Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 332 The Banshee

The Black Death in the Middle Ages almost wiped out Europe. Some people say that it came from Mongolia.

Although there was a massacre of the Mongol invasion, the Europeans did not cause panic. Temujin was much more reasonable than Attila, the whip of God. The Huns who were driven away by the Chinese were harder to tame than real wolves, and they were a real nightmare. In the 5th century, Rome had been split into two empires, the East and the West. The capital of the Eastern Roman Empire was Constantinople. City utensils, Attila's army had to besiege the city. Ancient Chinese cities all had large granaries, which were stored to avoid famine during siege. After a long siege, Theodosius II surrendered, and the Mongols threw dead bodies into the city with catapults when they attacked the city.

According to historical data, the initial outbreak of the disease was the city of Kaffa. The residents of this small city fought bravely in the face of the Mongol invasion. The Mongols did not conquer the city for three years, so they were transferred from the Far East. reinforcements. However, what I didn't expect was that these reinforcements brought the plague, and thousands of soldiers died almost every day.

With the spread of the plague, the military doctors had no choice. The Black Death not only killed the residents of Kaffa in the city, but also killed the Mongols on the expedition. In the end, the Mongolian army gave up the siege and returned to their homeland with a small number of remaining soldiers. Although the Mongols retreated and the city of Kaffa was safe at night, the Black Death followed the refugees to Europe.

In 1910, the Black Death broke out in Northeast China, and Harbin became a dead city. The Chinese themselves could not feel the horror, but the Europeans were so frightened that they could not sleep at night, fearing that the Black Death would come back again.

Regardless of whether it is the East or the West, the yellow race or the white race, all suffered heavy losses due to the Black Death, with the exception of Mongolia itself. Much of Mongolia’s land is the hometown of the Huns. During the Han-Hungarian War, the Hun shaman used the corpses of sick and dead livestock to curse the Han people. It is hard not to suspect that the Black Death was the result of some kind of black magic.

However, their visit found nothing, except for the ubiquitous kabahs.

The witch hunting movement in the Middle Ages was largely related to the Black Death. At that time, people needed a reasonable explanation why the devout believer in the Lamb of God would be punished by war, plague, and famine.

Ignorance and superstition made human beings do things that seem stupid now. A large number of women were burned to death together with their cats. Women who kept cats were even regarded as symbols of evil. Queen Elizabeth burned a cat when she came to the throne, what the hell, what did those little furry things do wrong, why burn them?

People in the Middle Ages were more or less crazy. In the 16th century, there were many celebrities in the same era as Zygmuntbach, the most famous of which was Ms. Camila Sanguina. She believed that bathing in blood could make people feel better. She remained healthy and beautiful, so she was often bathed in virgin blood. She died at the age of 196. No one knows how many people she killed. The International Statute of Secrecy added 73 articles in 1750, and each wizarding governing body will be charged with concealing, caring for and controlling all magical animals, people and ghosts living in their jurisdiction, if these animals cause harm to Muggle society or cause them attention, then the magical institutions of that country will be disciplined by the International Confederation of Wizards.

Camilla violated this rule and was finally eliminated by the Ministry of Magic's special operations team.

Vampires are not afraid of crosses and holy water, nor are they afraid of garlic. Wizards can use incarcerous ropes to bind them. Muggles can also use ropes to stuff their mouths with stones or front teeth with sticks. If they can't bite people, they are no threat.

But it is very difficult to eliminate them, they are not cannibalistic like eight-eyed spiders, and ordinary magic flames have no effect. Pomona's vampire research was intermittent, and she didn't concentrate on academics at all during the trip to Ireland. She was so busy flirting with the Potions Master that she didn't even care about the death of her lover Cedric. .

The IQ of a woman in an ordinary relationship is zero, and she has dropped to a negative number. She doesn't think about anything except enjoying the feeling of being loved and protected, but she feels very happy. It feels good to be able to rely on someone wholeheartedly, even at his age. younger than her.

Severus stopped suddenly.

He cast a fluorescent flash with his wand, then threw it high, and in the dazzling white light, he could see many mottled ships parked on the black rocky shore. They have been weathered here for some years, and the hulls look dilapidated, mainly iron ships, obviously not the wooden ships of the Middle Ages.

"I think, I know where those Inferi came from." Severus looked at the wreckage and said slowly, "They were the passengers on the ship."

"Oh, Tom." Pomona didn't know what to say.

He really didn't regard Muggles as life, and directly drowned the entire ship in order to get their bodies.

"Although he is the same as Grindelwald, the International Federation of Wizards let Dumbledore take full control of it. He is a disciple of the White Wizard. We mainly operate in the UK, and rarely do activities abroad, especially in the United States." The shining "star", Severus took her by the hand and walked among the rugged reefs.


"It's too far away, across the Atlantic Ocean, and the history of that new continent is not long enough." He said in a deep voice, "He is an artist, and he likes things from the Middle Ages and before."

"Crazy." Pomona roughly counted those ships, at least dozens of them, they are far from the size of the Titanic, not luxury liners, but at least they can accommodate hundreds of passengers.

Men, women, old people, children, not a single one survived, and perhaps some wizards who had resisted him, all reduced to pale, slippery, sickening corpses.

A figure glowing green flashed among the sunken ships.

