Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2901 Water and Dream (4)

Batman is the first superhero without superpowers in the history of comics. Although he can solve some problems with technology, there are still some problems he cannot solve.

He first appeared in 1939. In the same year, a case occurred in the United States. The police illegally monitored the defendant's phone and used the phone recording as the main evidence to accuse Nadone of illegal business operations. However, the Supreme Court held that not only such Wiretapping cannot be used as evidence, nor should clues obtained from wiretapped conversations be used as evidence.

This principle was later called "the fruit of the poisonous tree", and its earliest origin was the Silverpan Lumber Company lawsuit in 1920, just as the tree was "tainted", and the fruit it bore could not be used as evidence. Even if Batman catches the criminal, if the evidence collection process is illegal, the criminal will also be acquitted because of the "fruit of the poisonous tree" principle.

There is a cause and an effect. The reason why Gotham has so many followers of the clown is also related to the Wayne Group. Since Bruce Wayne cannot run the family business by himself, the Wayne Company has been controlled by CEO Earl and has become a mercenary large consortium.

The Joker uses bank robbery money as a "parade" bonus to lure people to his "party" and hunt down Batman.

Batman hunts down the clown. If a lunatic like the clown is caught, he will also be locked up in a mental hospital according to the law. Once he regains his freedom, it will trigger a new round of crisis.

But the moment Batman decides not to lynch the Joker, if he wants to bring the criminal to justice, then he must follow the legal procedure. The Joker is trying to trick Batman into killing himself, not only to prove that he was right, but to prove that he won, and Batman is "tainted" and becomes an executioner.

Carter cares too much about winning or losing. This is the grievance between him and Mengston. Outsiders don't know the hidden truth, and think that he did such a naive thing, and even used the Unforgivable Curse on the students.

He wasn't like some people who didn't think the Unforgivable Curses was a big deal, after all he had been a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.

But at that moment, he gave in to his desire, and now that he has recovered his composure, he also regrets it. It was really a wrong step, like a vortex, attracting him to fall.

After Severus delivered Carter's luggage to his house, Carter really planned to go abroad for a while, not an excuse. Even if Albus didn't fire him, he wouldn't be able to stay at school anymore. Severus was able to "visit" him, and he felt very touched, because Severus was one of the few "friends" who would come to him in this situation, and other "friends" had long been far away from him up.

In fact, there is no need to be disappointed with human nature. They even had a drink at Carter's house and chatted about Quidditch. Only when talking about this topic, Carter still behaved like the energetic Gryffindor Quidditch captain.

When Carter came, the atmosphere in the school was very low, and it was he who boosted the morale in the school.

He himself felt very good, as if he had returned to his student days. When he took over as the captain of Quidditch, the morale of the team was also low and the hearts of the people were scattered.

Parthia originated from the ancient Persian language. It was originally the self-proclaimed name of people living on the Iranian plateau. Later, it gradually represented the Parthian Empire and succeeded the Achaemenid Dynasty as the overlord of Southwest Asia.

After Caesar got rid of Pompey, there was no longer any force that could fight against him, so he declared himself dictator for life and announced that he would go on an expedition to Parthia.

But at that time, the fortune teller said that "only the king can conquer Parthia", which made the republican members deeply disturbed, so they planned to assassinate Caesar. It's not the first time they've done that, it's just that the Gracchus were assassinated before to stop them from reforming.

The pursuit of personal self-interest is a normal motive, and the common interest covers the needs of all people, and the satisfaction of these needs affects everyone's destiny. The definition of common interests changes with the development of the times, social forms, public psychology and technology.

When the geocentric theory is regarded as truth, people speculate why God chose to create this huge and wonderful universe in this place instead of the divine reasons for creating this universe in other places.

Bruno was like the man who went outside the cave to see it, and came back to tell the people in the cave that it was all a lie. People hate being cheated, but they also hate being pointed out to their face that they have no doubts about the "truth". In fact, there were gossips spreading before Bruno, but Copernicus was not as young and vigorous as Bruno.

Sleeping lions and dragons are not scary, be careful not to wake them up, as thieves can take what they want to steal.

