Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3211 Wolf Valley (5)

After Pomona ended her coma at Malfoy Manor, Narcissa stayed with her during her recovery. While chatting, Narcissa mentioned something.

Connery Fudge's nephew was originally in the Office for the Prohibition of Abuse of Magic. In 1999, he made a bet with others and made a Muggle subway train disappear. He was therefore investigated.

Even if there is no one on the subway, it is a subway train that has disappeared, not a car. He was investigated and suspended two days later by the Office of the Abuse of Magic.

At first, he planned to quibble, but he didn't know that there were cameras in the Muggle subway. Although they were few, they still recorded his strong figure.

Harry had been summoned by the Ministry of Magic for using Call Guard in the culvert before. Fudge mobilized all the members of the Wizengamot to gather together, as if a little boy using Call Guard was a felon like Karkaroff.

When Albus Dumbledore was still alive, although the Ministry of Magic was not subject to any formal supervision and restrictions, they at least had something to fear. Once Dumbledore is dead and Voldemort's Horcruxes are destroyed and it seems impossible to come back, they can do whatever they want. Even when Harry reminded them that his scar still hurt, they pretended not to hear, saying that Harry was just doing it to attract attention.

When Severus returned, the former Death Eaters gathered at Malfoy Manor to complain to him about how unfairly they had been treated.

How unconscionable in retrospect, because Snape was a traitor and the Death Eaters should have "executed" him the same way they did Karkaroff, and of course Lucius Malfoy, for him and Karkaroff to survive A lot of people came out shaking.

On Halloween, Severus gave Pomona a bottle of poison. If someone came to the party uninvited that day, and Draco and the others didn't guard against it, she would give the children a bottle of poison mixed with it. Candy, that’s a bit of an exaggeration to think about.

There is an inscription on the Temple of Delphi: Do not overdo anything.

Now when I think about going back, it's not that good. 100 sheep led by a lion are more terrifying than 00 lions led by 1 sheep...

Georgiana shook her head and put the "distractions" aside.

The Seine River Authority had been established in 1790, but their main job was channel maintenance. Lord Haussmann "once" served as the director of the Seine River Authority.

The Seine River estuary is a strong tidal estuary, and its flow does not change much throughout the year. It is mainly recharged by rainwater and groundwater. Three-quarters of the silt in the estuary comes from the ocean. In order to ensure the smooth use of the Le Havre port, Napoleon ordered during this inspection Georgiana was still struggling with whether the Le Havre local council would approve the cost of building a sand sluice.

In fact, she was simply overthinking it, just like when she was living in the Grand Trianon Palace, she was worried that Bernadotte would lead the cavalry and cross the frozen Seine River to attack the Grand Trianon Palace, not to mention the Seine River. There was no ice at all that year, but the water rose, and many families were submerged due to the floods.

Cleaning up silt and building embankments are all the work of the Seine River Management Bureau. However, under the current situation, they still maintain a certain nature of tax collectors, but they do not collect taxes as in the old days, but instead "donate".

Once sufficient funds are received, the Seine River Authority will subcontract the work. This time when she came to Belgium, Georgiana got a rough idea of ​​the local security management situation. For example, in Ghent, people in the parish donated money and spent money to hire people to maintain security.

The Thames Constabulary is a regular police force. It was established due to various complaints from the business community because goods were often stolen from riverside warehouses and docks. In 1798, Patrick Cohon, who served as the Sheriff of Wapping, formed the first force. Armed police teams led by a central agency not only have to catch thieves, but also manage sailors and workers on the docks, prevent them from dressing too casually, and ensure that the stevedores get paid.

The stevedores will cause trouble if they don't get paid. It doesn't matter whether the ship owner or the cargo owner pays the stevedoring fees. As long as they get paid, they will disperse.

There are also prisons and courts on the docks. In the past, Pomona walked along the Thames and passed the Royal Air War Memorial. Behind her was the location of the Thames Police Station.

She has seen it, but has never been in it. As a law-abiding ordinary person, why would she go in there?

She seemed to have heard last time in Brussels that a Thames Police Chief wanted to see her, but she was busy meeting many people at the time and didn't pay attention to it at all.

Napoleon often held meetings late, so there were always several rooms in the Tuileries Palace for various ministers or staff.

The residence of the Lord Chancellor is not far from the former royal residence, so Georgiana returned to the suite. Because the large reception room was still being renovated and was painted messy with purple paint during the day, she could only meet guests in the small living room. As for the first Of course, the executive meeting is held in the large conference room.

A normal woman would probably feel annoyed, and of course Georgiana would also feel annoyed when she was normal. However, he should be in "sage mode" and "sage time" now, and can handle some things calmly and rationally.

She could not think of anyone who would stop Bonaparte from holding the investiture ceremony in Versailles now. Even Sieyes had not heard of any small tricks being done while Napoleon was away from Paris.

But Bougainville said that the "storm" was coming, and at this moment he was guarding the door of the small living room like a real guardian.

She didn't know if the Frenchman had taken care of everything and just reported to her, or if he had something else to talk about. Not long after, she heard the footsteps of high heels, and by the sound, she recognized that it was Matilda. coming.

At this time, she also remembered that the name of the maid who had made her very satisfied was Sophie, and she was married to a prosecutor who was good at writing scripts.

Matilda changed a lot when she appeared in front of Georgiana again. Her dress was more jeweled, and her eyes were as sparkling as the diamonds around her neck.

