Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3201 Flashing Mosaic (9)

Justinian's idea to build Hagia Sophia came from a dream. He said that he saw a wise man in his dream holding a large silver plate in his hand. What was engraved on the plate was the church that would be built on the ancient cathedral. Style of the new church on the ruins of the church.

Justinian said in a dream "If I had this plate, I would make my temple according to the pattern of the carvings in it."

The Theodosian Church, once the place where Justinian and Theodora were crowned, was a traditional basilica building, but it was burned down during the Nika Rebellion, and the two architects received requests from the emperor. Commissioned to design this apse full of pagan style. Its span is larger than the original Theodosian Church. According to Justinian's design, it would be impossible to achieve both geometrically and architecturally.

A dream is just a dream after all, and it is unrealistic to move it into reality, but it was finally built after several generations of hard work, just like the dome of the Santa Maria del Fiore church in Florence, which was originally considered impossible. .

But "Party A" is unwilling to change. However, when the designer encounters a customer like Julius II who constantly changes the design and is critical, it is another kind of pain.

Georgiana didn't want to be that kind of customer, one moment Byzantine, the next Leonardo da Vinci, Renaissance, changing her mind whenever inspiration strikes.

Turner's watercolor paintings are actually quite good. He painted the opening scene of the wine festival. The main color is gorgeous gold. After all, he painted a harvest countryside.

In fact, Georgiana prefers the storms painted by Turner. Landscapes are not like portraits in that they have characters to shape. They are more like the background of figure paintings, missing the protagonist.


She looked at the wine in her glass.

Nietzsche's Dionysian spirit is a tragic intoxication in pain and destruction, a crazy spirit in the intertwining of pain and carnival, which is not suitable for everyone.

She had just experienced it. It felt like madness, and Nietzsche was indeed mad.

She is not Venus and does not like beautiful boys that much. If Adonis really wants to go hunting, she will tell him to be careful instead of holding his legs to keep him.

If a person's heart is not here, the tears will be of no use.

The last time she had planned to use the wine dregs as paint was to hold a "dangerous party" in the Slytherin dungeons, but it didn't happen and people were obviously more interested in the "bloody party".

Why did Adonis love hunting more than Venus?

Voldemort is also very handsome, but he is the villain, the Dark Lord, and only Bella is so crazy about him.

Like Adonis, he was born with sin.

Bloodlust is a more primitive instinct that brings happiness rather than the tension caused by danger. Although danger often coexists with excitement, when adrenaline is secreted rapidly, it will also bring happiness.

Bloodthirsty is more inclined to "obtain". Animals obtain flesh and blood through hunting to survive, and usually they will stop hunting when they are full. Humans, on the other hand, need other parts of animals, such as fur, or honor, such as hunting the most. Prey, or prey that ordinary people cannot hunt.

If two excellent hunters cooperate to hunt a deer, they will get more meat than if they hunt 4 rabbits separately. But if they are really excellent, then the final result is not a "trade-off" as game theorists think. "question. Deer hunting can become a competition, a game, and whoever hunts the deer first is the "best." On the contrary, there is a hunter who is not that good. He is eager to get meat and will think of cooperation.

Cats sometimes play with their prey instead of eating it in a hurry, while wolves will tear off a piece of meat from their prey when hunting. The games played by wolf cubs are also related to killing. They are predators and have a relatively long life. time to grow up.

Whether they are deer, antelopes or other herbivores, they must learn to run and hide in the shortest possible time during their lives, otherwise they will become prey and they will not have so much time to play.

Many children have picky eating habits. They don't feel hungry, so they don't eat whatever they see, but only eat what they like.

The trolleys on the Hogwarts Express only have snacks and no "healthy food". Without parental supervision, children will of course eat the snacks as meals.

Ron wanted to eat, but he had no money and couldn't get whatever he wanted.

It might have been a pain, but at least he wasn't really hungry.

So she was definitely possessed just now, so she pushed down the "scum of hell" that Mary Louise said and kissed her.

Napoleon as the commander-in-chief and "Leon" are not the same person, and his attitude towards women is different.

But she thought about herself, then about Josephine, and about the female celebrities on stage. There was no one who had not been "destroyed" by him. Who had ever seen a Veela living in a polygamous system? A Veela's instinct is to punish an unfaithful husband, and as a result she attacks other women like a jealous woman.

