

Godric's Hollow had a lot more Aurors on Thursday, January 6, 2005, Thor's Day.

Although the word Auror was not written on their foreheads, they were easy to recognize, especially the ugly hat. The Ministry of Magic asked the Weasley twins to buy 500 of them.

Harry Potter lived here. Although his home was once reduced to ruins, he rebuilt it himself.

Harry is a very lazy and careless boy, but his character is not bad, he is just not good at writing.

Even in a house cast with the Fidelity Charm, as long as the owls are not prevented from finding the witches and wizards without the use of repelling spells, camouflage spells, and shielding spells, today's Daily Prophet was delivered on time. This time the headline on the front page was about Night Call News, they planned this blackout of Muggle London, hoping to make Muggle panic.

However, it was quickly resolved with the cooperation of the Ministry of Magic and the Muggle government. The power supply was restored at around 10:00 that night, and it did not cause much impact. The crisis was passed without any danger.

Poor Kingsley.

Looking at the tired face of the Minister of Magic in the photo, Pomona couldn't help shaking her head. No matter how strong his personal work ability is, there are times when he is stretched. Similarly, Millicent Barnold's performance after the war was much better. She coordinated the contradictions of all parties very well, and she would not uproot the entire family just because there were one or two Death Eaters in the family. The situation of Carlo's family made other pure-blood wizards vigilant, which gave Severus Snape a chance to take power.

A well-behaved schoolmistress living with two tattooed gangsters was what Dean Hufflepuff was feeling at the moment. The little bird, snake, and cockroach are now Draco's henchmen. Draco has learned Parseltongue and is practicing talking with him. The two little snakes hissed, making this rare sunny winter morning very weird.

"What are you looking at?" The Potions Professor blocked her view of her godson, with "happy" written all over her face.

"I still can't understand Parseltongue." She shrugged. "Handle that wand carefully, don't get cursed like Dumbledore."

"Damn." He cursed under his breath.

This is where the tricks of smart people make people uncomfortable. You don't know what traps the other party will fall.

An Auror meant a Death Eater, and she wasn't afraid to fight, mainly because she got in the way here and could easily become a liability.

This is the disadvantage of plant-based magic. The attack power is not strong. Hufflepuff has the least number of members participating in DA. They are not good at fighting, but they will not escape the battles they must participate in. Eagle Academy has more people than Badger Academy. Traitors also came from Ravenclaw, that's the way the house is.

If Gryffindor and Slytherin had conflicts, the old bat would definitely favor Slytherin's little snake.

If Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff have conflicts, the optimistic and sympathetic Dean Sprout will of course have to ask the matter before making a judgment. The Crowe prefect had a serious dispute in his third year when he argued over whether the great thirteenth-century Brigitte Willock, the great arithmetical fortune-teller, was Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff, culminating in a duel, given that Truman Won in the end, so Professor Sprout just gave him a warning and gave him a box of coconut ice cream.

If Truman loses, then he will be locked up for a week according to the hospital return. In addition, there are a lot of slugs and weeds in the nursery that need to be cleaned up. He has to work until he wins back the lost face. Who told him to provoke first and lose of!

Hufflepuff was a loyal and trustworthy companion, we never quarreled with anyone except the pretentious Ravenclaw, Draco Malfoy was taken by the Ravenclaw girl, Harry Potter was taken by the Ravenclaw girl Gryffindor took it away, and if even Neville was taken away by Gryffindor, then the girls of Hufflepuff need to take a good look at themselves.

Look at your capable headmaster, snatch head Slytherin over, oh, anyone have an opinion? You don't want to try the badger's sharp teeth, don't think we look stupid and bully!

"What are you laughing at?" Head Slytherin looked at her sternly.

"It's nothing." Dean Hufflepuff kept a perfect smirk and took a sip of coffee.

"Actually, I can go to your side." Severus smiled coldly, "I'll tell Lucius that Draco can go too."

"Hermione lives over there."

"Oh, you noticed now." He sneered. "Why didn't you get the hang of it then?"

Pomona soon realized that he hadn't forgotten that she had shared a roof with Sirius Black and Lupine the werewolf.

"Are you planning to reunite the dreamy pair after killing the eight-eyed spider this time?" Pomona ruthlessly betrayed Ron Weasley and Harry Potter.

"Do you think you can let Harry Potter participate in such a dangerous activity?" The old bat was very happy.

"I have a student, Ernie McMillan, who is also an Auror." Pomona pursed her lips, "If Harry knew that Ron was participating in this extermination campaign, he would definitely not leave Ron alone. "

"He's being taken care of like a baby now." Draco pouted out the window. "You can't do that."

"No, Draco, don't jump to conclusions." Severus said oilily, "Your fairy godmother may have other ideas. You know that Harry Potter has an invisibility cloak and likes night tours. Maybe he can sneak out this time."

"He has grown up and will not be as reckless as before."

"Want to bet, Pomona?" Severus snatched the coffee from her and took a sip.

"I can be a witness." Draco said immediately, and the cockroaches also gave a sound of agreement.

She wanted to take back her words and live with Slytherin, and Hufflepuff would always be the one to suffer.

"Did you dance with the stupid dog?" Severus' face collapsed like an avalanche.

"I'll find a way." She compromised, not for Neville Longbottom this time, but for her own life. Pomona betrayed Harry Potter again.

The old bat who got his wish was in a good mood and looked down at the newspaper. Pomona thumped her waist. Although she looked fifteen or sixteen years old, her real age was almost 50. She really couldn't be as crazy as young people.

In 1978, Muggles invented test-tube babies, which once caused heated discussions in the wizarding world, because the population of wizards, especially pure-bloods, is really rare. In order to solve the population problem, pure-blood wizards even married Muggles. Trying test-tube babies is also a way. method, but the Wizengamot did not pass the proposal.

Every child represents an infinitely possible future, and human beings should not change their destiny on their own initiative. If the test-tube baby bill had passed at that time, then the babies born at the end of July would not be just Harry and Neville.

There are many parents who want to have children, but they can’t give birth by themselves. In the past, they could adopt the way of adoption, but now with the test-tube baby technology, many children waiting to be adopted and loved are abandoned in orphanages.

Pomona does not want another child like Tom to appear, one tragedy like him is enough. No matter how extreme he is, he can be changed with good persuasion. Dumbledore used his students to deal with Grindelwald.

This time the matter was not trivial, it was not as simple as a badge, Harry was going to risk his life to enter the Forbidden Forest, she could no longer make up stories for him like Dumbledore, doing so would be tantamount to luring him into a death trap.

She made up her mind, walked to the small bar, poured herself a glass of wine, and drank it in one gulp.

After drinking to strengthen her courage, Pomona called Honey, and asked her to go to Hannah's house to call Hermione out, and then she gulped down a big mouthful of Polyjuice Potion, and she became pudgy again.

"What are you doing?" Severus asked inscrutably.

"I'm going to visit Harry Potter." Pomona put on her wizard hat, and although the robes on her body were not patched everywhere, they were still simple and clean, hoping that he would not dislike her impoliteness.

Even Harry sometimes looked at her dress with disapproval, thinking she was too scruffy, how did Severus fall in love with a woman like her who had nothing to do with charm at all.

"Can you do it alone?" Severus asked.

"Anyway, I'm definitely better than you." Pomona said viciously, people will never know how much potential they have until they push themselves.

When she walked out the door, the cold wind blowing against her face made her shiver, and also cleared her drowsy mind.

"Do the right thing because it's right," she murmured to herself, "You can do it, Pomona!"

After speaking, she staggered towards Hannah Albert's house on the thick snow.

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