Achim Murat was a cavalry general who was completely different from Bessières. He was dressed in extremely fancy clothes like the Mamluks. When his horse ran, his riding equipment would make a jingling sound.

He and Catherine's life in Paris was "extraordinarily colorful," filled with guests every day, a bustling home, endless entertainment and gourmet meals, all paid for by Italians.

The name of the Elysee Palace is taken from the paradise land of the underworld in ancient Greek mythology. After death, people will be taken to the underworld by Hermes. After being taken to the other side by Chiron, the soul will come to a meadow full of flowers to receive revenge. In the trial of the three goddesses, the guilty will be assigned to Tartarus, while the innocent will be sent to the Elysee. There were no disputes and everything was peaceful.

The last time Georgiana used this palace to entertain the "nouveau riche", they were all major local taxpayers. Now Murat was interested in this place and wanted to buy it. Of course, he had to decorate it extensively before moving in.

Many of the contents of "force majeure" in the Napoleonic Civil Code are related to debts, such as fire. If the fire comes from the house next door, the tenant is not responsible for any losses suffered by the landlord in the fire.

The ancient Romans had long distinguished debts arising from revelry or gambling from property losses caused by fire, robbery, or other more tragic accidents, and believed that it was extremely unfair to equate the two.

In English, eros is encompassed by "love" and "lust," and its semantics in the 19th century did not yet include altruism and "care."

The Greeks also knew this. Even the purest meaning of eros included desire and possession. However, the ancient Greeks did not condemn this kind of selfishness. On the contrary, they realized that people often court their partners in order to gain favor and love. The conclusion that desire has political uses stems from this.

When Georgiana and Mr. Martin came to the small theater, there was no performance there, or there was an exhibition going on. However, the painting is not hung on the wall or placed on an easel. The carpenters made a circular wall and a giant panorama was posted on it. Visitors can walk into it and enjoy it without blind spots.

Even the high-ranking officials couldn't help but marvel. From their discussions, they learned that it seemed like a panoramic view of Paris from the window of the Hall of Flowers in the Tuileries Palace.

"Madam." When Matilda saw Georgiana, she immediately abandoned her original guest and walked over calmly.

Georgiana thought of Jia Yuanchun in "A Dream of Red Mansions". After she was involved in the palace struggle and lost, the famous Jia family collapsed overnight.

"What is this?" Georgiana asked Matilda with a smile.

"This is a new painting method. I also told you that I would hold a painting exhibition." Matilda said.

"I thought it was held in Paris." Georgiana said, looking at the huge circular exhibition hall.

"Let's hold it here now and see the effect." Matilda looked at the expressions of the audience and said, "I think it will be successful."

"Where did this painting come from?" asked Georgiana.

"It was donated by the Marquis de Laurebon," Matilda said.

Georgiana was about to ask who the Marquis de Laurebon was, when Saint-Bréchamp immediately came over and whispered in her ear.

The Marquis de Laurebon was a famous traveler. He often traveled between Marseille and Paris. It was said that he had visited the entire Mediterranean.

When the Revolution occurred, the Louis XVI family still had one child alive, the eldest Princess Marie Theresa Charlotte. Since she was Marie Antoinette's first child, the birth process It was particularly difficult, and the Queen nearly died of suffocation several times.

This was not only because of the pain of childbirth, but also because the room was overcrowded and filled with nobles who wanted to witness the birth of the "Prince".

Fortunately, a duchess finally remembered to open the window in the room, and Marie Antoinette gave birth to the princess successfully. Because the whole process was too scary, Louis XVI prohibited the public from watching the queen's birth, and only allowed close family members and Witnessed by a few trusted courtiers.

Marie Theresa was baptized on the day she was born. Her name was Teresa after her maternal grandmother, and Charlotte in honor of the Queen of Naples, Marie Antoinette's sister.

As the little princess grew up and the revolutionary wave gathered momentum, Louis XVI moved some family members, such as the governess, abroad.

But when it was their turn to escape, they did not run away. After being chased back, their family was imprisoned in the temple tower.

After Louis XVI was executed, Marie Therese's brother was recognized as Louis XVII by the Count of Provence who fled to Cologne. About six months later, one night, the guards broke into the residence of the royal family and robbed him. 8-year-old Louis XVII and left him in "single care".

Every day Marie Theresa and her sister Elizabeth heard the cry of their brother being beaten. A month later Marie Antoinette was taken away, followed by Elizabeth. Finally, the only royal member in the temple tower was Marie. Teresa.

At that time, the Marquis de Laurebon was planning to take the princess and the prince away from France, but in the end he only took the princess away.

He did not rob the prison, but after the end of the Jacobins, the princess left France in exchange for prisoners of the French revolutionaries. After escorting the princess to Vienna, the Marquis de Rollebon continued his journey to Russia, Turkey, India and other places.

"Then I want to meet the Marquis." Georgiana said immediately.

"I'll go find him at once," said Matilda, and disappeared into the crowd.

"What do you know about this painting?" Georgiana asked Saint-Bloéchamp.

"I don't know much about it. You can ask the Marquis when he comes later." Saint-Brochan said in a low voice.

After a while Matilda came back, leading a toad.

After listening to Saint-Brechant's introduction, Georgiana expected to see a legendary adventurer, or at least as courageous and capable as Bougainville.

The Marquis was short and ugly, and he had a black mole on his face, but it didn't look like a fake mole because there was still a hair on it.

"Nice to meet you, madam." The Marquis said in a passionate voice. "You are as beautiful as a bird of paradise in a tropical paradise."

"Who says a girl is a bird?" Georgiana asked with a smile.

"What I want to say is that I can only see you in heaven." The Marquis said with a smile.

"I heard you've been to a lot of places?" said Georgiana.

"Yeah, look at my legs." The Marquis pointed to his bow legs and said, "It's like this when riding a horse."

The image of Murat came to her mind.

No matter what, Murat's appearance is still good-looking, with long and straight legs.

"Have you been to Russia?" Mr. Martin asked the Marquis.

"Oh, that hell of ice and snow." The Marquis said, shaking his head. "I will never go there again."

His exaggerated tone made people laugh, but Georgiana couldn't.

"Did you donate this painting to the Louvre?" she said, pointing to the painting not far away.

"I hope it can be well preserved this time. There are not many paintings by Robert Buck left in the world." The Marquis said with emotion.

"I heard he's still alive," said Matilda.

"Yes, stay in London and never come back." The Marquis shook his head and said sadly, "No one there will appreciate his paintings."

Georgiana glanced at Mr. Martin.

"We are here to listen to music. Is there any room available?" Mr. Martin asked Matilda immediately.

"Please come with me," Matilda said, leading them out of the exhibition hall.

Georgiana glanced at the Marquis before leaving, and he took off his hat to her gracefully.

Then she turned and left with a smile.

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