Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2881 Lion of Liberty (3)

There is a movie called Roman Holiday. After a certain princess visits major cities in Europe, she really wants to have fun in Rome, the last stop, but the attendants refuse on the grounds that she is a noble princess and it is not appropriate to show her face in front of the common people. And she was sedated. The princess pretended to fall asleep before the effect of the medicine, and sneaked out through the window after the servants went out. However, the effect of the medicine did not take long, and the princess fell asleep on a bench by the fountain near the square. up.

At the same time, an American reporter happened to pass by here. He thought it was a girl who was drunk during a carnival, so he found a taxi and wanted to take her home. But the princess slept very deeply and couldn't wake her up, so he had no choice but to take the princess back to his residence, because he was dissatisfied with the girl sleeping in his own bed, so he put the princess on the sofa.

Sleepy Bean is a medicinal material for making Living Hell Potion, but it has no hypnotic effect by itself. Similarly, the parasite is also the material of the forgetting potion, and its own juice will not produce the effect of forgetting.

Many animals feed on the berries of the mistletoe, which itself can be found everywhere as a Christmas decoration. The juice squeezed out by Sleepy Bean is silvery white, it looks very similar to the memory taken from the human brain, and there is no way to confuse it.

But since the unlucky Puglia drank this "cocktail" and lost his memory, there was no other good way to think about it. However, in order to avoid other "troubles", Pomona asked Pulia to check the information with the children , I watched the old bat give her the antidote.

There was a gurgling sound echoing in the potions classroom. It sounded like soup was being boiled. Snape concentrated on stirring the potion in the pot, as if he didn't know what was going on around him.

Regardless of what the previous knights were like, the Knight Bus represents the rescue of witches and witches in distress. Ben Cooper's great-great-grandfather Thomas Cooper once rescued 150 workers in Lancashire. In his hometown of Sheffield, there was a "prisoner" named Samuel Holberry, who used to be a Sheffield The Chartists in Sheffield did not shudder when he was arrested and tortured and died in prison as one of the workers' delegates.

They made a decision to hold a public funeral for Holberg. On the day of the funeral, 20,000 or 50,000 people lined the road to see him off. The shops along the street were closed, and the windows and roofs were full of people to watch this solemn scene.

Holberg's place was vacated after the ceremony and was replaced by Thomas Cooper, whose conduct was wider than Holberg's, having been arrested at the Chartist Congress in Manchester and rioting in pottery districts During the period, he was detained for arson.

There were arson everywhere at the time, and it was impossible to prove whether Thomas Cooper had set the fires, and then the circuit court abetted, assisted, and encouraged some people with ulterior motives to continue their illegal assembly in an attempt to arouse Her Majesty's loyalty His subjects sued Thomas for dissatisfaction and hatred of the law.

At that time, the presiding judge was the notorious cruel clerk Jeffrey. As long as someone fell into his clutches, he would roughly interrupt the defense of the defendant. Cooper defended himself and said, "Your Even if the verdict puts me in prison for a while, this period of time will pass away soon. Once the prison door is reopened and I am allowed to reappear in the free air between heaven and earth, I will still be the same as before. Ten thousand indictments will not change my purpose, and as long as I live, I am determined to sound the horn of Chartism as the death knell of tyranny and partisanship, and even with a thousand charges against me, I am still a Charter athlete."

In view of his "predecessor", there were thousands of people watching outside the court, and the court did not dare to send him to prison, so he had to be released. From then on, he and William Beasley, the "Lion of Lancashire", began cooperate.

Chartism is not equal to strikes and riots. If the workers say what they want, the bosses will adopt it, and there is no need for violent speeches to intimidate. After breaking with the Anti-Corn Law League they had new goals, more spacious, habitable dwellings, rather than being forced to cram into old attics and cellars.

This signaled more wages to pay the rent, and if the boss was willing to provide a residence on par with the countryside, it was another word. At that time, two charities emerged in London, the Metropolitan Association for the Improvement of Working Class Housing and the Association for the Improvement of Working Class Living Conditions, On the premise of guaranteeing the cost recovery, provide comfortable and convenient housing for the life of laborers. In 1845, it obtained a charter, limiting the profit to no more than 5%, and then the association opened up several real estate development projects. The model housing of row houses has won wide social recognition and strong support.

Ben Cooper's house knew from the sound insulation of their house that they cut corners when repairing the house. Real estate investment has a rent-to-sale ratio. Suppose Fernon Dursley’s mining machine company is acquired, and he uses the money to buy real estate. If he doesn’t buy assets, his money will soon shrink at the current inflation rate. , so in order to preserve the value of the assets, he must purchase the assets as soon as possible. With the current situation, he can recover the cost of buying a house in London in about 60 years, but he will not generate a surplus after 60 years, because the house needs to be repaired after it is old, and if there is no municipal appropriation, it will cost money to repair the house.

