Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 327 My Fair Lady

There are three types of British accents, one is spoken by the working class, the other is the pronunciation of the highly educated, but it can still be heard with a middle-class accent of the place of birth, and the third is the princely aristocrat or the top class of society. The accent the elite would speak.

Draco spoke with a Welsh accent that sounded a bit like singing, and Severus, who grew up speaking with a sort of middle-class working-class accent, now had a London accent, and she felt very proud of herself, she felt like It's the linguistics professor from Pygmy Girl, and Severus is a "lady" trained by her.

He has completed the transformation and has become more and more charming. She believes that the most important thing for a man is his thoughts. In this era when most men think that having money and power means success, he has taken a completely different path. Well, as good as the flashy Lockhart was in the League Against the Dark Arts, he was as bad as a Dark wizard.

Dressing reflects a kind of culture. Men's clothes are monotonous and boring, while women's clothes should be colorful. You can't wear cheongsam to participate in Han and Tang cultural exchange activities, and at the same time, you must cater to Chinese characteristics. The clothes transformed by transfiguration reminded her of Cinderella in the Muggle fairy tale. At midnight, the magic would expire, and the beautiful dress would become the same. Besides, she liked the idea of ​​Muggles very much.

A thin rope was tied across the back of the neck, and the black taffeta was attached to the body like flowing water, as if the rope only needed to be untied, and the rest would fall to the ground along the skin.

This is her style, that snow-white maternity dress-like empire high-waisted skirt that only a person like him who lived in the eighteenth century would like.

The decoration of Harrods Department Store is magnificent and has a strong Egyptian style. Muggles carry large and small shopping bags in their hands, showing off their trophies and returning with a full load.

As far as people who live in the eyes of others, the lifestyle of shopping so happily and casually on weekdays should be very enviable, but she just glanced at the girls and stopped looking at them.

Losing her social life, Dorcas can still shop, and she can admire her beauty in the mirror, just like the teenager who fell in love with her own reflection in Greek mythology, the parrot can praise her beauty.

In Pomona's opinion, it would be better to read two more books if she has the time to indulge herself.

Since the 1st century, the Romans have been fanatical about silk from the East. Cleopatra, Cleopatra, was a fanatical silk lover. Under her influence, Caesar the Conqueror also began to wear silk.

When he appeared in the arena wearing a purple silk robe, everyone asked the tribune where the gorgeous cloth came from, and silk became the object of the Romans. The price of silk in the ancient Roman market once rose to a sky-high price of about 12 taels of gold per pound, causing a large outflow of gold from the Roman Empire.

The Senate categorically enacted a decree prohibiting people from wearing silk clothing, and the reason besides the outflow of gold was that silk was considered an immoral fabric, and an eloquent debate was even launched for this.

It is recorded in the first volume of the ancient Roman eloquence: "The silk clothes I have seen, if its material cannot cover the human body and make people look solemn, can this also be called clothing? The girls did not notice their profligacy." She behaved so well that grown-ups could see her body through her thin silk gown, and husbands, relatives and friends knew no more about the female body than foreigners did."

The silk fabric feels delicate and smooth, making it difficult to resist its temptation. Pomona would like to see the dark wizard Severus wearing clothes of this material, casting magic like an ancient priest, but unfortunately that is the style of the Dark Lord . She bought him silk nightgowns, pajamas, and although she planned to tease him at first by buying him clothes with silly patterns, she ended up buying the style she liked.

Sapphire represents wisdom. The blue color of the heart of the ocean is really beautiful, and it has been lingering in her mind. This calm color is very suitable for him.

"Why don't you buy black ones?" Narcissa was also buying pajamas for Lucius, which was a very gorgeous bright silver color that matched Lucius' eye color.

"I don't want to wake up in the middle of the night and think that there is an extra ground bat by my side." She looked at the deep sea blue in her hand with satisfaction. Of course, this kind of docile clothes would not be worn out. She imagined seeing his muscle lines through the clothes Suddenly, I felt hot all over.

"Why is Astonia here too?" Narcissa looked at the future daughter-in-law who was chatting with Hermione, Ron Weasley finally came, he was just as bored as Severus said, wishing to leave quickly .

"Draco called me during dinner." After picking out the pajamas she was satisfied with, she was choosing a second set of spare pajamas, none of which was as satisfactory as the previous one.

"I don't like her." Narcissa said unhappily, "Lucius asked me to ask you, what are the magic plants you arranged in the back and forth room?"

"Why don't you beat around the bush, Sissy, you're not a Slytherin at all." Pomona laughed.

"Don't be so wasteful, I remember the reason Severus invited you to the ball." Narcissa sneered, "He can just ask, right?"

"That's right, if he was honest, he wouldn't have to go to the ball with Karkaroff." Pomona shook her head. "Ron Weasley's excuse for inviting Hermione is that you're a girl, and it's no wonder someone would agree to him."

"Do you think Astonia is suitable?" Narcissa changed the subject again.

"Pansy Parkinson broke up because she couldn't stand the rumors outside, Astonia didn't care about that." Pomona chose a green pajamas, but it reminded her of moss, so she put it back "just Even I can't guarantee that I will not be affected by the outside world, she is a good girl."

Narcissa stopped talking now.

"What did my husband do on the eighth floor last night?"

"He wants to steal the Time-Turner, he doesn't want it to fall into Rookwood's hands." Pomona looked at the red nightgown with mischief. If a Slytherin wears red, will he smoke?

"anything else?"

"It's nothing." Pomona said with a smirk. "It's all over."

"Then can you tell me what magic plant you have arranged in the Room of Requirement?"

"No." Pomona smiled and shook her head.

"It's not safe to keep it in the Room of Requirement, Lucius is a good hider, I promise he won't use it for bad things."

"Let's go to the next one." Pomona walked to the door of the store to check out. She only found one set she was satisfied with, and she didn't look for anything else.

"What else do you want to buy?"

"A dress suitable for formal diplomatic occasions, preferably with some oriental elements."

"What party are you going to?"

"The cultural exchange meeting will be held in the city hall. Do you and Lucius want to participate? Now that Kingsley has taken the initiative to contact Muggles, you can also contact the upper class of Muggles."

"Oh, I have to ask." Narcissa smiled. "Kingsley is such a good Minister of Magic."

Pomona shook her head. She felt that Kingsley would be very upset if he knew that Malfoy was making friends with Muggles publicly. This was the problem that would be caused by too much contact with Muggles.

It seemed Ron was going to take his father's place.

Today is the 7th, if Justin can't get the invitation letter, she will also bring Severus to the exchange meeting with the Imperius Curse.

She hoped that her students would not even have this ability, otherwise Justin would not want to participate in this activity.

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