Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 290 The Shadow of Sirius

It's a mistake to be swaggering when you're on a covert mission, Sirius Black.

Stepping on the thick snow, what Pomona heard was the roar of the motorbike. In a small village like Godrick's Hollow, this sound is easy to attract attention, especially after James said the name. .

Hermione Granger was as unafraid of saying that name as Harry, these two Muggle kids didn't know what was going on, and as for Ron Weasley, he was an idiot.

"Severus is a hundred times better than Ron, I'm crazy to tell you they're alike," Pomona muttered.

"At least Ron never betrayed one of his own." Hermione countered without hesitation.

"Don't talk to me like that, Hermione!" Pomona warned, stopping her steps.

"Didn't you doubt him? In your eyes, everything he did was right!"

"It was you who leaked the location of the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix, not him!" Pomona said word by word, "Dumbledore trusted him."

"Dumbledore sometimes sees the wrong person!"

"He's not Wormtail." Pomona breathed heavily, and she kept wanting to ask Pete why he betrayed James and Lily.

Only the Secret Keeper could tell the location, otherwise even the thieves would not be able to find the location even if they leaned against the window, but there are many ways to leak the secret, such as the Death Eater mark on Severus' arm.

Pete will also have that symbol on his arm after he joins the Death Eaters. He doesn't need to tell the address, and he can bring the Dark Lord into the house, so that the Potters can be murdered while the Fidelity Curse is in effect. .

He was cautious and left the meeting, and everything he did was wasted because of Hermione's momentary loss of control.

"The Aurors are now investigating who betrayed the Marlene McKinnon family." Hermione said blankly, "Brady Trevor, who was captured in Azkaban, is just one of the murderers. Some people suspect that Professor Snape leaked the secret." And participated in the murder."

"Oh, what a serious accusation," said Pomona dryly. "So what are they going to do? Take his Order of Merlin back?"

"No, Brady is not the mastermind, but just an assistant, so the Auror Office arrested all Trevors who were close to him. If he wants to be released, he must pay an expensive bail, and he cannot leave the UK without authorization."

"Who came up with the idea to turn over this old account?"

"Arthur." Hermione said helplessly, "Molly lost her two brothers in the First Wizarding War, and she was very sad about it."

"So after gaining power, revenge began, right?" Pomona gritted her teeth angrily.

"Do you think it's wrong to do this? Let people who commit crimes and hide themselves be punished?" Hermione looked at Pomona uncompromisingly. "You seem to know a lot about the Muggle world, Professor, so you know Do you know what Mossad does?"

Lily taught Pomona a lot, such as Sherlock Holmes, Buckingham Palace, ballet and movies, and she knew about Mossad from the spy-loving Muggle family.

"Severus wasn't involved with Marlene McKinnon, Hermione," said Pomona, looking into the eyes of the Gryffindor lioness. "He admitted to my face that he betrayed Emmeline Vance."

"Sirius was sentenced to twelve years in Azkaban. I think the reason why no one rescued him is because everyone regarded him as a traitor who betrayed McKinnon. There was Wormtail in that picture. I thought He betrayed her. Later, Harry and I read the letter in Sirius' room. Wormtail felt depressed because of her death. I think it was because of her death that Wormtail was afraid and defected. They used the Invisibility Cloak when they went out, but Dumbledore took it away after Harry's first birthday..."

"That letter doesn't make any sense, Hermione. Sirius hasn't lived in that room since he left home. When you entered Sirius' room, did it look like someone lived in it?"

Hermione blinked. "It's very dusty, and there are cobwebs everywhere. It's dirtier than Regulus' room. When I sat on his bed, the dust in the quilt rose up."

"Orien passed away in 1979, Regulus also disappeared that year, Walburga was the only one in Black's family, it is absolutely impossible for Sirius to live with his mother." Pomona tidied up Thoughts "The letter was sent after Harry's first birthday, that is, in 1981, when his mother was still alive, there was no reason for him to go back to Black's old house."

"Maybe he put it in later."

"He didn't go back to his room, sometimes he went up to the fifth floor to take care of Buckbeak, but he didn't go back to his room."

Pomona remembered the letter that Severus had mentioned to her, and he was obviously so emotionally and logically confused that he didn't realize the fact that the room hadn't been occupied in a long time.

"We need to go back to Black's old house." Hermione said firmly.

It was a bad idea, a very bad idea, so Pomona shook her head instinctively.

That luxurious house feels suffocating to live in, not just because there is a woman whose soul is permanently attached to the painting, but also because it is full of intrigue and negativity, she would rather live in a tent than Go back to that place again.

"I see that you are very familiar with Harry's parents. Now that you dare to go to their murder scene, why don't you go to Black's house?"

