Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3225 xyz (5)

After the fall of the Bastille in 1789, as the feudal system was overthrown, feudal taxes such as tithes were completely abolished and replaced by land taxes. The 1790 decree required each parish to compile a list of real estate in the district.

The Paris Agricultural Association has also discussed this issue. The ancient Roman cadastre was divided into two types: maps and volumes. The maps required surveying and mapping. Before the 18th century, both private individuals and lords had no maps. They were concerned about the power of taxation. and obligations.

With the archaeological excavations and reappearance of data, the Kingdom of Piedmont in northern Italy took the lead in restoring the cadastral system that coexisted with the atlas of the ancient Roman Empire. Surveying and mapping in the ancient Roman Empire required the use of triangular compasses and coronas, and of course the meridian to assist in determining horizontal lines. Method.

This is common sense that must be mastered in engineering surveying, and it also places very high demands on surveyors. The owner or representative needs to be present during the surveying process to ensure fairness and accuracy.

In the old days, France also carried out cadastral mapping of three financial areas, mainly because these areas carried out tax reforms and changed the head tax to a land tax.

Surveying and mapping of the Paris area only began in 1776. You can see that there were different color blocks on the map of Paris at that time. These color blocks represented different land properties and served as the basis for taxation.

Napoleon was still a student when he began mapping Corsica in 1783, but he was already using advanced surveying techniques, based on the triangulation methods of Jean-Picard Philippe de La Hire. Some innovations.

In 1791, the Constituent Assembly issued a decree to prepare a national general cadastre. However, due to the turmoil and financial difficulties at that time, the initial survey work was quickly stopped and was not restarted until 1801.

In order to save trouble, the Cadastral Bureau first asked the owners to report it themselves. Then Napoleon threw the report into the fire as waste paper.

In the end, it was decided to re-map every piece of land in the country. In order to be quick and save money, they planned to use a scale of 1/500.

Georgiana, who was watching with Delmid in her arms, told Bonaparte about this, and then he scolded the Minister of Finance and dismissed the two tax department chiefs and the cadastral administrator.

The property had to be measured one by one, and the boundaries and color blocks of the property had to be marked. This caused complaints from government officials and the mayor down to the owners.

The number of cadastres received alone is estimated to be in the hundreds of millions. It is also necessary to classify according to the degree of fertility, to evaluate the contents of each piece of land, to estimate the total tax on the product, and to determine the amount of tax that an owner should pay.

All laws, regulations, charters, decrees, guidelines, etc. required for cadastral surveying and mapping are still waiting to be passed by parliament. Currently, each province has a local prosecutor preparing for this matter.

The old classmate gave him a hard job as soon as he came back, but there was nothing he could do about it. Surveying and mapping required professionals.

However, his method has a shortcoming, that is, the cadastre is constantly being updated. The peasants' persistence in land makes them constantly desire more land. They open up wasteland, devour the large farms that originally belonged to the nobles, inherit, and the equal distribution prescribed by law. Inheritance is not implemented in rural areas and is still inherited by the eldest son, because the land is less conducive to cultivation after being divided into small plots.

The advantage of the Paris Agricultural Association not having state functions is that its staff is streamlined. Who would do unpaid work? However, the people in the Agricultural Association all have small assets. If the cadastral surveying and mapping work is subcontracted like tax collectors, injustice and corruption may occur.

Trouble is trouble, but it must be done. This is to consolidate the fruits of the Great Revolution - everyone is equal before the law, taxation is based on uniform standards, and there is no tax-free privilege.

With the expansion of territory, cadastral work was also carried out in northern Italy and Belgium.

Fouche supported the Coup de Brumaire. It was mainly the peace system that needed the police. If it returned to the state of the Revolution, the National Guard would be needed to maintain order.

Lafayette was so prosperous during the Revolution, but he is now "retired" and has completed a long and tortuous mission.

Napoleon crossed the Alps for the second time with reserves. He also performed a show in Dijon, inspecting a group of old, weak, sick and disabled, and deceived all spies in Europe.

Judging from the current financial situation of the United States, establishing a standing army is also a waste of people and money. It is not as good as counting on the American militia as Jefferson said.

Mathematics and geometry are boring, but as a teacher, how could she be stumped by a few geometry questions?

It’s actually good to change not only a different perspective, but also a different way of thinking.

Bonaparte, who gave the question, held a glass of red wine and watched her solve the problem.

This is actually very basic geometry, not as complicated as real mountains, forests and swamps.

"You are totally asking for trouble." He pointed at her proof process and said, "Why do you want it to be so complicated here?"

She looked at where he was pointing and thought for a moment, then started writing again.

"You idiot, that's not the case." He put down the wine glass, took the pen from her hand and started writing.

If the students saw her being taught by a young man, how would she teach them in the future?

She lamented that although she looked young, her mind was really slow.

After they finished this question, she felt like she was "reincarnated as a human again."

He looked really happy holding the exercise paper.

"No woman has ever done anything like you." He raised his hand and grabbed her hair, turning it into a bird's nest.

"No one dares to do this to my hair!" She roared angrily, slapped his hand away, and then arranged her hair by feeling.

He adjusted his sitting posture and then said, "There is a Republic of San Marino near Rimini. When we arrived there in 1797, the Republic of San Marino refused to donate the city. Their consul came to see me alone and expressed his views to me. In respect and friendship, he promised to form a council of vigilance and ban Italian exiled nobles who brought gold, silver and weapons from entering the republic. I then wrote to Monge asking him to come to Italy. I intended to give Rimini to San Marino and let They had an outlet to the sea, but they refused. They wanted to continue to maintain their simple customs and were very satisfied with their small territory. I later gave them 1,000 tons of wheat and 4 artillery pieces, but they only accepted wheat. Later there were The residents of several estates wanted to attach themselves to San Marino, but they all refused because they kept their promise and I recognized their independence.”

"Why didn't you tell me that just now?" Georgiana asked.

"Do you really want to stay away from politics?" he asked enigmatically.

She shook her head.

"I know very well how many pounds I have. I just want to untie the knot while it can still be untied."

He lifted her chin with his hand.

She had seen this action in a movie, and it looked extremely disgusting.

"What determines who we are is not what we have, but what we lack." He said with infinite emotion, "When we lose what we originally had, we will lack everything."

"Don't be too pessimistic." She comforted in vain.

"Chateaubriand also feels that what opens Pandora's box is not hope." He put down his hand. "You should burn that letter. That's how I handled the paper just now."

She thought he was playing tricks.

The more forbidden it is, the more curious it becomes.

"Go back." He smiled mysteriously, then returned to the desk and continued working.

She looked at the clock. It was already two o'clock in the afternoon.

By the time she left the suite, there were already many people waiting to see her in the map room.

She let out a sigh of relief.

Pascal said in his Thoughts that it is not good to give him too much or too little wine. If you don’t give it to him at all, he will not be able to find the truth. If you give him too much, it will be the same.

She was very worried that her actions would destroy some talents. If Bonaparte had as much money as other classmates, would he still use books as a companion and not go out to play?

Maybe she was right to step down as Herbology professor and pass it on to Neville, she wasn't a good teacher.

"You can go in," Georgiana said, then turned and left.

Where does the future lie?

It's a shame she's not a prophet and can't see the "foreseeable future."

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