Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3205 Memory Box (Part 2)

A black silk bag hung around Napoleon's neck, containing poison that could kill him in a short time. He usually hides it in his clothes, and his style buckle is always tied tightly, so that it will not be seen under normal circumstances.

But when he takes off his clothes, you will see the bag around his neck. After resuming the wake-up ceremony, he will put it in the silver box that Marchand used when he shaved him when he met the minister. Wait until they are gone before putting it around your neck.

But sometimes he would forget about it. On the silk-covered bed of the Tuileries Palace, she could feel the smooth texture of the silk under her body, and she could also feel the black ribbon swinging back and forth along her spine. The resulting numbness.

He seemed to know this. Last time he let her stay in the military camp in Vincent Park and took her back after a long time.

She was very angry at the time and deliberately said harsh words, and he showed a very hurt expression. She couldn't bear it, so she went to his bedroom that night, and then he rubbed his hands along her spine, just like the silk bag filled with poison was rubbing on her back.

He is always worried about poisonous food. Except for the dishes made by his mother, which he chews and swallows with confidence, he is cautious about other foods. Therefore, he does not feel the joy of eating. He will leave the table halfway through the meal and then To induce vomiting.

Josephine was not aware of this. In the past, she often met Bonaparte when she ate out. Not only was he free at that time, but he was also a nobody. He didn't have to worry about someone poisoning his food.

After eating a needle in the meal in Mechelen, he did not eat with Georgiana. Of course, Georgiana would not ask Bonaparte to sit at the table longer and eat more, like Josephine. Mouth her cooking.

If Georgiana had always been an insignificant character, she wouldn't have to worry about poison in the food she ate, or encountering a bomber while walking on the street. What could have killed her more might have been a car.

Severus always threatened the students to mix some poison in their meals one day to see if the antidote they made worked. The children all thought he was a devil.

The British wanted to establish an "order" in the Baltic Sea and used artillery to threaten the Neutral Armed Alliance and Tsarist Russia into joining that system. Napoleon asked Hamburg to hand over his assassin, so Britain faced two choices, one was to hand over Hamburg, the other was to Hand over the exiles under their protection, and if you don't want to, you can hand over Malta.

No matter which condition is unacceptable, if you want to refuse, you must come up with a suitable reason.

Many people want to leave their mark in Paris, artists, writers, architects, politicians, fashion gurus and more.

There is a French proverb that sleep makes people forget hunger.

The word "dort" for sleep here is a pun on Miss Dior's name.

Ala Yilichun is a Slavic woman born in Harbin. She is Dior's favorite model. Because she has to walk in so many shows, she doesn't need to diet like ordinary models. Instead, she has to eat a lot to maintain her strength.

There was one show, although she didn't know why she remembered it, but she remembered that it was held at the Trocatello Palace, a place built in 1878 to host the World's Fair, with the Eiffel Tower visible from its front entrance.

She still couldn't figure out what was so interesting about that iron tower. When the French people "received" Louis XVI from Versailles to the Tuileries, they didn't give up on him until he escaped and found it in the safe in the Tuileries. His collaborationist letters.

The emperor surrendered in 1871, but the people of Paris had not yet. When resisting a common foreign enemy, they were not entangled in whether to use a constitutional monarchy or some other system.

When the Netherlands was about to be captured by the coalition forces of Louis XIV and Charles II, the Dutch Parliament was still fighting over who had the right to appoint. It was not until the army pressed on the border that there was no other way out. Only then did the 20-year-old William III of Orange take office. The Netherlands came to power and dug up sea walls to block the Allied forces. Then William of Orange allied with the Holy Roman Empire to repel the French.

When you want to escape, of course you have to bring enough things with you, and you need to use strong ropes and boxes to tie them up.

The other is jewelry, which can be converted into money to provide for future living expenses.

Marie Antoinette gave her jewelry box to those close to her. She may have kept it a secret, but the "maids" in the palace at that time were wary of her every move.

Of course Georgiana knew that she was being watched, otherwise what she said or did would have been immediately known to others. Even when she was reading books about the Byzantine Empire, someone was alert and took those books away.

Who wants to live like that? No one thought about it, so there were only a few people around her.

Josephine was followed by a large group of female relatives. Once, Josephine held a reception in the Louvre. Originally, they wanted to embarrass her, but they met the Russian envoy's wife, who was huge and round.

Queen Catherine is also a woman. She compared the French women of the old times with her. When the Russian brown bear roared, they all shut up.

Versailles in the 18th century was both the French court and the international stage, which to a certain extent decomposed the role of the church in the Middle Ages. During the Age of Exploration, Portugal and Spain let the Pope arbitrate and draw a meridian that satisfied them and dissatisfied others.