"That's not the Potter's murder scene!" Pomona scolded sharply. "That's the house where Harry and Ginny lived."

"Those wizards used Harry's house as a monument and kept it in ruins. He insisted on rebuilding it. He loves Sirius very much, and he has forgiven Professor Snape. I really don't think you brought It's a good thing to go to him with too much of the past." Tears of sympathy rolled down Hermione's cheeks.

"In that letter, Lily's letter to Sirius, did she look happy?" she gasped, feeling as if she couldn't breathe.

"She was very happy, Sirius gave Harry a broom for his birthday when he was one, and they took a picture, and it was the part of Lily that was ripped off."

Some people say that true love is watching the person you love live happily, but Severus told Pomona that he couldn't watch her live comfortably with other people, it would make him very uncomfortable, how Selfish man.

"I can't think, Hermione," she said listlessly. "Well, Sirius put the letter in, but so what?"

"Dumbledore borrowed the Invisibility Cloak. He doesn't need that thing at all. He told Harry that he can be invisible without any magic props. Where is he going to use this cloak?" Hermione asked, wiping away tears.

"I hate those old comrades." Pomona cursed through gritted teeth. "Why can't they find a house to live in seclusion?"

"Comrade?" Hermione's eyes widened in surprise.

"Dumbledore and Grindelwald were lovers, the greatest white wizard in history and the Dark Lord were lovers!" Pomona hated Dumbledore so much now that she didn't want to keep him a secret "Oh, what the hell! Why did they You can't fall in love, don't play tricks on us."

Hermione froze as if struck by lightning.

"What else was in that letter?"

"Bathilda Bagshot, the woman who wrote History of Magic often came to Harry's house, she doted on Harry, and then we went to her house, where we met Nagini." Hermione hugged herself tightly. "We tried to kill it, but it didn't work. I disapparated with Harry. I put him in a tent. He was struggling. I had to use the hovering spell to get him to the bed. I think , he remembered what happened that night."

"What are you going to kill Nagini with?" Pomona asked wearily.

"The Sword of Gryffindor, Harry found it in a pile of clothes."

"It sounds like you were having a hard time killing it?"

"That's right, that's why I heard that Neville killed it with one sword." Hermione shook her head in disbelief. "It's really too simple."

"Have you ever thought about that assumption, Hermione?" Pomona asked. "Neville Longbottom is the real savior, and Harry was the chosen one in order to be in the public eye."

Hermione shook her head, "It seems that I really have to learn Occlumency from Professor Snape, right? Because I know too many secrets."

"Yes, it's great to have someone to share with." Pomona patted Hermione on the shoulder. "Welcome to the Order of the Phoenix, dear."

"It seems that everyone in the Order of the Phoenix has a task, and no one is idle." Hermione said, "I am very concerned about a sentence in that letter. Lily, that is, Harry's mother, said that the Order of the Phoenix is ​​the number one." James was very disappointed because he was isolated from the outside world. If Sirius could have brought the double-sided mirror with him at that time, he would not have been so bored, v... James was playing with Harry when the mysterious man arrived at his house, He was off guard, oh my god, how could Sirius have replaced the Secret Keeper with Wormtail."

"I think, I know what Sirius' mission is." Pomona said wearily. "His job is to clean up the traitors in the Order of the Phoenix, which is in line with his style."

Leather jacket, flying motorcycle, and windproof glasses, this is what Sirius should look like. Dumbledore didn't keep him in the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix to imprison him, but to catch the traitor who was hiding.

"Sirius hated Professor Snape, but he never distrusted him like Moody did." Hermione whispered, "When Professor Snape sent a letter saying that Harry had gone to the Ministry of Magic, he immediately believed it." .”

Pomona froze, "How do you know?"

"I asked Phileas Black, who sent the information to Sirius."

Pomona has been ignoring a question, how did those stinky brats get into the Ministry of Magic in the dead of night?

The purpose of setting up the alert is not to say that I have something to do, so please let me go as soon as it is convenient. It is too easy for them to sneak into the Ministry of Magic.

And how did Sirius get into the Ministry of Magic?

Pomona dismissed George's claim that Severus had murdered Sirius as nonsense because there was absolutely no evidence that Severus had done it.

"Beware of former members of the Order of the Phoenix, Hermione." She could only come up with this answer with limited intelligence, "especially those who are eligible to enter 12 Grimmauld Place."

"Besides Wormtail, there are other traitors in the Order of the Phoenix, right?" Hermione asked, wiping her tears.

"Don't ask me, Hermione, don't ask me." Pomona covered her head. "We need to find a safe place for Harry and Ginny to live in. I don't trust Aurors. What do you think of the Longbottom House?"

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