Hercules once killed a lion, which devoured all living things around it, and although it was awake, it was not awake. No one condemned Hercules for killing such a lion, let alone sent him to court for trial. Instead, Hercules killed his teacher, Apollo's gray-haired son Rinos, with a harp, and was sent to court. went to court. The righteous judge Radamantis acquitted him, and enacted a new law not guilty of killing in self-defence.

Hercules was young and skilled in martial arts, and Rinos was very old and only taught the harp. Although Heracles was convicted, there would be no Heracles of the Golden Fleece, no Heracles of the Kraken, but only one Heracles the prisoner. But this is called self-destructive future. He should have a bright and legendary "future", but because of a momentary mistake, he made an irreparable mistake, and it's not just a genius who fell because of this.

But the judge did not sentence Heracles to manslaughter, but self-defense. How did Rinos force Hercules to fight back in self-defense?

Harry has a lightning scar on his head that the Dark Lord gave him, and one day he will tell everyone that the Dark Lord is back. The tower card represents transformation, and the seemingly indestructible tower is shattered by lightning, symbolizing transformation.

But from what Carter knew of those "he knew", they didn't like transformation, so he didn't tell them the centaur prophecy, and he didn't go to the Ministry of Magic party on Christmas Day.

"He didn't say?" Pomona asked.

"Personally, I'm more inclined, who told him." Severus said, looking at her.

"You suspect it's me?" Pomona asked back.

"Now you're cleared," Severus said.

Pomona really couldn't believe that Carter actually...

"Do you think he's still from Hogwarts?" Pomona asked.

"Why do you think that?" Severus asked.

"That kind of arrows can only be used to aim at wizards. Werewolves are actually transformed by wizards. As long as you paint the arrows with chamaejasma aconite, these arrows can do great things." Pomona said, "and Barnaby's Uncle Cecil, with this arrow, the members of the werewolf capture team no longer need to listen to the 'guidance' of pointing the wand at the werewolf's throat as Rohart said."

He stopped, "Why do you have such an idea?"

"Saving Priya Moore's precarious career, do you think she is still from Hogwarts?" Pomona also stopped and looked at him.

"You have no sympathy for Lupine? Those arrows might have hit him too if they did," Severus said.

"You have so many questions." She said dissatisfiedly, "You didn't answer any of my questions."

"Why are you helping Moore like that?" He continued to ask.

"There's an eyeliner in the Department of Mysteries," Pomona replied. "She became a Reticent at a young age, so there's something special about her."

Severus said nothing.

Puglia took the two of them to Apparate alone that day, and the location was just right. It took two steps to reach the well. Although ordinary people can Apparate, it is difficult for them to be as precise as her, and they will match the destination. There is a difference.

"I don't recommend that," Severus said. "It's up to Dumbledore to decide."

"I'm just offering an 'option'." Pomona said like Dumbledore, "Do you think Minerva will soften her heart and take Harry over?"

"She's more of a normal woman than you are," Severus said sullenly.

Pomona is not happy anymore, why does she look "abnormal"?

Then she thought of Scamander's wife, Tina, who also seemed to have scolded Second Salem's administrators for her alleged child abuse.

As an Auror, she should collect evidence instead of taking action to punish, but few people would not be angry after seeing that scene, at least Minerva did not take action.

"I'm angry too, don't you see I'm angry?" Pomona said, frowning.

Severus sighed.

"I'm talking the 'maternal love' way."

"How do I know, I've never been a mother." Pomona said coldly.

"You can try to be softer."

"Bring Harry back?" she said firmly.

He shook his head as if he thought she was hopeless.

Pomona insisted on this, Barnaby said that every Slytherin had an interesting childhood, and that Potter would not necessarily be sorted into a Slytherin house. She spoke too absolutely that day, as if she had "predicted" that Harry would be assigned to Gryffindor, which made Minerva feel an inexplicable sense of responsibility. She was his dean, and she couldn't ignore Harry, and now she asked her not to interfere too much.

The seemingly stern cat dean is actually very gentle, just like the lion in the Garden of Eden, but in the Garden of Eden, the lion will play with the lamb with its paws, and she will paint her paws in colorful colors.

Maybe Pomona asked Minerva to do her manicures after she went back. After all, all the female teachers in the school did it. Even Sybill Trelawney's nails were beautiful sky blue.

She was really looking forward to what kind of manicure Minerva would give her.

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