Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 335 Moonchild

"tick tick tick tick"

In the 21st century, wizards are still using pocket watches, and Muggles have begun to use electronic products to keep time.

For the same thing, there will be huge differences when viewed from different angles. Just like a clock, the pocket watch that Severus gave her for her birthday not only can keep time but also has an anti-disturbance charm. As long as the pocket watch is opened , turn the flame-shaped pointer on the inside of the watch cover to the head of the little monster, and an invisible barrier will be formed around the pocket watch to prevent people from eavesdropping.

At the same time, in order to verify whether a certain area uses this spell method: Throw something on the target, if the thing does not touch it, it means that the anti-disturbance spell has been recited. This is a magical defense device with a certain physical defense effect. The inside of the cover is coated with sapphire powder, which makes the golden pointer look particularly conspicuous.

Minerva's pocket watch, with its twelve hands, no numerals, and small stars running along the edge of the dial, is a curious watch.

Although Minerva and Severus are both mixed blood, Severus pays more attention to hiding. Pomona's pocket watch is no different from ordinary watches, but it is very beautiful. The crystal ball he gave her is actually very practical. , but his habit of eavesdropping can be really annoying sometimes.

She had finally decided to keep the troublesome crystal bottle with her, as long as she remembered to take it out the next time she remembered to say something that might piss him off, and cast an anti-disturbance spell around it.

In a way, he is as jealous as Ron, but as he grows stronger and owns more, there are fewer and fewer things that make him feel jealous.

Jealousy comes from wishing that the treasures one owns become a plaything for others to show off, and the feelings one desires become a "trouble" that others dismiss, wanting it very much but not being able to get it, using the ancient oriental philosophy to say that there is nothing to worry about And suffering from inequality, what others have, you have to have is called "fairness".

Pomona herself was jealous of Lily, she wanted Severus' love, but Lily didn't want it at all. She locked him out of the Gryffindor lounge. In Lily's eyes, getting involved with Death Eaters was a disgraceful "trouble". Who told him to call her a Muggle seed.

He kept saying that Pomona was a fool. Pomona was not angry yet. Tolerance and generosity were her advantages, although in the eyes of many people she was a fool.

She needs to go to the Muggle department store to pick up that custom-made dress. In the wizarding world, she can let the house-elf do it, but in the Muggle world, she has to go there herself.

She noticed last time that there was a very interesting lingerie store in the department store, but she was too embarrassed to go there with Ron, and she planned to go in when she picked up the clothes. This time, she didn't plan to use it as an "invitation letter".

She wrapped the invitation letter with a pink ribbon, called Honey, and asked her to place it in a conspicuous place in the bedroom of Godric's Hollow Villa.

Pomona did this intentionally. If that plan is really feasible, then she needs to call Klitsch home from a distance like Regulus. This kind of slavery contract between wizards and house elves has become a rescue. The key back to Regulus. She hadn't tried it before, every time she called the house elves they would appear immediately, she thought they had used some kind of invisibility technique, it was the first time she tried just now, and she actually succeeded.

As long as Regulus can be brought out of that cave, he can remain anonymous like little Cous Lestrange, have children in the Muggle world or other places, and continue to continue the blood of the Black family, regardless of whether he marries A pure-blood, a half-blood, or a Muggle girl.

The next step is to go back to save Severus. In the past time experiments, the reason why a person cannot change his own destiny is that besides the time paradox, there is another reason, that is, the past self may kill the future self. Or the future self kills the past self.

A wise choice in the future may seem inadvisable at the time. A person who is half a step ahead of others is a genius, and a person who surpasses others by too much is a lunatic. Nikola Tesla is a genius with mixed reputations. He is the father of alternating current and successfully created ball lightning, but it was also because of his experiment that caused a blackout.

It takes courage to live in the strange eyes of others. Some people would rather live poorly and fail than become a psychopath. The past self does not understand the future self, and the two disagree and cause a fight, and the final outcome is to kill each other.

You can't directly change your destiny, and you can't go back more than 5 hours is a necessary condition for time travel, and you need enough "desire" to go back in time. The Ministry of Magic only allows top students who want to study hard to use it. Hermione's abundant curiosity makes Not only did she successfully apply for the Time-Turner and use it correctly, but what Pomona couldn't understand was why the Time-Turner wasn't destroyed?

Time-related magic is prone to confusion, especially when it concerns a few key figures in the course of history.

She wants to save Severus, and she does whatever it takes to achieve this goal, including using Klitsch's heart to save Regulus as a guinea pig.

"You have become a bad girl again." She looked at the mirror and said sadly, Lily belongs to the sun, she is a child who lives in the day, Pomona belongs to the moon, she lives in the night, she cannot shine like the sun Brighten and warm others.

The full moon that night was very bright, clearly illuminating the panic on his face. The "man" who was out of tune with the world around him, independent, and with hostile eyes entered her field of vision, and she hoped to walk in. his life.

After drinking the bottle of compound soup, she watched the half-breed Veela in the mirror gradually turn into a short and fat woman. No man would be interested in this kind of woman, unless he was greedy for her money or with her. Tom wanted the Smiths collection as well.

Severus said that Jack in the Titanic went there for Molly Brown, but he met Rose who was born in the sea, so he gave up his original plan and had a short and beautiful love with Rose, finally for Molly Brown. Save Rose from sinking into the deep blue water.

It was Jack who said he was unwilling to let go, but it was Rose who really couldn't let go. Even if she married another man, she still remembered Jack in her heart.

A woman's heart is as deep as the sea, and the sparkling surface of the sea under the moonlight is different from the ocean currents in the deep sea.

When the transformation was complete, she put down the mirror, put on a thick coat and immediately apparated, and when she reappeared, she was already standing in the snow and ice of Scotland.

"Are you cold?" he asked in the tent that was lit.

Lying in the arms of the Potions Master, wrapped in thick fur, she shook her head.

"Harry has a map in his hand. It can see where everyone in the castle is, including Dumbledore in the headmaster's office." She said softly, "It will not be displayed on the map until you enter the Room of Requirement."

"As I recall, Lupine believed Sirius Black was innocent just because Pete Peddylou's name was on the map."

"No secret can hide that map, let's meet on the 8th floor in the future."

He curled the corners of his mouth into a smile, "Gryffindor Tower is not far from the headmaster's office."

"I don't care." Relying on her beloved lover, she didn't care at all about the old headmaster who was getting weaker and weaker. It was he who stopped her love affair, and Dumbledore deserved it.

If time could go back in time and she told Dumbledore not to wear that ring, would he listen to her?

Pomona knelt down in the snow and cried bitterly as if she couldn't support herself.

What were the last words she said to Dumbledore? Anyway, it's not a good word. If there is a chance to do it again, she hopes to say something else to him.

What does it matter if he likes the same sex?

You are really an old fool, Albus Dumbledore.

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