Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3387 Lynx Eye (Part 2)

Saint Augustine once said: Those who indulge are not always friends, and those who criticize are not always enemies. The criticism of friends is loyalty, and the kiss of enemies is deception.

When Giuliano de' Medici walked into the church, the Pazzi family immediately greeted him and kept chatting and laughing with him.

When Caesar walked into the Senate, Brutus was behind him. So apart from assassination, did Brutus try other ways to prevent Caesar from becoming emperor?

Church jurists believe that relief cannot be refused on the grounds of a person's past sins and stupidity. If the door is not opened, how can it be turned into one's own?

When Georgiana came downstairs, the dinner had already begun, and Paulina became the focus of everyone's attention. She became the most dazzling person in the audience.

At the same time, in the dark corners, some people who looked at her with a critical attitude could be seen, but they soon noticed Georgiana and their faces changed in an instant.

Before removing the disguise, Rohart's smile was award-winning, but his smile had no effect on the basilisk.

Georgiana once again raised the smile that Severus always said was ugly. Who would appear in social occasions with a bitter face like him?

If Socrates always told the Greeks that he was ignorant and made people feel bored, then the philosopher on the boat who said to the boatman, "You can't do this, you can't do that, how unfortunate" would make people disgusted. Who would save a person who felt disgusted?

The boatman was still in the mood to learn the philosopher's tone and asked him if he could swim. When the philosopher said no, the boatman could even smile and say "too unfortunate".

The boatman of the underworld sailed across the river of pain, so Harry lived happily until the end. The poor little boy who was not valued by his Muggle relatives became a pampered prince in the magical world, although his head was not kissed by God like a genius.

But he was lucky enough to find the old textbooks of the half-blood prince.

Luck is the best legacy Harry inherited from his father.

"Hamingja" will be passed down to the offspring together with "self" in some cases. "Self" includes personality, but this does not mean that Harry has the same patronus as James. Harry is as "arrogant and lazy" as his father, as "someone" said.

It is hard to teach Harry. He only devotes energy to things that interest him and makes rapid progress, unlike the young Tom Riddle, who gives the teacher a full sense of accomplishment.

But Neville is more difficult to learn than Harry, and both of them are boys born at the end of July in the prophecy.

In the memory of the old fool, the deacon of Wood Orphanage looked thin and tired, and the children looked neat and tidy, and their personalities were healthy.

At least she did not embezzle funds to buy fashionable things for herself, and then let the orphanage be like the place where Oliver Twist stayed, without even hot water for bathing, and only wiped the exposed parts of the clothes to deal with the inspection.

In contrast, the well-nourished nobles can be seen at a glance among the common people. In the cold weapon era, muscles were needed to wield weapons, and the common people could not even afford horses, let alone the large amount of meat needed to grow muscles.

The little girl liked handsome men like Draco. He was as thin as a rib, and Pomona thought he looked unreliable.

In the Middle Ages, there was a profession called lamplighter, which was usually performed by teenagers. They would provide candle lighting for guests who needed to walk at night.

If it was an adult man, the guest would feel dangerous, and if it was a woman, the night road itself was very dangerous for her.

But not everyone would be willing to spend that little money, especially on a bright moonlit night.

The fog in London was very thick, and the visibility was actually very low when the moonlight shone through the fog. Human eyes were not as sharp as cats at night, but in order to improve night vision, cats turned colors such as red and orange into gray.

Humans were active during the day and needed to see more colors to distinguish the color of fruits and dangerous animals hiding in the grass with protective colors.

When he found that he couldn't see clearly and wanted to "borrow light", there was no lamplighter around. It happened that there was a ball of light in the thick fog. He thought it might be someone else's lamplighter, so he chased the light. He walked and walked, and suddenly collided with another cart and pedestrians walking in the dark, and the "light" ran away by itself.

Remus taught how to deal with Sinkpunk, but Snape preferred to teach the nine-headed snake Hydra, although normal humans are more likely to encounter Sinkpunk and Boggart than Hydra.

In addition, there are Dementors. The probability of encountering it is not high, but who let Sirius escape from Azkaban that year?

Sirius let James go and even encouraged him to "joke" Snape; while James would rather expose his secrets than stop Sirius from using Remus to do what he wanted to do after his transformation.

A person who has been loyal for too long will forget one thing. When Harry got the qualification of the Triwizard Championship, Ron's attitude was not friendly, and what he said was more like an enemy.

Is Ron jealous of Harry? Yes, he is jealous, but if Harry had chosen to withdraw instead of "moving on", would Voldemort still be resurrected?