Britain wanted to be the arbiter of Europe, and Czar Alexander wanted to be the protector of Europe. He believed in the prophecy that a prince would appear in the ravaged Europe, who would resist the obscurantism and political persecutors who unscrupulously threatened us, and thus become humane and just. and protector of culture.

If Napoleon became emperor, he would no longer be a "prince", and certainly most people would not think that "tyrant" could bring a peaceful future to Europe.

Being friendly with Russia has always been Napoleon's foreign policy, but if Tsarist Russia continues to play at the British table, he will use "other methods" to get Alexander III to his own table.

He recognized the legitimacy of several republics established by Russia in Ionia, but after a woman changes her mind, it is basically difficult to go back. Even if there is a contractual relationship, the contract at that time is not a "bond", but a "bond". A bondage.

There was a Manxi Pashu ceremony in Roman law, in which ownership could be changed with just one copper coin, which was called the "Boundship of Copper."

In the barbarian code, the king returned the use of land to the one who had given it by gifts and gifts, converting the land freely into quarries.

It is impolite for subordinates to meet their superiors without bringing gifts. Similarly, if you compliment someone else on the beautiful feathers on their head like Marie Antoinette did, others will misunderstand that she wants that thing. If the owner does not give it...Zeus to humans Exercising a kind of absolute power similar to that of the head of the family, even though he did not create everything.

When the king goes to the house of a certain nobleman, he is the master of that house. The Great Seal Park was originally Fouquet's home. Because it was too luxurious and exceeded the palace of Louis XIV, the king wanted to build a palace more luxurious than the Chancellor of the Exchequer.

Fouquet's home became a park where anyone could go. His family stayed in Versailles as "guests". Although they were not treated badly, they were like an old woman. Her life was a testimony to the destructive power of time.

The mansion in Compiègne could be called by many names, including Jupiter, Venus, and Apollo, but Louis XV chose "Lord of the Seal".

The "favorite" also reformed the Paris Supreme Court. Many judges were exiled and remained silent when they returned, no longer making irresponsible remarks about the king's actions.

Georgiana did not think it was suitable for Bonaparte to live in the Chancellor's Palace, even though he was not currently proclaimed emperor.

A minister is a minister, and a king is a king. When she accepted her fate, she had given up the idea of ​​being a "queen" or a "goddess." She was just a mortal, and sometimes she would do bad things with good intentions. That farming loan would not work in Western Europe. Although there are practical precedents in the East.

Similarly, she didn't know whether the grain reserve plan worth 1.2 billion could be implemented. Although Changpingcang had a regulatory function, when she met the indifferent magistrate, she thought that building Changpingcang during the famine was also a kind of tyranny.

The free market is regulated by an invisible hand. Some people know that there is a famine, but they still dump the food shipped to the port into the sea, ensuring that the price of food is very high.

Britain had the "Bread and Blood" movement to boycott foreign grain imports. Even after arriving in Hong Kong, Napoleon asked Houvral and other bankers to buy the grain that had not been cleared from customs.

The British navy blocked the sea and even fishing boats were not allowed to go fishing.

But making up stories requires logic, and reality sometimes has no logic.

In the wizard's fairy tale, three brothers wanted to cross a river and used magic to build a bridge. Death quickly appeared to stop them and offered them three things in exchange.

She just wanted to see if the bridge built to commemorate peace could be repaired.

After dinner, the afternoon activity was to watch David "paint". In fact, it was to watch him apply the wine-scented paint to the wooden wall panels. These woods are all removable for convenience. Each woman who lives in it can decorate it to her own liking.

None of the female family members spoke, commenting on whether it looked good or not. It was not as relaxed and lively as Josephine's tea party at all.

Pomona loves butterbeer, and dog sledding makes her happy.

The last time she dressed Severus, she had used a purple silk bow tie. It was hidden in the black coat. You have to look carefully to see the purple color that appeared due to the change of light at that moment.

It didn't match his black eyes, but she felt very satisfied, so satisfied that she felt a kind of hatred when it was taken away.

She read in a magazine that women cannot forgive cheating, and as a woman, she felt the same way.

Many people told her to be tolerant, but now she just wants to retaliate.

Revenge tasted so sweet, even if it killed her afterwards.

Lily was so lucky, Harry looked exactly like James Potter, no one would doubt it.

Little Delacroix always insisted that he looked like his father, even though the adults and children around him said he didn't.

Halfway through the "game", Georgiana left the crowd, driven by an impulse to open "Pandora's Box".

If Pandora has released so much misfortune, if you open it again, you might be able to release hope.

Although this "hope" is more likely to be an illusion.

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