Severus immediately pulled her to Apparate, and between the two ships stood a woman with long hair that fell to the ground, her face was like a skeleton, and her skin would glow green, seeing someone When it came, it immediately opened its mouth and screamed. The scream was very similar to the sound made by the screaming golden egg after it was opened.

The appearance of the female ghost is similar to that of a woman, but her cry is fatal to those who hear it, which is very similar to the adult mandrake.

Female ghosts are a group of lonely and dark creatures without a spouse. They all live as individuals rather than groups. It is said that whoever she appears in the house will die.

Pomona disapparated with him before it could do irreversible damage, and they came to the top of the mountain as far as her eyes could see, far away from the ghost, and the glowing green figure disappeared in an instant. There was no trace among the wreckage of the ship.

"Don't be like this." Before he got angry, she said, "Isn't it a pity that she died alone?"

"Do you think there is any hope for Regulus to survive?" Severus said with disgust on his face. "He's dead, Pomona, and if he's not an Inferi, he's just bones."

As the tide rises and ebbs, there will definitely be many fish and crabs entering the cave, and the motionless Regulus may have been eaten by them as food.

"I believe in potions." Pomona said helplessly, "Don't you have any idea?"

"Kritch said it was an emerald green potion, do you know how many potions are of which color?" He looked at the rough sea with many rocks in it, "I think we're here."

Nature had barricaded the island from ships, and perhaps he used the sea-serpent again to his service.

Severus used the Death Eater's flying technique, and took her to a huge rock on the other side of the cliff. In the thunder light, he could see a black crack in the black rock wall. The pungent sea smell.

"It's exactly the same." He said with a triumphant smile, "I can bring Klitsch to identify it next time. Do you want to go in and have a look?"

She looked at the dark passage without making a sound.

"Regulus is a good boy," she said in a hoarse voice. "He let Kerry go and he stayed. He didn't treat Kerry as a sacrifice, he treated it as an equal life. He made a mistake." He made a mistake, but he repented, why not give him a chance to repent?"

"Joining the Death Eaters is not a game, and you can quit by writing a resignation report." His voice was as unwavering as if he had been frozen by the cold wind. "The White Wizard will not live long at that time. Everything is a performance, he wants Harry Potter to remember what sacrifice is for the greater good, even if the cause of his immediate death is that he couldn't control the temptation and put on the ring with the resurrection stone."

"That time-turner, Lucius said it can only go back 5 minutes."

What can you do in 5 minutes?

"You're going to use a Time-Turner?" Severus sneered. "Who are you trying to prevent from dying? Sirius Black?"

"No, I think Regulus should have a chance..."

"You don't allow us to keep it, but you use it yourself?"

"How do I know you won't stop Voldemort from killing Lily!" Pomona thought of the female ghost she saw just now, she was so pitiful, she didn't want to be like that.

"You don't want me to be happy anymore?" He sneered. "I get Lily, you get Sirius, everyone wins, and I can raise Harry Potter like a father."

"It's impossible for you to convince him not to kill Harry." Pomona said as if she had lost all her strength, "As long as he decides, no one can stop him."

"And I don't have the strength to defeat him." He took her hand, "Neither can the white wizard, so he used this kind of cunning and despicable method to let the Dark Lord kill himself, and he finally His enemy is not Harry Potter, but himself, or what the White Wizard calls 'love'."

"Where do you think the potion ingredients of Zigmuntbach went?" She dared not look him in the eyes and whispered.

"The Dark Lord is a master of potions, but it's a pity that he doesn't have an expert in herbs and magical animals. Many animals and plants are gone. Many of the things I kept for him are potion ingredients." He looked at her velvet pocket with a twinkle in his eyes. A trace of greed.

"You want my plant seeds?" Pomona asked directly, "I can continue the research with you, but do you have time? Professor?"

He looked at the sea and shook his head.

"If you really want a time-turner that much, find a house-elf first, but I doubt how many house-elves still remember that magic." She smiled at him dotingly. The slaves only know how to do housework."

"Is that their racial magic?"

"That's right, just like Veela's spiritual magic, they once had wars with humans, that's their killing curse." She sighed, thinking of the female ghost with green light, she and Veela In fact, they are the same kind, they are all transformed by the soul of a woman after death, but Veela looks much more beautiful than that zombie face, and will not be feared by human men.

Whether a man or a woman, it seems that there is no chance of love without a beautiful appearance.

If Pomona Sprout is really that kind of short and fat woman, Severus may still remember Lily in his dream, after all he is so beautiful and has a warm heart, even if Pomona Take good care of him, and he will only respect her like a mother.

If she hadn't been Rose but Molly Brown, a fat woman who had helped Jack go to proms with other women, she might have been like those women who own cats and die as women. Ghosts, gather together and cry whenever a saint dies.

Happy people don't become ghosts, but the ghost wanders in the wilderness, crying and crying, getting uglier and uglier, not like Myrtle, but at least she can see what she is.

Are women with families happy?

"Lily and James were really blessed people, how happy they were to die before they knew what real pain is. They lived a short but wonderful life."

Severus smiled sarcastically, "Some people still think they are unfortunate, pity them."

"How long are we going to blow the cold wind here?"

"You can think about what my reward is." He bent his arms. "Or do you want to go to the cave?"

"I'd rather die in a warm bed." Pomona took her new husband's arm. "Take me home, honey."

As soon as her words fell, the two of them disapparated away, and the uninhabited island returned to silence, as if no one had ever set foot on it.

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