Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3230 xyz (10)

Damocles was among the courtiers of Dionysius II and was very flattering to him. He believed that only by fawning over Dionysius could he achieve prosperity and wealth, so he continued to praise Dionysius, calling him a great man with supreme power and great prestige.

In order to let him experience the life of being a leader, Dionysius made an agreement with Damocles and the two exchanged identities. After changing his identity, Damocles successfully became the king at the banquet that night. Damocles was very happy at first and enjoyed the delicacies that only kings can enjoy, as well as all kinds of beauties. However, just as the dinner that night was coming to an end, he discovered that there was a sharp sword above the throne where he was sitting, and the sword was only tied with a very loose horsehair. This frightened Damocles so much that he immediately begged Dionysius to change his identity.

Although she didn't sleep much, she still got up the next morning, full of energy and not feeling tired at all, just like when she first came into this world.

The servants were packing their luggage and getting ready to leave, and Georgiana was also sorting out the documents, and conveniently put the letter that had not been destroyed in time into the read letters.

Archangel Michael held a sword to kill the dragon representing Satan. It is human nature to encounter temptations. Pomona was also tempted, and Dumbledore wore the Gaunt family ring.

Curiosity is also a kind of temptation, which makes Pandora open the magic box.

She knew that he wanted to talk. Many people find mistresses just to talk, either to show off or to cry bitterly, saying that no one in the world can believe it.

If his political opponents knew about his "little stories", they would have to take them out and publicize them everywhere. Even if the protagonist in Mark Twain's story about running for governor is of good character, he can concoct some flaws.

What you have, others also want, so you have to keep what you have and don't just play around. When Georgiana went to Brussels, she visited a castle that the Juanists had built during their escape.

As Chateaubriand said, no matter what situation he fell into, his nature is hard to change. Chateaubriand, who wanted to surrender to the army, soon realized that "a few brave nobles could not defeat an armed nation", and he also fled to England. went.

"Porter's Watch" broadcast the death list every day, so it was not difficult for her to understand Chateaubriand's feelings when he heard that his entire family had been murdered.

This practice of one person escaping and the whole family sitting together sometimes works as a deterrent, but it can also arouse fierce resistance.

Why use "Porter's Watch" instead of the Daily Prophet to publish the death list? When Scarlett was in Atlanta, she and many people were waiting for the latest newspaper to come out to see if Ashley's name was on it. That was an open war, and what was not open was a secret war. It could create a kind of entanglement. The horror in people's thoughts cannot be explained, just like people don't say Voldemort's name, but replace it with a mysterious person.

Common sense strengthened by customs has been destroyed in school. You see an empty box, but others tell you that there is something inside. Do you believe it? Unless he turns into a rabbit.

She did not think that a comprehensive peace between Britain and France in Europe would be a good thing. The Bundy once arrived in Tahiti carrying a large amount of seeds. The British were doing their own thing "again" while the alliance was busy doing other things. This time The unlucky ones are the Dutch Spice Islands. While the Dutch were busy dealing with the French, the British not only occupied other people's islands, but also sown seeds on the islands.

How do you know if these seeds will take root in those tropical paradises if you don’t try them? That’s right, that’s how invasive alien species come about. They will destroy the island's already fragile ecology. The Dutch are more worried about this than monopolizing trade rights. They transplanted cardamom trees and a small amount of cloves and cultivated them in greenhouses. The ones they grew were completely different from the local ones.

If Ceylon does not come back, the other Spice Islands will also have to return home, so it is these islands where a quasi-war is most likely to break out. The "servants" who come to pack Georgiana's luggage are all sailors. They are rough and rough, and they pack girls. There is no gentleness in the things at all, only neatness.

If it sucks, it sucks. It costs money anyway. As the fable of the bees goes, if the ship had not broken down, the top shipbuilder and his men would have starved to death.

When he was halfway through receiving it, Bougainville walked in.

"Madam, the First Consul wants to see you." Her guardian said politely.

She put down her things and followed Bougainville, but she didn't go far and came to the restaurant with the couple's relief.

Bonaparte sat alone in the first seat, while Georgiana and Bougainville stood aside.

"Can you explain your behavior yesterday?" He asked very restrainedly.

"In the necklace incident, I don't think Marie Antoinette should ask the king to seek justice for her. As the queen..."

"Are you the queen?" He interrupted her rudely.

"I'm just enforcing the rules of the palace." She said indifferently, "There should be several restricted areas in the palace. No one is allowed to enter. I heard that a hat supplier disturbed Josephine's rest last time."

He slammed the table.

The sound was so loud that it echoed in the house.

"Where are the people around you? Do you need to do it yourself?" he roared.

"I'm not the queen, why should I let others take action?" Georgiana said calmly.

"What about you, what did you do last night?" Bonaparte looked at Bougainville.

"Preparing for today's trip." Bougainville replied.

"Dereliction of duty!" he said angrily, and then stood up.

She and Bougainville watched as he fumed.

"You go out first," he said to Bougainville.

Then her guardian bowed and went away.

"If you are unhappy, you can tell me." He said in a soft tone.

Losing all dignity and getting angry in front of an underage girl? She must be laughed to death.

"Say something, Georgiana," he said good-naturedly.

"You gave me a sword, Leon. Who among women would like swords?" She looked at the relief on the wall. "Women like to be loved."

"Don't I love you enough?" he asked.

"You didn't make a mistake, but this involves a custom issue. When Odysseus returned home, the house was full of suitors. Instead of bringing gifts according to custom, they ate and drank at Odysseus' house. This is It's not respectable." Georgiana explained, "A girl from a respectable family knows not to linger in a man's bedroom late at night."

"Are you disciplining her on behalf of her parents?" he asked expressionlessly.

"It's not discipline, it's just maintaining public order and good customs. This is also included in the principles of Roman law."

He looked at her.

"You are already over 30 years old, how can you be lying like that with a 16-year-old girl?" she said coldly.

"You finally said it." He sarcastically said, "Don't you feel uncomfortable after holding it in all night?"

"That's what I deserve." She sighed, "I found a child as my lover."

He glared at her and turned away.

Georgiana rolled her eyes, and then she heard Talleyrand's limping footsteps.

"Goodbye, Georgiana," Talleyrand said as if he had come to say goodbye to her.

"Have I fallen out of favor?" asked Georgiana.

"No, I'm leaving. I'm going to Brussels."

She laughed.

No wonder Talleyrand survived the Revolution.

"There is a secret I want to tell you. Pay attention to your own affairs first, and then pay attention to things related to yourself." Talleyrand said politely, "This is what I say from the bottom of my heart. I have done it with my heart. Once the views and interests are coordinated, People can be very honest, and honest people can be successful.”

"Thank you for your advice," said Georgiana.

"You're welcome. You never know when I will go to London. Then please remember that I did this little favor for you." Talleyrand said, then turned and left.

After he also left, Fouche came out from a dark corner.

"Hello, Director of the Seine Anti-Smuggling Bureau." Fouche looked at Georgiana and smiled.

"What?" She looked at him in confusion.

"We will be colleagues from now on." Fouche said, "Thank you for interceding for me."

Georgiana felt like saying no, but what the hell.

Some species of badgers are also scavengers and are known as scavengers, although she personally prefers honey and cake.

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