Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 311 Elopement Paradise

England's name comes from the Angles who, along with the Angles and Saxons, landed in Britain in the 5th century AD. The garrison of the Roman Empire withdrew from the island under the weight of barbarian invasions, the Anglo-Saxons originated in northern Germany, and the Germanic language and culture, as well as Nordic religious beliefs, shaped England until the arrival of William the Conqueror in the 11th century.

Many people make their wedding grand, such as Molly and Lily, but Nordic weddings are very simple. Nordics who advocate simplicity and freedom think that intimate matters such as marriage belong to the romance of two people, and honeymoon is more expensive than extravagant weddings. The party is more worth investing in.

Thor is the son of Odin, and there are more people who worship him than Odin. Germans believe that marriages blessed by Thor are happy, so many couples in ancient Germanic weddings are the representatives of Thor—— —The oak tree swears, only one witness is enough, the two of them have done this just now, in front of the half of the elder tree, the witness is Draco Malfoy, although Xiaolong and Ben didn't realize that they were someone else Witnesses to the wedding.

Now they are holding a Celtic wedding. Originally, the rulers of Britain were the Celts. With the invasion of the Anglo-Saxons, the Celts moved westward to Ireland and northward to Scotland. Scotch Celtic weddings required plaid skirts, and Severus would never wear that damn thing, unless someone was going to turn the wedding into a funeral.

The Ministry of Magic is in England, and the law stipulates that marriages without parental consent are considered illegal. Hogwarts is in Scotland. Scots don’t have so many rules. As long as there is a witness present, the marriage is valid. Tonks and Lupine are in the underground tavern The wedding was held here, and almost everyone in the Order was there, except for Severus and Pomona.

The reason why Lupine didn't invite Severus was simple, he was such an annoying person, and the reason why he didn't invite Pomona was because she was an opponent of this marriage, and she once wanted to break up Tonks and Lupine.

Lupine is not a choice for a smart girl. He is poor and a werewolf. Pomona is preventing Tonks from being stupid, but Tonks married him without hesitation. The old professor who cared about her has become a bad person .

Her mother, Andromeda, didn't support her either, and in the end she ran away with Lupine directly.

Although Tonks dresses rebelliously and likes to play pranks, she is a very well-behaved noble lady. Pomona almost fainted when she learned that she eloped. Who would have thought that Pomona would elope herself?

On January 6, 2005, the evening of Thor's day, she was actually going to marry the snotty Snape. To be precise, it was a make-up. The wedding witness was Minerva McGonagall, and her father was a priest. To be a bride in May is a dream that countless women have slowly brewed since the beginning of love. In the romantic early summer, roses are in full bloom, and the air is filled with sweetness. On this day, she can be a real and absolute princess.

However, in the eyes of the Celts, it is very unlucky to get married in May or when the moon turns from profit to loss. This day is the first quarter moon, and the wedding party of Hibiscus is also held in the evening. Knowing how to prepare, the bride doesn't have to worry about anything, just dress up beautifully and go to the wedding. The bride's preparation room is in the greenhouse, and the flowers blooming in the greenhouse are her jewelry.

The Celts believed in druids, and the famous Irish female druid in the Middle Ages, Kriona, was not only good at potions, but also discovered the magical properties of moon dew flowers, which were used to make awakening potions and live hell potions , is a plant that grows and flowers only in Scotland and Ireland.

At the same time, she is also proficient in transfiguration, is an Animagus, can transform herself into a seabird, and is one of the characters in the chocolate frog picture. Pomona plans to make her own wedding wreath from the flower, even though she keeps sneezing.

"How are you, Professor?" Hermione Granger had come to visit Pomona, a sympathetic girl who knew her poor old professor needed company now, because Pomona was really scared.

"Are you often caught by him every time you go out at night?" Pomona asked Hermione expressionlessly, otherwise how can he explain that he is always so elusive!

"It's not me, it's Harry." Hermione replied absent-mindedly, "Professor Snape always appears when Harry is in trouble."

"Then you will be sneering and sarcastic, will you still help him in the end?" Pomona held her forehead, how did he develop such an awkward character?

"I don't know, I'm confused right now." Hermione waved her hands in bewilderment, "What's going on?"

"All I know is that I'm going to a wedding and follow the groom." Pomona pointed her wand at the moondew flowers on the table, they only bloom under the moonlight, and now the sky is cloudy and snowing, only magic is born "The old bat is best at confusing spells!"

She bets everyone, including the guests, is confused now.

"Professor Snape is going to invite Lucius Malfoy to be the best man, who is your bridesmaid?" Hermione asked coldly.

"Hannah Albert!" Pomona said obsessively, "I'm not like him. I can't let all the students attend my wedding."

"Can't I?" Hermione said very unhappy "I thought we were friends."

