Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2909 Water and Dream (12)

Legend has it that in 1941, when the foundations were being dug for the New York Library, the wine cellar was dug.

If you take the subway, it only takes half an hour from the headquarters of the United States Ministry of Magic to the library, and it is not far from the subway station where Grindelwald, disguised as an Auror, gave a speech.

Muggles have a habit of storing materials, even old newspapers will keep a file. In 1926, they encountered strange weather. It snowed in Hawaii and Times Square in the summer, and it was especially rainy that year.

The first two were done by wizards. Compared with the movement in Europe, the "abnormal weather" in the United States is just a trivial matter. As for why it rains so much, no one knows. When Madam Pomfrey mentioned this incident, she still "still remembers new".

There was a time when Poppy was young too, when she was listening to the radio with the other nurses who worked at St. Mungo's, dancing to the Charleston in the dormitory until the house master came, and continued dancing after she left. , until the wee hours of the morning.

Young people in the Muggle and wizarding world were all "unruly" at that time. Of course, from the appearance of Madam Pomfrey now, it is completely impossible to see what kind of person she was when she was young. Grindelwald advocated The "freedom" is very attractive.

One evangelical pastor dubbed it "the pit of hell," when the federal courthouse on the fifth floor of Manhattan's Federal Building had become a gathering place for bootleggers, speakeasies, crooked drugstore dealers, fake rabbis, Depraved priests, etc., all sorts of people are sent to the dock of the court, and their defense lawyers openly encourage the parties and witnesses to perjury, or bribe the members of the jury in the toilet.

In the end, the defendants often end up with a fine, but that fine is just a drop in the bucket compared to their daily expenses.

So a "scapegoat" profession was born, which refers to people who specialize in topping for a living. They will sign a topping contract. The contract stipulates that the scapegoat only needs to appear in court, answer questions according to the script, and then pay a $100 fine. The money was paid by the person who topped the bag, and the person who topped the bag would get a commission afterwards.

Especially after the Great Depression, other industries were not good enough, and bootleg liquor sold well, which made Canadians feel unhappy.

In 1929, Canada’s wine export tariff was twice the domestic income tax revenue, and domestic railways and wine-related tourism were also booming. At this time, the United States asked Canada to ban alcohol, and it was illegal for Canada to ship wine to countries that banned the sale of alcohol.

In addition, there is also the issue of law enforcement power at 12 nautical miles. It used to be 3 nautical miles. After extending to 12 nautical miles, it will be difficult for grasshopper boats to go that far.

But this requires the consent of the United Kingdom. In any case, the United Kingdom still had command of the sea at that time. Once, a bootleg boat was chased by the U.S. Coast Guard and ran aground in Canada, where locals swarmed it and ransacked it, which was regarded as a rather humiliating incident.

The stricter the prohibition of alcohol in the United States, the more money it makes, but some newspapers believe that if Canada implements the prohibition of the United States, it will make Canada an international joke.

Second, Salem also hoped that through newspapers, non-Muggles would agree that there are wizards in this world, and then they were humiliated by Little Henry Shaw, who said that Credence was a "freak", and Credence was furious Next, kill Henry Shaw Jr. at his fundraising party.

This was what Credence told Madam Pomfrey after he moved to live in the Pig's Head Bar. At that time, he needed to be hospitalized frequently in the school hospital. He had no regrets when he mentioned this matter.

Poppy didn't comment on Credence's good or bad, but instead talked about the entanglement between Albus and Gellert. Muggle psychology has a disease called dual psychosis, which can also be called induced delusional disorder. A person who really has delusional disorder infects other people, usually close people, and is divided into the master and the accused. Or, for example, the clown's mother is delusional, thinking that Arthur is the son of Thomas Wayne, and the clown believes it is true, and his name is really Thomas Wayne's father.

The defendant does not have delusions, and he only needs to stay away from the controller to return to normal. Arthur suffers from another kind of mental illness. In the relationship between Gellert and Albus, Gellert is the master. After leaving him, Albus returned to normal. teacher.

Grindelwald can see "the future", but how can he be sure that these are precognitive, or hallucinations he saw after schizophrenia?

In order to realize his ambition, he used Credence and made him do so many bad things.

Credence had a girlfriend named Nagini who tried to convince Credence in Paris not to follow Grindelwald.

In the story of Swan Lake, the prince also faces a choice, whether it is a white swan that looks pure, or a black swan, the daughter of Satan. The white swan always looks very weak, not like a princess, but a black swan, doing its own way and feeling like a princess.

After all, the black swan grew up being pampered, while the white swan lost its kingdom and parents, and then the idiot with the golden crown chose the white swan.

The Sorting Hat will sing a new song every year, and he only has the chance to play a few times a year, so of course he has to do his best.

Don't look at the surface when looking at people.

Bruno believes that if the world is infinite like in the Superman comics, then it will hinder each other. For example, if one world is flooded, the other world will be extremely dry because all the water has been pumped away.

The infinite number of earths will constitute the infinite surface waters, but the water is not infinite, and the infinite parts of the earths will not constitute an infinite earth.

Gravity is limited. Even if there are countless balls, it is like ten people pulling a boat and one person pulling it alone. A single person pulling the boat will definitely not be able to pull it. No matter whether he is a strongman or not, ten people can pull it away together.

The water element is not only an important element that constitutes the world, but also because of its fluidity, it can connect infinite worlds. This statement is similar to what Superman thinks that they can travel between universes with other powers.

Because of the havoc in New York, Albus seems to be dueling Credence in Berlin somehow.

Although the city can still be restored with the repair spell, the people who died in the attack cannot be saved, which is also the limitation of magic.

Pomona drilled her ear, and that ear happened to be left unplucked. It was indeed a little uncomfortable as Severus said. At that time, she was busy asking Bobby to help her check her back, and forgot to ask her to help her pick out her ear up.

She also ate a Bibi multi-flavored bean from Bobby's place, but luckily it wasn't earwax or something weird.

After drilling his ears, Pomona glanced at what was on his finger.

If you have never eaten earwax, how do you know what earwax tastes like?

But Pomona didn't intend to try it either, and wiped it off as if nothing happened, just like wiping off the water mist on the glass, leaving no trace.

She looked at the beautiful woman in the mirror, and couldn't tell if she was hallucinating too.

If she is also a double psychopath, does she belong to the prosecution or the accused?

In Poppy's eyes, Albus and Gellert didn't understand each other, but fell into a crazy dream together, at least she won't have a dream tonight, because she took the dreamless sleep potion from Poppy.

It's not a long-term solution, though, and she prides herself on getting a good night's sleep.

"Cheers." She said softly, opened the test tube, drank the purple liquid, then lay down on the bed, and blew out the candle.

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