Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 329 The Water of Farewell

Although no one will believe that the proud young master Malfoy is actually lonely and sensitive, and he was bullied and cried, but these people are not from the school, but Death Eaters outside the school. He repaired the disappearing cabinet to save his father , an albino snake who is not a good person in the eyes of most people.

He's very talented, at least the Elder Wand thinks so, Draco is the key to the White Wizard's tricks, he was easily "disarmed" by Draco, and Severus became an attractive black man. The pawn of the devil's attention.

In the growing twilight, Pomona and Narcissa returned to Black's old house with a load of sweets. These sweets are not only sold in the wizarding world, but also for Muggles, and the suffocating Black house needs some sweetness.

In addition, they also went to buy some stain remover. Since Sirius' room has cast a permanent sticking spell, let those Muggle bikini girls stay on it, anyway, they think Harry would like to keep West Rhys' bedroom, instead Regulus' room, might become James Sirius Potter's room.

Narcissa believed that he would leave with the portraits of the Blake family. Ginny probably would not sleep in a separate room with her husband like Walburga. The mistress' bedroom had lived in a hippogriff, God knows it was dirty. What a mess it has become, the house needs a thorough cleaning, and Fleur alone can't do it.

"Good evening, boys." After entering the long hall, Pomona greeted Bill, Draco, and Severus who were communicating in front of Walburga's portrait.

"Mom?" Draco exclaimed, "Why are you here?"

"Obviously, each of us has our own business." Narcissa said coldly. Everyone watched her go upstairs in a daze. There is also this side.

"Come here." Severus grabbed her arm fiercely and walked to the corner.

"Am I in trouble?" was Pomona's only thought at the moment.

"I asked Klitsch where it and Regulus ended up." He lowered his voice and cast another earbud with his wand to listen. "I think I have a clue..."

"Does he remember where it was?" Pomona asked nervously.

"It only remembers that it was a cave by the sea. There was a big black lake in the cave. There was a boat by the lake. All flying spells and magic props would be invalid here. The Dark Lord took it to test the defenses around the Horcrux. That ship can only take one wizard and one victim, and Kritch is the victim. There is an empty basin on the island, which is filled with potion. After drinking the potion, Kritch feels as thirsty as the white wizard. , Later he Apparated back, the effect of that potion is not poison, otherwise Klicher would have died, its effect should be to make people feel thirsty, and it will also make people feel very painful, it said it felt Like it was on fire, and that aside, Zigmuntbach, author of the Book of Potions, writes in Felicia that a ragged young man fell on a black rock near his house, and he said he called The third child is the youngest of the orphan's three brothers. Neither of his elder brothers has any magical talent. Out of fear of his strange power, he was kicked out of the house after his parents died, and he broke his wand and ran away. In the process, he fell into the sea and was washed by the waves to the island of Hemetra, where Zigmunt Bach lived. Bach didn't want his third son to disturb his experiment, and he didn't want anyone to know about the Faling he had just invented. So he gave the third some coins, a cloak, and a boat, and gave him a cup of farewell water with Felicia."

"Oh, my God!" Pomona covered her mouth with her hands to prevent herself from screaming, and Severus put his finger on his lips, and then continued to lower his voice, "The third child is back In the wizarding world, he started to get lucky, he picked up a bag of gold in the gutter, used the gold to buy a new wand and some new robes, and when he walked through Gringotts, he heard that the goblin hired a spellbreaker In the end, he was admitted to the position. The potion he made was much easier to use than ordinary people. A drop of shrinking potion could shrink a whole flock of sheep. It took hours to expire, Slughorn's potion didn't last that long, he was unlucky on the way back to the dorm, the portrait of Gryffindor, the fat woman wouldn't let him in and let him sleep in the hallway .”

As if Harry Potter's unlucky luck could make him feel happy, Severus' thin lips twisted, revealing a sarcastic smile, "It's a pity, the white wizard is back at this time, he couldn't wait to run to the headmaster's office, and white wizard The wizard shared the memory of Slughorn, when all the principals in the portrait were awake, including Phileas Black, who wanted people to know that he was the heir of Slytherin, so he made the diary, In order to release Slytherin's basilisk, it means a lot to him, the snake can highlight Slytherin's family background, the Dark Lord has always wanted to leave his name in history, he likes to collect souvenirs, likes those who have A powerfully magical and historically significant item, born of his pride and sense of superiority, oh, that's how I feel, that cave is the residence of Zygmuntbach, on the island of Hemetra."

"I've heard it looks like an uninhabited island."

"That's right, what better place to hide treasures than an uninhabited island, I don't know how the white wizard found that uninhabited island, but he found a fake Horcrux, Slytherin's locket, besides In addition, Regulus did one more thing, the Elder Wand." He deliberately pronounced the name in a long, singing tone "You don't wonder why the Elder Wand fell from Grindelwald's hand." In Dumbledore's hands?"

"I don't care about these, I just want to save Regulus back." Pomona grabbed his hand. "Tell me how to do it?"

"It's not easy to rescue a person who doesn't know whether he is dead or alive from thousands of corpses. I want to risk my life. Why should I do that?"

"I never asked you for what, you are negotiating terms with me now?"

"That's right, Pomona, this is how smart people do things. Don't you always want to be a smart person?" His eyes widened, and Pomona seemed to hear his excited heartbeat, and she subconsciously He let go of his hand and took two steps back.

"This house, you are not allowed to step in from now on. You are not a woman of the Black family, and you have no blood relationship with their family. Narcissa Malfoy is responsible for everything about the Black family."

"Then if Harry lives in, can't I come?" She resisted unwillingly. "I'm not Ginny, and this is not Hogsmeade, you can't do that."

"Oh, of course I can do this. I am not only the patriarch of the Black family but also your husband. You are not allowed to enter this house from now on!"

"It's unbelievable, what time do you think it is?" Pomona exclaimed. "This is the twenty-first century!"

He smiled triumphantly and shook his head, "No matter which century it is, some things will never change, such as good luck and bad luck."

He breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the sky and said, "Goodbye, Lily, I wish you happiness in heaven forever."

"No!" Pomona yelled.

"What are you protesting again? Don't you want Lily to be happy?"

"No!" Pomona tugged at her hair. "Damn it, Severus, what are you thinking?"

"I was wondering what my reward would be?" He bit his lower lip with a dreamy look. "I solved a problem, didn't I?"

"Not sure if what you said is right?"

He stretched out his arm "Want to go?"

Pomona dared not take his hand.

"Not today." She hesitated for a while and said.

"Why not?" he asked forcefully.

"I'm not ready..." Her words were lost in the slight sound of Apparition, and after a brief squeeze, they came to the coast, the cold wind mixed with snowflakes blew her hair, and the steep The cliffs and rocks fall vertically, and the surroundings are full of desolation. Except for the vast sea and rocks, there is no tree, no grass and sand, only huge black rocks.

"Merlin's beard." Pomona cursed softly. "You've never been here to Apparate."

"What a beautiful sunset, what do you think?" Mr. Love Saint looked at the sunset in the distance, and tightened his arms around her shoulders, "Enjoy this wonderful moment, my wife."

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