Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2926 Graphics of the Earth (Part 2)

Like most of the students, Charlie also chased a dragonfly and found an item after he heard that a dragonfly appeared and the principal allowed them to chase it freely.

It was a weird eye, looking like a dragon's eye, and then Charlie put it on.

"And then I couldn't see anything," said Charlie, who was quite open-minded.

Pomona looked at the worried Bill. He didn't know whether he was worried about his brother or about the Quidditch match. After all, he was a prefect now.

"Is this thing cursed?" Pomona asked Bill.

"I've never heard of anyone getting a dark magic item," Bill said.

"It could have been an accident, or maybe Charlie wasn't wearing it the right way," Passy said.

Pomona looked at the "pet" in his hand, she wondered how Madam Pomfrey allowed it into the hospital wing.

The temporary blindness took a toll on Charlie, but he believes he will get better soon, and as time goes on he feels better and can now see a bit.

There was probably nothing serious about it, so Pomona left the hospital wing after visiting the pair.

As soon as she walked out of the door, a black figure appeared behind her, and then she was dragged to Myrtle's bathroom as if shrouded in a cloud of black mist.

"What are you doing!" she asked hastily.

He grabbed her arm and came to a compartment where someone was concocting potions.

"If she's going to do an experiment, it's better to be under the supervision of a teacher than to find a cubicle by herself."

"Is this Aiken's 'laboratory'?" Pomona asked.

"No." He let go of her arm, "Why do you always like to mention my childhood."

Pomona fell silent.

He raised his hand and blocked the exit of the compartment, his cloak like a door curtain.

"Do I still look like a child now?"

"Of course not." Pomona smiled falsely. "You've grown up, Severus."

There was no expression on his face, but the look in his eyes made her feel so uncomfortable that even the fake smile disappeared.

"I've been thinking about you." He said softly, "Am I going to be punished for this?"

She's glad he's not like the hero of "Lolita," because he's always thinking about his first love who died young, and he's interested in girls the same age as Lily from Girls' Generation.

But she couldn't say "I'm very happy" happily on this occasion.

"I know I shouldn't have these thoughts, how about helping me get rid of them?"

"What do you want to do?"

"I don't know what to do, can you help me?" He almost begged.

He looked a little pitiful, and she almost softened her heart.

"How about you get a girlfriend?" Pomona said.

The pitiful expression on his face disappeared.

"You don't have to worry about Dumbledore, I will tell him for you." She said softly.

Although in this way, there is no reason for Severus to stay in school. After all, he worked for Dumbledore because he loved Lily.

"It's normal for you to have a family when you grow up."

"You have the same idea?" He raised his hand and brushed the hair from her ear.

"No, let me out." She said seriously.

He looks shaken, and if he's a gentleman, it's time to put his hands down.

"If you didn't mean that, why did you allow me to do that?"

He didn't put his hands down and continued to block her way, and Pomona noticed that his fists were clenched, but she didn't think he would do it to her.

And obviously it wasn't wise to tell him the truth at this time.

"It's normal to have these fantasies at your age."

He showed a puzzling expression, as if he was going to be angry, but also as if he was going to laugh.


Suddenly there was a chuckle, and Pomona looked over and saw Myrtle peeping.

"Don't worry, I won't tell!" Myrtle said with a ambiguous smile.

At this moment, she was so embarrassed that she wanted to disappear in place, but before she could react, she was dragged out again.

She didn't know where he was taking her, but she staggered after him until they reached a dark corner.

In the darkness, she could only hear the pounding heartbeat, hugging her arms, her chest heaving violently, their faces were very close, smelling each other's breath.

"Forgive me," he said again.

She really didn't know what to say.

"I can't stop feeling this way," he said.

"You're a young man." She said softly. "That's normal."

"Did you do the same thing as other 'young people'?" he demanded.

"Nobody's going to be interested in me," Pomona said with a smile. "Look at me, Severus."

He refused.

"Find someone human to love, Severus." She said softly, "Lily is not the only good girl."

He let go of her suddenly, turned ruthlessly, his cloak filled with the wind, and spread out like bat wings.

She didn't know what she said wrong, but it didn't matter.

She thought it was fine until he found the right life.

"You are a monster." Just as she was about to jump off the wooden box, she heard a voice say.

Then Paul appeared in the car.

"How long have you been watching?" Pomona asked.

But Paul didn't answer her question, he followed the direction Severus was walking out of her sight.


Because of Article III of the Bill of Rights 1689, it is illegal and harmful to establish religious affairs tribunals or other committees and tribunals of a similar nature.

And under section 12 of the Act, fines and promises of confiscation of property against any person prior to conviction are illegal.

This also led to the inability of the Inquisition to be established in the UK, but not only the Inquisition tried witches, but the secular courts tried witches in Salem.

Georgiana looked at all kinds of people in the audience, and the way they looked at her made her very unhappy, as if she was going to poison them.

In fact, they don't have to worry so much. Even if she wants to use the love potion, she won't use it on them. On the contrary, William Pitt, who is in the wild now, will not be protected by the Ministry of Magic. Even if it is false love, will he be obsessed with it after trying it, and will not be so keen on power?

Her gaze turned to representatives of other countries, who stood in the distance as bystanders, including Denmark's finance minister and her guardian, Richard Edgeworth.

In fact, the food system designed by Frederick the Great was not without problems. For example, the reason for the soaring food prices this time was the poor harvest of the Baltic Sea. This area belongs to the remote area of ​​Prussia, and the food is mainly exported, unlike Szczecin That is for domestic use.

In Hobbes's Leviathan, it was mentioned that the laws of a country are like the rules of the game. If all the participants agree, there will be no injustice. Good laws are clear and clear laws that are needed for the benefit of the people. It should be simple, and the words should be accurate and appropriate with clear meaning.

The lords signed an agreement not to give France food, and the end would be like Portugal, where the Rhine Army crossed the Rhine. The other lords will help, because there is no guarantee that the land will be given to them after France leaves. The lords can't do without signing. If they don't sign, they won't be able to share the territories of the bishops and princes.

Many people have designed perpetual motion machines, but they all failed due to various reasons. The simpler the mechanical structure, the less energy consumption is lost during operation. The machine of the Holy Roman Empire has already turned long.

Hegel once said that the struggle for the throne in the Roman Empire and the wars between heroes disrupted and destroyed the Roman Empire, and it was a kind of dissolution for the dictator himself. The essence of this dissolution, or this negation of the dictators themselves, is precisely the ego, which is their subject, the act of becoming reality and the process of becoming, and the alienation of the individual personality, that is to say, self-consciousness drives the hero Being a dictator also makes the state entity a reality.

The state entity is the spiritual force that transforms disorder itself into an orderly world, although the entity is a visible and tangible object for most people.

The law is a kind of order and a kind of restraint. Even if a law without binding force is written, it will be put on the shelf.

Napoleon Bonaparte is not here, but it seems to be here, she saw a monster that no one else saw, but...

"I'm not a monster."

She was talking to herself in a voice that only she could hear.

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