Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 300 The Heart of the Snake

In the concept of Europeans before the 17th century, the color of all swans was white. However, with the development of navigation, people discovered black swans in Australia. "As impossible as a black swan" has become a possibility, and the sinking of the Titanic is a black swan event.

Although this speculation was really nonsense, and most of it came from her own intuition and speculation, Pomona began to believe that she might be the descendant of Cowslet Strange.

Mrs. Sprout raised her just like the half-elf nurse. Her father was not looking for his mother, but was hiding from Joseph Kama, so he couldn't come to see her.

Muggles often say that eggs should not be put in one basket, and the baby boy that Rita dropped may not be Cows at all, but a child picked up from any orphanage. Weak babies are not suitable for Apparation, especially cross-legged babies. This is even more so in the state of apparition, which requires a Muggle ship, and the real Cows may be elsewhere, otherwise the elf nanny will not abandon the male heir and save a not very important female Lestrange, Li Ta thought she had imagined the scene of her brother's death that she had seen.

Cous is not only the son of Cous the elder, but also the son of Clarice. Her surname was Tremblay before she got married. Perhaps it was through the news of the shipwreck that the real Kous and Batik Jr. Like Rauch, he was hidden somewhere and grew up.

Credence Barber was sent to the United States and adopted by Second Salem, but the elf nanny stayed in France. At the same time, she left clues for Credence to find her, as if deliberately arranging for Credence A scapegoat for Dens to die in place of the real Cous.

Newt's memories of the Lestrange family ended when Rita opened the family tree. He obviously didn't know what happened in France. Although there were many dangerous magical animals in Newt's house, it was very suitable for children. Living with children, there are no plots and tricks, only simplicity and kindness, which is much more warm and sunny than the dark, oppressive and suffocating Blake's house.

Holmes is a super-rational, highly logical, indifferent, and even a bit anti-social person. A person with abundant emotions may not necessarily help understand others, and sometimes may even lead to misunderstanding. Sherlock Holmes defended his indifference in the famous "The Sign of Four" case: "Emotions affect sane reason. The most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life poisoned three children for insurance payouts. Hanged; but one of the least likable men I ever knew was a philanthropist who gave £250,000 to the relief of the common people in London."

Compassion is an innate ability of human beings. When I see others suffering, I feel sad and want to help. This is the function of sympathy. Sympathy is just one's own subjective feeling, and the object of sympathy may not need the help of others. For example, the "vomit" made by Hermione Granger, she was full of sympathy, and she couldn't wait to go to liberate the house elves, but the other party was very disgusted, because they didn't need to be liberated at all, they were polite to wizards in order to get rid of those intruders earlier. She drove away the little wizard who entered the Hogwarts kitchen. What's worse, her excessive sympathy will also play a role in doing bad things with good intentions. Now she is the director of the elf resettlement office. Her past kindness and good deeds It had the opposite effect, and the elves became wary, and even refused to accept a more rational and effective solution to the rights and interests of the elves.

Compared with sympathy, it is not based on one's own point of view, but empathy of empathy is more useful. People who lack emotion will be much weaker in sympathy, but in terms of empathy, Sherlock Holmes may not always be able to learn from the victim. In the case of "Silver Horse", Sherlock Holmes infers from the fact that the dog did not bark on the night the horse was stolen that the horse was stolen must be a person who often enters and exits the stable. In fact, this stray horse was finally found because Holmes speculated from the horse's "very gregarious" habit that the horse that lost its owner should be in the nearest place to the town.

Hermione is very sympathetic. She even adopted Crookshanks who seems to be disabled, but if she wants to continue to climb up, she must put away her abundant emotions. Believe in divination, Pomona Sprout Don't admit it, there really is such a thing as fate.

Sirius ran away from home at the age of 16 and lived with the Potters for a period of time. At the age of 17, he moved out of the Potters' house and found a place of his own. His requirement for this place was that it was as far away from London as possible and as close to the Potters' house as possible. One point, the main house of the Potter family was not in Godric's Hollow at that time, and that world-famous house was just the Potter family's villa. Godric's Hollow is the most suitable place to live in seclusion. It's a remote village, not suitable for people who like to live in a lively place. Life is very monotonous and boring. Bashir is an old lady, and James doesn't have a common language with her. And the reason why their husband and wife wanted to hide XZ was because Severus overheard Trelawney's prophecy, and told Voldemort in order to claim credit. As a result, he indirectly killed his first love lover.

Idiot Snape, that's what the twins called him behind their backs. At first Pomona felt uncomfortable. He was cautious and patient. How could he be an idiot? It was only now that she felt that it was a big deal for Severus to screw things up, and that both Dumbledore and the Dark Lord had big plans that he screwed up.

Alphard is a star located in the heart of the Hydra snake. When Dumbledore handed over the huge fortune to Pomona, it is understandable that it was Walburga. Why would an uncle give it to Pomona? Reese so much money? What Walburga gave is much more reasonable, after all, she is also Sirius' mother.

This old Black house used to be the place where Walburga, Alphard, and Signus grew up. Marriage among close relatives is not acceptable to everyone. Alphard supported Sirius' defected family, and Walburga even expelled his younger brother. Now, Pomona remembered that Sirius once said that his mother’s heart was made of stone. She didn’t believe it at first, but now she believed it. It’s fine if her son ran away from home and didn’t support him. She also removed Sirius. With such a cruel woman, it's no wonder Orion doesn't love her.

Sirius didn't want to be like Orion, Bella saw an opportunity at this time, her heart has always been towards the Dark Lord, she instilled something in Regulus, let a child who was about the same age as Draco join the Death Eaters , Pomona seemed to hear a sigh of relief when Severus burned Bella's head. She traced back the family tree, and Bellatrix's, Andromeda's, and Narcissa's father was named Cygnus Black, which happened to be the same name as the son she expected to be born.