If you want the friendship of others, even if you see an inappropriate marriage, please shut up.

At the venue, Georgiana saw the dark-skinned Countess Fagnari, who was chatting with Francois Zabini accompanied by the "Flower Guardian".

Madame Zabini married seven times, but Pomona never saw anyone warn the "grooms". People gave blessings at weddings and white roses at funerals. While envying Madam Zabini for getting more gold, they discussed who would be the next "lucky one".

There is a famous painting called "Unmatched Wedding". In the painting, a young girl married an old man, but in fact, the groom with a cunning smile in the painting was a philanthropist and much younger than the painting. He has been doing charity, just like donating blood. He did not drain it all at once. After draining a certain amount of blood, he went back to recuperate and continued to donate next time. In the end, the total amount of donations exceeded his family property several times.

Italian painters would not paint themselves into paintings. That was Rembrandt's talent. "The Night Watch" ruined his career, but it also set a precedent. In "Unmatched Wedding", the painter painted himself in, replacing the position of the young bride's admirer.

This painting was requested by the bride's admirer, and he did not shout "I object" at the wedding scene.

When the painting was finished, the admirer asked to delete himself, so the painter had to replace the admirer with his own face.

The image of the bride is the painter's lover. She cried so hard that her eyes were red, but in fact the bride in this painting lived a good life. Not only did she give birth to several children with the "old man", but she also died of old age. Instead, it was the painter's lover who ended up living in an asylum.

When Georgiana took the time to see Paulina, she still smiled happily.

At this time, she remembered the ugly Savoy helmet. Perhaps in order to make the voice clearer, an inverted triangle was opened on the mask, which looked like a smile.

If the inverted triangle was turned right, it would look like the corners of the mouth were drooping.

There is a kind of medieval armor that looks like a tin can. If the Knights of Malta wore that kind of full-body tin armor, the scorching sun in the Mediterranean would soon turn them into "cans".

The dinner was champagne, not Italian sparkling wine. She held a tulip glass and looked at her reflection in the glass. It looked seriously deformed.

In fact, Bonaparte was not so perfect. She had long known that she had to learn to entertain herself rather than waiting for others to coax her.

The republican constitution established by the Jacobins in Naples was completely divorced from local customs and habits, like an unrealizable blueprint that had to be implemented.

Bonaparte at least knew that the constitution had to respect local customs and habits...

"Good evening." A man suddenly greeted Georgiana in English, and she looked over.

"It's an honor to meet you, Georgiana. I am Frederick Stibbert, the British ambassador to Italy. You are more beautiful than the legend." The man introduced himself.

She looked at the ambassador and quickly remembered the resume provided to her by the French.

Stibbert's grandfather was the Governor-General of Bengal. From that generation on, their family accumulated wealth. His father, Thomas, was an ambassador in Turkey for 15 years. Later, he married a woman in Italy, but he was not as lucky as the Prince of Wales. He met a debtor priest, so they did not hold a wedding ceremony, resulting in Stibbert being an illegitimate child in theory.

Thomas quit his job as ambassador and settled in Florence, where he opened a museum and collected a lot of "Oriental" items, from Turkish tapestries to Balkan glassware, which was said to be made by the Phoenicians.

Thomas had no other mistresses or illegitimate children, and Frederick was accepted by collecting cultural relics and his identity as a financier.

"I heard that there is a cavalry unit in your museum." Georgiana stretched out her hand to Frederick. "What kind of armor do they wear?"

"Of course they are Germans." Frederick gently held her hand and kissed her hand. "When you come to Florence, I will take you to see it."

"Can't you bring them to Milan?" Georgiana withdrew her hand.

"I'm afraid that won't work. Wax products can't withstand bumps, and the weather is getting hotter." Frederick smiled and said, "Besides, I think the Milanese don't want to see Germans appear in their city."

She was about to recall something, and Frederick continued, "Also, I want to ask, have you collected taxes in Tuscany this year?"

She looked at him in surprise.

"In the past, it was the First Consul who reminded General Murat. I think he is too busy this year." Fredley looked at her meaningfully. "Am I right? Linda Smith."

Linda Smith is one of Pomona's many aliases, but this name was only used when she was on her honeymoon in Venice.

Fredley looked at her expression with satisfaction, as if he had caught her handle.

So she asked, "How do you know this name?"

"I found out." Fredley said, "Do you need me to help you change the name on your passport?"

Someone nearby made a loud noise, and she subconsciously turned her head to look over.

It turned out that someone was performing a "magic trick".

"Want to see it?" Georgiana asked Fredley, and he escorted her over to see what tricks were being played this time.

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