Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3272 The unpredictable light (3)

Perhaps because it is located in a suburban forest and is not as famous as Versailles, the damage to the Bagadier Gardens was not serious, and most places can be used after tidying up.

The most famous thing here is the rose garden. The people who came in and looted it were not interested in them. They grew freely. Now they are overgrown with thorns and have become a "wall".

Maybe after some time, these roses will bloom and they will be beautiful, but Georgiana doesn't know if she can see them.

She came to the racecourse outside the rose garden. It was also overgrown with weeds, but it could be seen that the terrain was flat and suitable for a flood discharge area.

She looked out over the little island in the Seine, just as the people on the Isle of La Grande Jatte look out across the island.

Before Javert, no, Lepin transformed the French police, detectives had no concept of protecting the scene. They were more inclined to guess, intuition and finding witnesses than to scientific and professional methods such as fingerprint matching and tire matching. Trace identification and other techniques are used for criminal investigation.

The Metatronic Cube found in Gref Square has no clue where it came from.

Based on the current progress of the Rivoli Street project, it may take two or three years to get there, assuming there are no other factors that interfere with the construction.

In theory, the construction of the Uker Canal can create many jobs, including retired veterans with sound hands and feet, but they cannot do such work, although digging a canal is essentially not much different from digging trenches.

Even the Irish were unwilling to dig trenches in Crimea, although digging trenches and repairing fortifications could waste time without having to fight on the battlefield.

Many people are fascinated by war. When the southerners heard that they were going to war with the northerners, they were eager to try it, as if the opportunity to make achievements was just around the corner.

But for Scarlett, the war is the human bodies displayed in the Atlanta square. Some of them are alive and some are dead. The alive ones go to the hospital, and the dead ones need to be buried.

The other is the deserter who broke into the manor. Maybe Scarlett could communicate with him before shooting. Maybe he didn't intend to harm the people in the manor, but just wanted something to eat.

"I thought the reconquest of Saint-Domingue would go smoothly," Bonaparte said before going to bed, and they just lay there chatting, just like he and Georgina.

This was not the first time that Georgiana "caught" Georgina. Josephine had also caught them in the Tuileries Palace before, and she estimated that there would be a third or fourth time.

Not all young girls were like her, and Hortense was wary, even though she had attacked Georgiana before, for her mother.

Hortense has become more and more feminine.

She smiled a little to herself, but deep down she was actually a little jealous of Hortense.

Hortense and Josephine are different...

After the Battle of Aboukir, the Directory did not send another navy to rescue the Egyptian expeditionary force. An atmosphere of despair spread among the army, and they felt that they had been abandoned.

A woman who is abandoned will fall into deep despair, just like Ariadne who was placed on the island by Theseus and was unwilling to wake up and face reality.

The man she once helped and loved deeply abandoned her because of a dream.

Egypt was not as good as they imagined. They began to miss home, and most of them chose to return to France.

However, some people remained in Egypt and became instructors and advisors to Ali Pasha's army.

Ancient Roman colonies were built to house veterans. In fact, based on the population and land area at that time, there was less than one person per square kilometer.

But the land is still not divided enough. If a person is really in no man's land, he will have a different feeling.

Robinson was alone on a desert island, but he was not defeated by loneliness and despair. He tried his best to survive and make himself comfortable.

Georgiana felt that this was similar to what Bonaparte had done in Egypt, even though Egypt was not a desert island.

War does not mean victory and honor, but also loss.

In fact, he didn't love Leclerc that much, at least not like Ed Desai, because Desai couldn't move, as if the bullet that hit Desai hit himself.

This pain made Dumbledore wake up from the hallucination created by Grindelwald. He not only lost Arianna that night, he also lost Aberforth, and he was beaten at Arianna's funeral. fist.

With Dumbledore's strength, it was not difficult to restore the broken nose, but he kept it, even though it made him ugly and not as handsome as the gentle-faced boy in the photo.

Georgiana took her wand from the trembling flower.

Leon gave her strength. She no longer wanted to be Melanie. Tolerance and forgiveness were her way of survival in that world, even if she knew about her husband and Scarlett.

You can't blame me, Severus. It's not me who didn't give you what you deserve. What did you get for working so hard?

Even Lockhart and the werewolf Lupine have received the Order of Merlin, but you have not. Except that your love with Lily has been recognized by the world.

Pomona refused to accept it, so she kept trying to kick him out and find any woman who would accept his loyal love.

This is a woman's intuition, the same intuition that led her to pick up the wand.

But she quickly put it down again. She slowly looked back and saw a British sailor wearing a red scarf standing on the grass of the racecourse looking at her.

"You don't know me, but I know you and Mr. Smith." The sailor said, "You can call me John."

"Hello, John," said Georgiana alertly.

John sighed.

"It's a pity that I didn't accompany him to the end. My men were tempted by the bounty and almost betrayed him."

"Where are your men? Why are they alone?" Georgiana asked.

"They only allowed me to come here alone." John gestured in the direction of Bougainville. "What do you want me to take back?"

She also sighed.

"Be careful it's a trap," said Georgiana.

"Thank you for the reminder, is there anything else?" John asked.

"The Spanish plan to capture Gibraltar. I heard that the garrison in Gibraltar is always drunk, and the new governor has no experience in leading troops in war." Georgiana said.

John looked at her calmly.

"Be careful this is a trap." she repeated.

"Do you still love him?" John asked.

"What?" she asked in surprise.

"Are you Mrs. Smith or Mrs. Severs?" John asked.

She felt offended. Can any passerby ask this question?

"You are very beautiful, much more beautiful than the last time I saw you." John smiled. "He is very nice to you."

Georgiana disliked this smile.

"We'll see you again," John said, then turned and left the racecourse.

She waved her wand angrily, causing a huge splash in the Seine, like a bomb exploding.

The originally peaceful chemicals merged together during the 1910 flood, so much so that when people heard the explosion, they thought the Alma Bridge had exploded.

But there is no such bridge over the Seine now.

"can you hear my voice?"

The deep voice came from behind her.

She was trapped in a recurring dream until the voice woke her up.

An anarchist described it this way: The lover is the possessor, and the husband is the owner.

But her French lover said that he was her husband. Of course, no normal woman would regard him as an object of fantasy.

No wonder they all said she was abnormal.

She scratched her hair and was about to leave when she heard the sound of animals in the distance.

She followed the sound and walked over to see what was there.

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