Hermione Granger's two unintentional actions turned their lives upside down. Harry Potter and Ron Weasley, who were looking through Sirius' room together at the time, didn't think so carefully. Sirius' room hadn't been seen for a long time. Live, still maintain the appearance of leaving home when he was 16 years old, where does he live? What a simple question, the boys just didn't expect that other people who are not familiar with Sirius took it for granted that he should live in his previous room when he returned to his parents' house, and then there was that suspicious letter, Blake There is a shielding spell at home, how did the owl find Sirius?

She hated the sentimental Severus Snape, and now she wanted the cool and intelligent double agent back.

"Why did you mention the Titanic, what the hell! Hermione!" Pomona cursed, turned and walked out of the room, following the smell of smoke and alcohol to find the human wizard who had gone mad again.

Not all human beings are the kind of "everything is eliminated, I will have the last laugh". There are also caring people like Newt. His family lives in Dorset, where besides a teddy bear museum There is a toy hospital, where doctors and nurses will perform various "surgeries" to reshape the lives of these dilapidated teddy bears whose owners place deep affection on them.

When Pomona found the old Slytherin basilisk at the corner of the stairs, she felt compelled to buy him one, the kind of soft toy that doesn't die like a pet, and now he reminds her of his Stinger After his son Jiji was killed, he curled up with his knees in his arms, looking helpless, as if he could do nothing but cry and cry.

"How about we go find Draco? He's half Black, Kreacher likes him, maybe it'll allow us to move those books."

"Do you know what this is?" He rolled up the sleeve of his right hand and showed her a scar.

"You have so many scars on your body, how do I know what they are?" Pomona walked to him and sat down against the wall like him.

"It's from my unbreakable vow, when a fire dragon spewed out of the wand." He looked at the scar on his right hand. "That friend you know, when did the scar on his hand disappear?"

"I don't know," said Pomona, looking at the chandelier on the ceiling. "It never occurred to me that I might be the last of the French Corvis Lestrange."

"So your real name is Pomona Lestrange?"

"I don't think it's possible," said Pomona quietly. "It never occurred to me to find my own father."

"You are different from Harry Potter." He whispered, "Dumbledore loves you very much, you are not an orphan without father and mother."

"What about you? Do you think Dumbledore really doesn't love you at all?"

"Telling him love is disgusting." He immediately showed a disgusted expression. "We are just colleagues, and we cooperate and take advantage of each other."

"He trusts you more than anyone, including Moody."

"But he never entrusted me with destroying Horcruxes." His eyes looked into the void. "I'm like a porter."

"You know, I think there is a way to break the curse." Pomona stroked the scar on his arm, "As long as you stop loving people."

Severus laughed. "Sounds easy."

"To some people, yes, but you're different." She turned his head to hers. "You're an emotional person, and you sympathize with Remus, don't you, that's why you're not on his meds?" Poison him, even though he holds your most desired position as Defense Against the Dark Arts professor."

"No!" he yelled. "I just don't think it's necessary to embarrass him."

"The movie we watched today is really a timeless classic, although some people think that kind of love is not realistic at all." Pomona looked into his eyes and said, "Dumbledore wants me to be Ravenclaw and concentrate on academics, Don't waste your talent, you can be Gryffindor, be a brave man, actually I think Hufflepuff fool and Slytherin villain are good, not necessarily what he thinks is a good choice is what I want , I like Jack very much, not because he is handsome, but because he allows Rose to be herself without any disguise. After Rose was saved, Carl came to her, but she hid herself so that he would not find her. I don't want to go back to that cage, I'm like her, you set me free."

"You sound like Dobby."

"Are you Harry Potter, then? Do you want to give me a sock?"

"I thought about it, but I don't want to now." He looked into her eyes and said, "At the beginning of the movie, Jack gambled on the pier and used all his savings to bet on two tickets. He could still survive if he lost the boat, and those two who lost the boat ticket are the real lucky ones, do you think they are right?"

"They will never fall in love with noble girls." Pomona said contemptuously.

"The person who dares to take the biggest risk can get the deepest love and the greatest achievement. This is the reason why Carl lost to Jack. Carl is not brave enough." Severus said with a sneer, "Actually, Sirius Black can also be a double." As a spy, he only needs to tell the Dark Lord that Dumbledore caused him to live in Azkaban for twelve years, and he came back to take revenge, but what did you see him do?"

Pomona didn't want to sympathize with Sirius. He was so handsome, but why didn't he think of it then?

"Maybe he can't speak because the two double-faced agents will not be able to speak, and then he will pass the time."

"Poker requires four people to play. Jack and his friends have one head, and two Norwegians have one head. Two people cooperate with one person to play alone. The game is different. The stupid dog has been in prison for a long time, and his brain is not clear. "

"Why didn't you remind him!" Pomona roared.

"I'm in this business of improvisation, have you seen someone teach me that?" Severus said stiffly, "I'm not going to trust my back to someone I can't trust."

Pomona was as speechless as if struck by lightning.

"Now you still think I called him a stupid dog wrong?" Severus said with a smug smile, "Every time he opened his mouth, I couldn't help but shut him up, why didn't he complain about his fate when he was lucky? It's not fair, when you're unlucky you have to do everything you can to control your own destiny, I'm glad you don't like Jack because he's handsome, but you don't know him well enough, there are so many ships going to America every day , do you know why he insisted on taking the Titanic?"

"Uh..." Pomona began to recall the plot of the movie.

Severus looked at her and shook his head.

"You still feel older than me and want me to rely on you." He pinched her nose "Stupid."

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