Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 324 The Lonely Glory

Every newly formed family has a first home, and it's usually not very luxurious because the newlyweds don't own much.

The Harry Potter family is very rich, and he later inherited Sirius’ inheritance, making him even more popular, as well as his reputation as the savior and his status in the Wizengamot. There must be many women who pursue him, Jin Ni is also under a lot of pressure.

She had a husband whom everyone liked and who everyone wanted to rob her of, and it was to her advantage to live in Godric's Hollow rather than bustling London.

This is a problem that every housewife with a successful husband faces, even Narcissa Malfoy, Bill's face turning ugly is probably a good thing for Fleur, no one will argue with her now .

A while ago, she and Narcissa talked about rebuilding the Association of Desperate Witches and comforting those witches who lived in poverty or other misfortunes. Mrs. Malfoy's attitude was very hostile. In fact, thinking about it from another angle, it is precisely because some people can't bear the poverty of life that they are willing to be the mistress of other people's husbands, and emotional frustration is often their means.

There will always be people who can't help reaching out to taste the pumpkin pie that others have worked so hard for. Pomona has studied the two bloody Han Dynasty Queen Mother Lv Zhi and Empress Wu Zetian. They are very poor women. After Lu Pheasant helped Liu Bang become emperor, her husband was not loyal to her, and even gave the throne originally given to his son to the son of Mrs. Qi who had no credit for it. Wu Zetian had a rough life in her early years, until she met Emperor Li Zhi, she could use cruel methods to deal with her rival in love, but she never thought that her widowed sister and niece wanted to share her husband with her.

That girl is He Lan, she is innocent and romantic, young, stupid, and doesn't know any taboos. After Wu Zetian accompanied Li Zhi to Mount Tai, he brought her a lot of delicious local food. Wu Zetian didn't give it to He Lan directly, but asked the two brothers who treated her badly when they were young to hand it over to that innocent and lovely little girl. So the court lady was poisoned to death, and the murderer was the two Wu family members who gave gifts. Wu Zetian took this opportunity to get rid of the two elder brothers who had been bad to him before.

Women who hate in common will become friends, and men who like in common will become enemies. Mrs. Malfoy would not sympathize with those impoverished witches, she even despised them. In her eyes, maybe Pomona's idea of ​​rebuilding the desperate witches was naive.

Furong's situation is different from most witches. She can easily choose a life of material affluence. There are so many boys in school who are crazy about her, and there will only be more in the graduation party, but she finally chose the one with no money. bill.

If it is said that she fell in love with Bill because of his handsome appearance, and she was all gone after being bitten by Fenrir, Bill's appearance did look a little scary.

Sometimes Pomona felt that Mrs. Sprout had the ability to see the future. The yard of the Shell Cottage was full of limonium. Severus's wound healed, but he bled a lot. He must need a lot. blood tonic.

"We want to talk." Furong put down the watering can containing Humeizi repellent, that spray is equally harmful to people, and now both of them have head-foaming spells on their heads.

"What are you talking about?" Pomona looked at her warily.

"Why did you invite us to your wedding?" Furong said in a low voice, "Except for the Triwizard Tournament, I have nothing to do with that school."

"Everything has changed because of you," Pomona yelled, her voice echoing through the house.

"What have I changed?" she asked confused.

"Severus and I used to be colleagues and friends, and we had a great time working together. We used to be able to talk about magic-related topics, instead of being irrational like now!" She looked at Fleur resentfully, "If you and Bill If we broke up, can you still be friends?"

"Why are you cursing me like that!" Fleur screamed, "I'm fine with him now."

"If Bill loses his job and you have no income, can you continue your love? We are at war with werewolves now, and Bill is a war hero against You-Know-Who, but look at his face, and his eating habits , he scares others."

"Who!" Fu Rong asked fiercely.

"Everyone." Pomona looked around, as if all the invisible people were there.

"I'm working for George now, and my income can support us." Fleur said uncompromisingly, "Or I can apply for Gringotts, which is where I met him."

Pomona wondered what else could break them up.

"You really look like Molly." Furong said in a cold voice with pride, "Do you not believe that I really love Bill?"

Oh true love, rarer than a unicorn, Pomona has goosebumps all over her body.

The U.S. Ministry of Magic once promulgated a Rappaport law, which prohibited Muggles and wizards from marrying and making friends, and at the same time imposed heavy penalties on wizards who were too close to Muggles. The contact between wizards and Muggles is also limited to the communication necessary for daily life.

Queenie and Jacob, Minerva and Doug, Isabel and Robert are all suffering because of this law, and Queenie even joined Grindelwald's camp in order to resist this secrecy law.

And the origin of all this is because a witch is stupid. Dorcus, the daughter of Aristotle Twelve Trees, the manager of Treasures and Pots, revealed the addresses of the Magical Congress of America and Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, as well as the way the wizarding world hides herself, to a person she is obsessed with. Muggle boy Bartholomew Barebone.

