Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3238 Golden Legend (7)

Antoine is actually the French name for him, he could also be called Saint Anthony, he was a native of Padua but was born in Lisbon.

The most famous story about him is the recovery of lost property. Antony is said to have owned a book of hymns that he personally annotated, which he used to teach his colleagues about the scriptures. However, a young monk became greedy and left the monastery with the book.

Anthony could not cast spells, but he "found" the book through prayer, and in fact the young monk regretted it when he arrived in town, taking the book with him and rejoining the order.

Although the free market in Place Gref was gone, the citizens still found a solution. They sailed the boat from the right bank of the Seine to the Île de la Cité, where a new free market was formed, which can be reached through the "New Bridge".

The "New Bridge" is actually the oldest existing bridge on the Seine River. It was demolished and rebuilt, built and demolished again. It has always been free for nobles and ministers, while ordinary people need toll to cross the bridge.

In addition to hospitals, there are also prisons and courts on the Ile de la Cité. How would a secular judge sentence the young monk who took away Antoine's hymn?

Saint-Claude with Josephine was much more lively than when Georgiana lived there. After all, Josephine was much more popular than Georgiana, and they were surprised to see her appear escorted by Julien Houvral.

It was evident from their expressions that she was right; they all thought she was in Chantilly.

But she ignored them, holding in her hand the drawn map of the Cotton Belt.

Politicians are sometimes no different from actors, because they all have to act and pay attention to stage effects, just like Lucien in the Council of Five Hundred, pointing his sword at Napoleon's heart, shouting that he would transform into Brutus to protect the Republic.

But Georgiana remembered that Lucien warned her that if she dared to hurt his brother, he would let her die gracefully without going to the guillotine and experiencing the torture before death.

In fact, humans have a long history of planting cotton. People were planting it in India as early as 5,000 BC. However, the quality of this cotton was not good. In the 16th century, in addition to expanding to North America, the Spaniards also went to South America. In Azik "Upland cotton" was found in the sacrifices of the special people, and Charles V even saw cotton seeds from Mexico.

This new upland cotton quickly replaced the old variety, and 90% of cotton originated in the Americas.

The reason why sea-island cotton is drawn on this map instead of upland cotton is because if upland cotton is planted, the "cotton belt" can continue to the west, far beyond the 97th longitude.

Cotton has aroused endless fantasies in the minds of politicians and manufacturers, but Georgiana still has a future. No matter how much the cost is squeezed, the cost of pure cotton fabrics is still higher than that of blended fabrics. For people who like the new and dislike the old, the number of times they wear old clothes Just throw it away and buy a new one.

Since the beginning of the Revolution, glass arcades have been built in Paris. The original intention of building them was to promote consumption. In this way, no matter it rains or snows outside, the arcades will remain relatively dry, and there is no need to step on the mud-like mud after being soaked by rain. on the road.

Later there were cafes and restaurants under these arcades, and these sheltered pedestrian passages throughout the city took on a variety of functions.

Napoleon ordered the construction of Cairo's arcades after the 1799 coup, with textiles underneath. Everyone is trying to leave traces of their "visit" in this city, but some people leave their traces by graffiti on the walls, while others leave their traces in other ways.

However, this city is like a "new bridge" that has been demolished and built again, built and demolished again, and is now very different from its original appearance.

Her mood was extremely complicated. She loved Severus with all her heart, but she was destined to live in Lily's shadow.

This is just a dream, why torture yourself so much? It turns out that dreams are everything that is not available in reality, thus creating compensation.

Many people think that Albus ignored family hatred and compromised with Muggles because he was afraid that there were too many Muggles.

In fact, like Grindelwald, he lacks awe of ancient powers, otherwise why would he search for the Deathly Hallows.

It was Arianna's death that made him "wake up". He lost his sister forever, and it was also Voldemort's successful resurrection that allowed him to wear the ring with the Resurrection Stone.

Theseus was once a hero, but became confused in his old age. Not only did he lose his only heir, he also ran to the underworld like crazy and wanted to kidnap the queen of the underworld. Because he made an agreement with a young man, they kidnapped Helen and the other one. I want to help kidnap another beautiful woman to be my wife.

In the end they were all imprisoned in the underworld.

When Theseus arrived in Athens as a young man, the city was in chaos, the citizens distrusted each other, and his father's palace was shrouded in a shadow. Since Medea left Jason, she came to Athens and used magic potion to restore the king's youth.

In this way, Theseus met two women who could help people escape the labyrinth. But both Medea and Ariadne were abandoned despite having the wisdom to leave the labyrinth. Jason chose power, Theseus chose beauty.

Not everything lost can be recovered through a summoning spell or asking Saint Antoine for help.

Theseus had made a pact with his father that if he returned victorious, he would hang a white sail, and if he died, he would hang a black sail. But after he put Ariadne on the island, not only he, but also the crew were in a trance, so much that they forgot to change the sail.

Seeing the black sails in the distance, Theseus's father was so desperate that he jumped into the sea. From then on, the place was named after him and was called the Aegean Sea.

Soon she found Bonaparte in a drawing room with Julian, who was talking to someone and seemed a little surprised at her appearance.

The jeweler also brought the gift she made. Instead of a medal, the First Consul wore a sunflower brooch on his chest.

She used green "sun gems" as the stamens and yellow diamonds as the petals. She would have thought the effect was nondescript, but now it looks okay.

Peridot's brittleness is relative. As long as it doesn't go from extremely cold to extremely hot all of a sudden, ordinary wearing is not a problem.

Who doesn’t want to be immersed in carefree love?

And I was pitifully abandoned between heaven and earth,

I only dare to pray to the terrible god of death,

Waiting for death to come.

But who made Theseus believe the dream of the goddess of fate, and felt that their love was not blessed, and their union could only bring bad luck.

He loved the princess deeply, but was unable to resist the goddess of fate, so he abandoned her on a desert island.

Hercules chose to resist the goddess of fate...

"You guys who don't believe in fate, what power can make you surrender?" Georgiana looked at Bonaparte and asked.

"No one can stop you," he said with a smile. "Just like no one can stop you."

"I figured out what my symbol would be," Georgiana said. "It's a galloping cow."

His smile widened "I thought you were going to use sunflowers."

"You think that's why I wear it because it's my badge?" Georgiana said, looking at the brooch on his chest.

He looked her over.

"Your new necklace is beautiful."

She sneered, not feeling that it was even.

But that's much better than Grindelwald and Dumbledore's "blood oath".

It seemed unbreakable, but because both parties wanted to break free, it became a "fragile punishment."

That is real bondage.

"What is that in your hand?" asked Bonaparte.

"Freedom," Georgiana said, placing the map on the table and spreading it.

She knew that if she did this, many people would be trafficked to the Americas and become slaves. They would not be used as labor force, but as "collateral".

However, the "free people" in civilized countries, because they do not have the right to sell themselves into slaves, can only live on the streets and be laughed at and despised.

Some things are beyond the power of a little girl like her. She is just a little luckier than others, so she becomes the one who saves others, rather than the one being saved.

What’s more, nothing that happens in this world affects “reality”.

Just like Dumbledore did in Berlin.

To protect that city, even though it was eventually destroyed.

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