It is said in the theory of capital that the period of speculation will be extremely prosperous, and the phenomenon of panic does not first break out in the retail industry, but first occurs in the scope of large businesses and banks.

Take the financial crisis of 1819 and 1837 as an example. At that time, gold mines had not been discovered in the United States, and the funds came from Europe. For example, in 1836, the Maryland Canal Company and Railway Company, the state legislature had already disagreed with appropriating funds to them, but without this The money project would be unfinished, so the Maryland state government went to Amsterdam, London, and Paris to raise funds.

Steel was needed for railway repairs. At that time, the largest steel exporter in Europe was Britain. However, following the Chartist Movement, workers extinguished the steel furnace until a day's work could be exchanged for a day's reasonable wages. The factory refused, and there was a stalemate for an hour. Then the Lancashire army came and dispersed the crowd. 150 workers were trapped in the factory.

In 1825, Liszt designed a plan for Germany, which was to use the taxes collected by the customs union to build railways. By 1834, more than two-thirds of Germany's territory would join the alliance, allowing the divided Germany to gradually move towards true unity.

When Britain was uncertain whether steel could be delivered on time because of the Charter Movement and strikes, the steel industry in the United States and Germany rose in the 1830s, and the output exceeded that of Britain.

This also led to the determination of the Lancashire military and police to suppress the riot. At that time, Thomas Cooper was on his way to Manchester for a meeting. He was still locked in a cage.

When he arrived, the workers were waving sticks in the yard, the military police and the stone-throwing crowd fought each other, the mayor finished reading the riot law while the stones were flying towards him, and Thomas Cooper came a moment later Bell, the mayor is about to give the order to shoot. Thomas Cooper entered the factory area, negotiated with workers' representatives, and asked the workers to leave the factory. Then the military police arrested 60 people in the crowd and dispersed the rest of the crowd.

After that, there were no more famous people in the Cooper family. Ben Cooper's father was a repairman, and his grandfather was a school sanitation worker. If it weren't for the music box of unknown origin, Ben Cooper would have nothing special.

The Erie Canal is the second longest canal in the United States, but because of its huge cost, even New York, the biggest beneficiary city, cannot afford it. However, Wall Street has thought of a way to raise funds through loans, and then repay the loans with the income from the canal and railways .

Earlier, because of the cotton speculation of the Bank of the United States, it fell into a real estate frenzy. Cotton still had to be grown with land, and there were slaves. Although the Irish famine led to a large influx of refugees, their living and working conditions were very bad, but they were still free people and could not be bought and sold like land and slaves.

Generally speaking, speculation is created by new inventions, new discoveries or new business methods, just like transmutation.

However, in 1850, the United States had invented the cotton harvester, but it did not have much impact.

Slavery, which had already declined because of efficiency problems, was revived because of Whitney's cotton gin.

Therefore, the core of the cotton empire is credit, and the circulation of collateral allows funds to flow around the world faster. When people invest, they will predict the future, but he cannot see the future like a prophet.

Speculation requires boldness and decisiveness, but that day in the empty treasury, Severus even wanted to put his "retreat" in his pocket, Pomona didn't care, he was named by Karkaroff in the trial court Understand.

Do you want to take a gamble, everyone is off work, and there is no one guarding the ruins?

After all, Snape still retained a bit of reason and prudence, and did not bet on other people's negligence, that's why he was able to brew potions quietly in the potions classroom.

Potions are dangerous and require wit and self-control, but she reckons the students won't understand why "adding garlic to soup" requires self-control.


She looked up at Snape.

"What are you giggling about?"

She wiped her face and felt that she was not smiling. She was clearly thinking about something serious.

"Go and see what those boys are doing." He put down the stirring rod in his hand and said.

The students... including herself, put the stirring rods on the table casually, which caused the desks in the Potions class to have various colors and traces of acid corrosion, but Snape wiped them clean and put them neatly on the table. on the table.

He is like a slender and precise instrument, not suitable for some work that needs to be opened and closed.

Snape walked to the door, saw that she was not following, and looked back at her.

"I'm sorry, Severus," she said softly.

"Why?" he asked.

She couldn't explain where this apology came from.

"I was scolding you in my heart just now."

He didn't ask what she was scolding, but curled his mouth and smiled.

"Going away," he said, and left the Potions classroom.

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