Miss Chiara, who speaks English with an Italian accent, is now chatting with the head of the painting department. Hubert Robert was once the art manager of Louis XVI and was famous for his "ruin paintings".

He once painted "Imagination of the Ruins of the Grand Gallery of the Louvre". The beautifully decorated Louvre was in ruins, the ceiling had completely disappeared, and a hazy sky could be seen, as if it had just experienced an earthquake. A fire.

Denon did not like this unlucky painting, but Napoleon did. Hubert Robert was originally squatting in prison, but was released due to amnesty. Then he suddenly became the head of the painting department of the Louvre. When Georgiana saw him several times, she felt that he seemed a little confused. It was like a dream, so his reaction was a bit slow, but his expression looked normal when he and Chiara were talking together.

"How do you feel?" David, who painted Napoleon's equestrian portrait, walked up to Georgiana and asked.

"I want to put it in the bedroom." She took a sip of wine. "It makes me feel safe."

"A sense of security?" David showed a disdainful expression, "Is this what you feel?"

Of course not, she also remembered the "food marathon" she and Severus went to Burgundy, and rolling in the grass like a village girl.

The sky was blue at that time, and they also took a hot air balloon ride to overlook the scenery of Nueqiu.

"Have you ever painted a landscape?" Georgiana asked, looking at the painting.

"No." David hesitated and said.

"How about giving it a try?" Georgiana looked at him, "see if your painting is as good as his."

David still looked so arrogant.

"How about doing me a favor?" Georgiana said to David.

"Of course." David agreed without hesitation.

"You haven't even heard what I'm doing," said Georgiana.

"There are people waiting in line to serve you. If you need any help, please tell me." David said generously.

"Adjust the color for me." Georgiana took off the white silk handkerchief from David's chest and poured wine on it. "I heard that mixing dry wine residue and soot will produce a special purple color."

"This is water-based," David said, looking at the handkerchief.

"That's why I asked you to help." Georgiana smiled and said, "Maybe you can refer to Leonardo da Vinci's manuscript."

"What's relevant?" David asked with a frown.

"This technique is based on the Ten Books on Architecture, and its author is named Vitruvius." Georgiana said.

David looked at her in surprise.

"You don't know who Vitruvius is?" Georgiana asked.

"What do you want to do with it?" David asked.

"Paint the walls, my old room was full of flowers." Georgiana rolled her eyes.

"Don't all girls like flowers?" David asked with a smile.

Georgiana looked at him and smirked.

"Okay, I'll do it," David said.

"When you get the color out, I want to make a new outfit for Napoleoni according to that color, and maybe I'll ask you to paint a portrait," Georgiana said.

"You made him new clothes?" David asked with a smile.

"I have so many seamstresses, by the way, where is Faron?" she asked, looking around.

"I just saw him in the hallway," David said.

"Thank you." Then Georgiana left the venue.

Because someone guided her, she quickly found Farron, who was looking at a work from the Louvre Academy of Fine Arts with the Minister of the Navy.

It was a hunting picture of a hunting goddess. She did not look as soft and graceful as other hunting goddesses. Her facial expression was a little distorted, and she looked like she was really going to hunt.

"Mr. Farron, come here," Georgiana said.

Farron then left the Minister of the Navy and followed Georgiana.

"Why did you save the letter?" Georgiana asked.

"I don't see anything wrong with it," Farron said.

"Of course it's not your problem, it's now my problem!" Georgiana said excitedly.

"I don't think this is a problem." Farron said calmly, "The king and the queen were not in good terms before, and my job was to make them reconcile."

"What?" she asked in surprise.

"That's why the prince of Austria came to me." Farron said politely, "I will not let external forces destroy the alliance between France and Austria."

She looked at him thoughtfully.

"I think you should have heard of the Swedish heraldry." Farron stared into Georgiana's eyes, as if he could penetrate her heart. "You are a smart girl, you should know the consequences of exposing the scandal."

"I don't think I have any more scandals to make," she said coldly, and left the place.

She had to find a place to live in this damn palace before dark, or else she would have to make a bed on the floor of the Louvre like last time.

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