Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2912 The Language of Butterflies (2)

When Arthur went to the social worker to pick up his medication, he was told that he would no longer be able to get it because of financial cutbacks, and that he had just lost his job and his savings would not be able to buy enough medication.

Shouldn't mental illness be treated in a hospital? How can they live like normal people?

Shouldn't orphans also be sent to orphanages? There they will be received and properly cared for.

No one picks up the garbage on the streets. They even think they are an eyesore and affect the city appearance. Cleaning them up is like throwing away the burden. Not only the streets have become tidy, but also a lot of space has been freed up. Instead, it is to display some kind of treasure, just put that in a room, and it will not feel empty.

Da Vinci's Mona Lisa occupies an entire wall, and some people even lined up for a long time just to see her, and there are a variety of souvenirs.

They are also children, and the circumstances of Credence and Henry Shaw Jr. are completely different. The disparity in "power" will also cause bullying, and it will happen frequently as the power gap widens, because the strong will feel that even if they bully You will not suffer any sanctions if you bully others, and you will not suffer any losses if you achieve your goals through bullying.

The situation of the Dursley family is like this. After getting the "windfall" that fell from the sky, Fernon was not in a hurry to change the car. He planned to save the money for Dudley to study in college, but he agreed to persuade Petunia, take Harry to meet his parents, he can drive them there as a driver.

Petunia was also persuaded that the efficiency of the Muggle post office was not that bad, and Dudley was the problem.

He didn't want his parents to be "directed around" by Harry. He didn't like going to the Boy Scouts at all, and suddenly he became very fond of participating in those unfortunate programs.

Although the activities of the Boy Scouts in the summer vacation are mainly concentrated in the forest, they usually also visit places such as fire stations, police stations, and museums. Harry and Dali will go to elementary school soon. The family model of the Dursley family is that all the requirements of "Dada" must be met, and Harry's needs must be met under the condition of "Dada". The request will only be fulfilled if it is reasonable and reasonable. This time, it is not his big man who bullied Harry.

Minerva was not so angry this time, she had other things to focus on, all the candles and braziers in the castle would be lit at this time of year, and she wanted to make sure everything was safe.

Felix was worried about the Frog Choir. If he didn't practice for a summer vacation, the cooperation of the members would deteriorate, while Severus ran to King's Cross Station.

The subway station near King's Cross suddenly caught fire. Although the fire broke out in the subway station, it was not inside the station. The elevator in this subway station is still an old wooden elevator. Although the official said that the fire was caused by frequent use and being too old, it is not ruled out that someone deliberately caused trouble.

The fire incident was at 11:18, and the Hogwarts Express had already set off, so I hope there will be no further problems on the way.

So Pomona went back to the kitchen and continued preparing the dinner.

What is the power gap? Maybe Little Henry Xiao's personal strength is not the opponent of Credence the Obscure, but no matter how angry Credence is, he dare not attack Little Henry Xiao on the spot.

He may not know anything about the International Law of Secrecy, but with his adoptive mother by his side, he dared not do something to upset her.

Even though she was just an ordinary Muggle woman, she was powerful in front of young Credence. He may not be afraid of the son of a newspaper boss, but he is afraid of a woman who actually believes that there are wizards in the world, and she speaks in front of a large audience to make people believe what she says.

When the "edge" and the "center" meet, often nothing good happens, but it doesn't always end in death. It can only be said that Little Henry Xiao and Morrie were very unlucky to meet mentally unstable people.

Rather than worrying about Harry going astray, Pomona was more worried about whether he would become an Obscure due to long-term repression.

Halfway through cooking, Pomona was in no mood to continue cooking, and she returned to her office.

In fact, the reason why James became the student council president is very clear. This school cannot be controlled by the "Little Death Eaters", and the power represented by James can compete with it. At least if someone gets bullied by the Death Eaters again, they know they can go to the student council president, James, who won't take sides with those who do evil things.

"Dean." The fat monk said suddenly, "Can I come in?"

"Come in," Pomona said softly, and looked around.

"What makes you so angry?" asked the fat monk.

"Nothing," said Pomona, using the Restoring Charm to restore what had been broken by her magic.

"Do you want to talk?" the fat monk said kindly.

Pomona didn't think it was a good thing for a witch to confide in a priest.

"Think about things that make you feel happy," said the fat friar, "or things that make you feel loved and cared for."

"I don't want to," Pomona said.

"Why not?" asked the fat monk.

"I wanted to stay calm, I know, I just lost control."

"I didn't come here to condemn you." The fat monk sighed. "I hope you will be happy."

"Why do you think I'm unhappy?" Pomona asked back.

"You're not smiling," said the fat monk.

Pomona thought it was a big deal, and just tried to fake a smile.

"Laughing is a man's 'passio', just as creation is a god's 'passio'." The fat monk said, "You didn't tell your friends this right?"

Pomona recalled that she had indeed mentioned to Severus that "it's the man who laughs".

"How do you know?" Pomona asked the fat friar.

"He didn't believe it and made it a joke and told people we knew together. When you can feel it, you can laugh and keep your empathy and optimism."

"Thank you, Monk, I feel better," Pomona said sincerely.

"I am waiting for your summons at any time." The fat monk said in French, and then left her office.

After he left, the smile on Pomona's face faded a little, but it didn't dissipate.

Daly appears to be winning so far, but Pomona is waiting to see how long he can last.

Time occasionally shows its merciful side.

She adjusted her mood, stood up, and left the office.

However, when she opened the door, she found Paul standing at the door.

"Do you want revenge?" Paul asked her in French.

"No." Pomona said with a smile.

"You were so easily persuaded by 'kindness'?" Paul said contemptuously.

"No," Pomona said.

"Then what do you want to do?"

"You don't want to know." She smiled mysteriously, took an apple, and walked towards the kitchen while chewing.

"Tell me!" Paul yelled. "I'm going crazy!"

"If I tell you, will you make a contract with me?" asked Pomona.

Paul "choked".

"Alright~" Peeves suddenly appeared at this moment, "Make a contract with him and let him go!"

"I don't!" Paul said angrily, and turned to leave.

Peeves made a face at Paul.

"Okay, now let's discuss how to drive him away." Peeves said, "Otherwise I won't help you."

Pomona was speechless for a moment.

What should she say to make Peeves understand that she didn't help just now?

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