Bartholomew, a descendant of the Scourers, believes in the real existence of magic, and believes that wizards and wizards are evil and should be eliminated. He stole Dorcus's wand and exposed everything he had heard about the wizarding world to the No-Maj media and public figures.

The leak had long-lasting ramifications. MACUSA was forced to change the location of its headquarters because the original location attracted a lot of Muggle attention. At the same time, the Magic Congress has also received a stern warning from the International Federation of Wizards. Rappaport also had to tell the International Confederation of Wizards in a public inquiry that he wasn't sure if he had erased the memory of anyone who knew about Dorcus' leak.

Many in the magical community demanded that Dorcus be sentenced to life in prison or even the death penalty, but she was actually only imprisoned for a year. Despite this, Dorcus was disgraced, frightened and exhausted after he was released from prison, and faced a completely different magical society. After that, she began to live a secluded life with only a mirror and a parrot for company. Dorcus' serious violation of the "Secrecy Act" even had an impact on the language of the wizarding world. People began to use "really Dorcus" To describe those stupid, incompetent people.

True love is by no means based on deceit and fantasy, but the Dorcas incident can prove how evil Muggle men can be. Although Dorcas is very good-looking, with a vase of appearance, she spends all her time on clothes, hairstyles and parties, but she really falls in love with a man. What did she do wrong? The Scavengers thought she was evil?

"Do you think Bill understands you?" Pomona asked.

"When I was working at Gringotts, I received many gifts every day. I believe they thought it was a victory to ask me out. Only Bill really saw my pain." Fleur said in a hoarse voice, "I I am unfamiliar with the place here, I want to communicate with others seriously, but women don’t want to talk to me, men don’t care what I say, only Bill listens carefully, he not only corrects my pronunciation but also teaches me how to adapt to this country, and He also told me that I don’t need to worry about my accent when talking to him, he likes to listen to my French English.”

Like Severus said, Bill Weasley is a smart kid, and you won't be so tired if you learn to "discriminate".

Even Cedric, who has always been "fair and just", knows that he only teaches the Furong Curse. She has always been treated differently, and she is pampered like a princess, but she has to overcome the language barrier if she wants to integrate into it at work.

Goblins can ignore Fleur's beauty. Their aesthetics are different from humans, but they can't stand her accent. The proud princess encounters setbacks here. Bill helps her through the difficulties, which is much more favorable than giving expensive gifts. .

"You have extraordinary courage, Fleur, to trust another person with all your heart." Pomona said, which is why she was so happy when she was in seclusion, she gave herself wholeheartedly, because at that time she was with He eloped.

No reason, no worries, just relying on her own heart, doing what she loves to do, she trusts him 100%, although she may be as stupid as a pigeon.

"Can't you trust your husband?" Furong asked back.

"He is an outstanding liar. He is a double agent for the Order of the Phoenix and the Death Eaters. Both Dumbledore and You-Know-Who were deceived by him."

"Then why do you suspect him?" Furong asked.

"His loyalty," said Pomona coldly, "is something that many people doubt."

"Then why are you still married to him?"

She wants to say that she is because of love, but she feels that she is a winner, because many women want to get his love.

That ugly and poisonous potions professor loves Lily Potter so unreservedly. Who wouldn't want such a knight?

"Sense of security." Pomona said after thinking for a long time, "He is a bookworm, and when he is reading and studying at home, it belongs to me completely."

From books he could draw knowledge and power, and then he could protect her, except that time, he left home impulsively because of Sirius' name.

They are actually not good at social life, but the old bat bluntly rejects people thousands of miles away with a cold face and sarcasm, while Pomona uses a fake smile to make everyone think she is optimistic and kind.

The hermit in the tarot represents a very wise sorcerer, or possibly a misfit old man, who is already retired.

"If that's the case, just enjoy that sense of security. This is the reason you married him. Don't think about other things." Furong sprayed a flying vixen with spray, and it immediately became paralyzed.

Pomona shook her head at her.

Sirius would never betray a friend, and Severus betrayed countless of his own people, let alone a woman who was useless and could only be a burden.

She couldn't think of dresses, hairstyles, and parties like Dorcus and Louis XVI's Queen Marie.

"Professor." Klitsch's bullfrog-like voice sounded at the door, and he was still wearing Regulus' locket around his neck.

Sirius treated Klitsch really badly, he was an accomplice at best, but Pomona felt that the sympathetic Hermione didn't like seeing him at Harry's house.

For Klicher, Black's old house represents a lifetime of memory, which he cannot let go of.

"Harry Potter is coming back." Pomona said, "It's time to choose, Krichtsch, are you going back to the Hogwarts kitchen, or to Draco's house?"

"They've moved in, what should the mistress do?" Kerry looked at her with bloodshot eyes.

"Ask her if she would like to leave Black's old house." Pomona looked at the "fathers' house", which also contained Walburga's life. Like the fat lady, she will guard the library of the Black family forever, whether to stay or go, she decides for herself."

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