"Madam," Matilda said warmly, as if they had been apart for a long time.

"I'm sorry to have called you here so late," Georgiana said politely.

"It's my duty to ask me to come here to serve you, not to mention that I haven't slept yet." Matilda turned to look at the young man who came in behind her, "I was discussing the art exhibition with Mr. Laperriere and the others. thing."

Georgiana's eyes turned to Augustin de Lapayette, Bessière's brother-in-law and the son of Jean-Louis de Lapayette, director of the Seine River Authority.

He was probably in his twenties and dressed like most young men from rich families. There is a painting in the Louvre called "The Fraud of the Ace of Diamonds". A young aristocrat who has just left society and is well controlled plays cards with a man and a woman. They look as pure as lambs.

But Augustine does not look like the young man in the painting, nor does he appear treacherous.

"Good evening, Madame Sèvres." Augustine bowed to her.

"Good evening, Mr. Lapayette." Georgiana motioned for him to sit opposite. "Would you like some tea or wine?"

Lapayette glanced at Bougainville standing at the door, then looked at her and said, "Let's have tea."

"Still the same? Madam." Matilda asked warmly.

"You understand me." Georgiana said with a smile, and then Matilda left with brisk steps.

"Have you thought about it? If you really set up the Seine River Police Department, you will have to go against Fouche." Augustine said.

"I think the navy can provide some manpower. Do you think they are afraid of Fouche? Captain?" Georgiana asked.

"They are not afraid of the waves on the sea, and of course they are not afraid of the mad dog." Bougainville said reservedly, with his hands hidden in his clothes.

"Are you in or out?" Georgiana asked.

"What if I quit? Can I still sell paintings?" Augustine asked.

"Money is like running water. If you pour it out, you don't know where it will go." Georgiana said calmly, "We need talents like you who are good at art trading."

"Because of the auction tax, will some of it go into veterans' pensions?" Augustine asked.

No one spoke.

"You can still live a wealthy and peaceful life. No one blames you. I envy your sister." Georgiana said with emotion, and Augustine became a little nervous.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything to her." Georgiana smiled. "What woman doesn't envy her? No matter what the world becomes, there is someone who will always love her."

Augustine was still restless.

"What would you do if someone hurt your sister?" Georgiana asked.

Augustine swallowed.

"I will fulfill the responsibility of a brother." He said humbly and calmly.

Georgiana wasn't sure if it was time to tell him about Bessières and the dancer.

When she heard the news, she, the bystander, felt as if her heart had been stabbed.

"Does your uncle know?" Bougainville said suddenly.

"No." Augustine glanced at Georgiana guiltily.

"Who is his uncle?" asked Georgiana.

"A judge." Bougainville said, staring at Augustine's back.

"We don't know yet whether there will be a court at the Seine police station," Georgiana said.

"What do you think?" Bougainville pressed Augustine like an elder.

Augustine had sweat on his forehead.

It is not difficult to understand, Talleyrand is just a chameleon...

"I heard he wants to join the Legislative Yuan, right?" Bougainville added.

"Uncle is in the provinces," Augustine said softly.

"Do you think he wants to come to Paris?" Bougainville asked.

Augustine hesitated for a moment.

"I guess so," he said, looking at Bougainville.

"Then, I'll treat you as a member." Bougainville sat on another chair at the small table. "Do you know why the British Navy is so powerful?"

Augustine looked at Georgiana.

"I'd like to know too, Captain." Georgiana asked curiously.

"They have unlimited power to seize residents anywhere as crew members of the Royal Navy." Bougainville stared at Augustin "like the French nobility before the Revolution."

"I heard that French nobles are exempt from tax and do not have to perform military service." Georgiana said confusedly, "Can they also recruit people to join the army at will?"

"No, but I think you have heard of Voltaire's real name." Bougainville looked at Georgiana and said with a smile.

Voltaire's real name was François Marie Arouet, and it was normal for a writer to give himself a pen name.

But once at the Paris Opera House, a knight from the Rohan family stopped him and asked jokingly, "Mr. de Voltaire or M. Arouet, what is your name?"

The implication is that Voltaire, like de Coustina, replied, "My name is not noble, but I at least know how to bring honor to it."

A fight almost broke out. The sculpted Voltaire looked very kind and kind, but he lived in an era of "duel carnival". Voltaire even said, "When the judicial authority issues a solemn order, a duel is used for trial." At that time, duels were not so frequent, but when the judicial authorities issued orders to condemn duels, there were countless duels."

However, someone at the scene stopped the fight. A few days later, the knight ordered six men to ambush Voltaire. After Voltaire escaped by chance, he asked the knights of the Rohan family for a duel. The Rohan family threatened to throw him into the Bastille. Ertai had no choice but to leave France.

Sometimes Georgiana herself was not sure whether nobles could really imprison people in the Bastille with a small piece of paper, but Georgiana felt that the French navy probably could not pass legislation and could arrest people at will just like the British navy.

Just ask Americans. The sailors on American ships are of course Americans. There are no English or Irish.

At this time, Matilda's crisp footsteps came again.

Layla followed Matilda, her face full of displeasure, but Margaret was as usual, with a silly sweet smile on her face.

However, when Margaret appeared, Augustine's eyes widened.

Georgiana glanced at Margaret again. Her blond hair seemed to glow in the dark.

She felt that she might have to lose one more maid. Damn it, where could she add more people?

She thought while drinking black tea.

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