"It's very complicated." Pomona calmed down a bit. She cast an earbud to listen to her surroundings, and then used her human form to make sure that there was no one around, especially after Lavender was not eavesdropping. Then she said, "I want to introduce Hannah met Neville."

Hermione's eyes widened.

"Lavender was bitten by a werewolf. Teddy was lucky not to inherit Remus' werewolf lineage. That's because Tonks is a human being. I can't let the Longbottom family's lineage be cut off." Pomona said ruthlessly.

"I know a lot of people say you're kind all the time, but I know you're not that kind of person." Hermione looked around the greenhouse. "We squeezed the pimple vine that day, and even though Neville was the first to get the pods, he bled You don't care about him, this is not what a good witch should do, you can at least give him white moss."

"He doesn't need anyone to heal his wounds." Pomona said calmly, "He is the number one in herbal medicine."

"You're cruel, Pomona, but you're not cruel in the same way as Bellatrix." Hermione wiped away her tears. "She carved a Mudblood on my hand."

Bella's approach was very similar to Umbridge's, but she didn't feel like she was leaving marks on anyone.

"Invite Hannah for me," she said still calmly. "Send a house-elf over there, and you know I can do it myself if you don't."

"I've already done that, even though I wasn't in the mood I'm in now." Hermione sniffed. "You always make the right decision, so you haven't made any mistakes?"

"Of course I made mistakes." Pomona put her hands on the table. "One of the biggest mistakes was to provoke Severus."

"I don't see what trouble you've caused?"

She has no way to speak to Hermione, that assumption has no proof, unless she goes to Gringotts, whether the experiment can pass the identity verification of the Lestrange family, which is exactly what Hermione can't achieve even after drinking Polyjuice Potion.

Bella is pure blood and Hermione is Muggle, even if she is exactly the same as Bella because of drinking potion.

"Don't bully him." Hermione said in a tearful voice, "I know people must think he is bullying you, you are like a swamp digger."

"What you said is too ridiculous." Pomona denied it intuitively.

The swamp digger is an animal that lives in swamps. It feeds on small mammals, but its favorite food is mandrakes. It will take good care of the mandrakes, but when it feels that the mandrakes are mature , would eat it, and the mandrake grower would grab one and pull it up to find a bloody, tangled mess underneath.

"Ron and Lavender used to be together. It was said in magazines that men can never forget their first love, especially the kind of childhood sweetheart. I will always remember the way Ron and Lavender hug each other. I I think you will never forget Lily, I will not advise you to forget her, it is impossible, but Professor Snape is the kind of person who takes feelings very seriously and is also very dedicated, we all like that This kind of pure love that does not need to consider material things, and has not calculated the giving and rewards, but that relationship is not yours. The man who keeps revisiting old dreams and never forgets the past will never know what he really wants. He is persistent and cannot get it. What you have, but don't cherish what you have already got, do you think Professor Snape is the kind of person who can't get rid of the past?"

"He didn't kill Wormtail." Pomona said wearily. She didn't expect that she would be taught by the students one day. "During the summer vacation of Harry's fifth grade, he and Wormtail lived in the house he used to live in when he was a child."

"Living with the traitor who betrayed his friend and indirectly killed his beloved woman?" Hermione muttered in surprise. "What was he thinking?"

"He said he was looking out for the overall situation." Pomona said wearily. "I never thought of it until Narcissa woke me up."

"Then Professor Snape is the kind of man who has got rid of the past and knows what he wants. Do you think he will only give like a fool and won't ask for anything in return?"

"No, it's impossible." Pomona shook her head, "Lucius said that he is as fast as a fire dragon, but smarter than a fire dragon. Did you understand that?"

"Yes," said Hermione, examining Pomona's dress. "It's a bit dirty."

She took out her wand and used a Cleanse on her, and the dress was snow white again.

Hermione's wand is dragon's heartstrings and grapewood, and although she's been a housewife for a while, she's still a big celebrity.

Grapewood isn't really wood, it's a rare species of wand, and their owners have always had lofty ambitions and visions, and always startled those who thought they knew them.

"Thank you, Hermione." Pomona put a wreath of moondew flowers on her head, with a shy blush on her face and her winged gray hair, she looked like an elf walking out of ice and snow. Smartest witch of your age."

"Is he not killing Wormtail to make his life worse than death?" Pomona suddenly asked suspiciously.

Hermione rolled her eyes and waved her wand to conjure up a bouquet, not roses or rosebushes, but a clump of crab claws.

"When we were in first grade, the first level to guard the Sorcerer's Stone was the devil's net." Hermione said, "Why didn't I think of it?"

"What do you think?"

"How good at disguising you are," said Hermione angrily. "The one who really thinks Hufflepuff is a fool is a real fool."

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