Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 340 Glorious Isolation

Filch came to work at Hogwarts in 1973. At that time, there was another school supervisor, Pringle. Unlike Squib Filch, he was a wizard who tried to trap Hogwarts with a glass cover with a diversion spell. Peeves, except of course he didn't succeed.

Compared with Peeves, Sirius and James are his number one enemies. They both like to be mischievous like Fred George.

Pringle prefers to whip students, Filch can only arrest them and put them in confinement. Sirius Black, who is in confinement, doesn't look like a master at all, and Filch doesn't seem to think of himself as a servant.

Pomona didn't know much about the history before he entered the school, but there was a very influential Watergate incident in the Muggle world at that time, many Squibs would live in the Muggle world like Mrs Figg, who knows Did Filch have anything to do with that.

Because of the International Statute of Secrecy, although wizards and Muggles live on the same planet, they lead completely different lives. Although the behavior of Squibs in the Muggle world is weird, it is better to be isolated than to be discriminated against. Purebloods don't treat them as human beings at all, and even Minerva McGonagall treats Filch badly.

Severus is one of the few wizards who is willing to help Filch. Mrs. Norris originally belonged to Pomona. After being taken away by the black wizard, she is almost all of Filch's spiritual sustenance. In fact, Pomona also likes Luo very much. Mrs. Liz, it can accompany her to relieve loneliness, but it betrayed its master and lived with Filch.

Compared with the lazy Pringle, Filch is more conscientious. In the first and second grades, Pomona can still take Severus to the Forbidden Forest. After the third grade, they can no longer sneak out of the castle. , Pringle often forgot to lock the door, Filch never forgot. Not being able to come and go freely was certainly inconvenient, but at least it wasn't as easy for Death Eaters to sneak into the castle as it used to be.

Poor Robbie was regarded as the target of the Death Eaters practicing the Cruciatus Curse, the greenhouse was far away from the castle, and the house elves usually would not leave the castle at will. In the early days of the school, there were some house elves in the Slytherin family. Later, with the outbreak of the giant war, the house elves were also involved. As a shelter, the house elves in the castle proliferated, and they did the work of servants.

Klitsch had betrayed Sirius, even though Sirius was the owner of Black's old house.

"Should I talk to Filch?" she asked listlessly.

"What? Have you ever murdered someone?" He smiled sarcastically. "I promise he'll say he's innocent."

The wolf poison potion was invented by Damocles Belbi, but the wolf-binding juice was the patent of the villain in front of him. It could keep the werewolf in human shape during the night of the full moon and reduce the damage to the body caused by deformation.

Boiling this potion requires human blood, of course it is not ordinary human blood, but the blood of Fenrir Greyback, every time Lupine transforms, he will become very weak, eating some human flesh will make him recover faster, Human flesh is not easy to get, unless he kills people. During Harry's fifth grade, there were many disappearances. Hannah's mother disappeared, and their bodies may have been eaten by werewolves.

She wanted to kill the wolf if she didn't want to be eaten by the man-eating wolf, but Lavender felt that she was human. She was just bitten, how could she become a monster? And she didn't transform into a moonlight night, and she ate the same food as humans.

"That's why I don't like Albus Dumbledore, he brings everyone into school!" Phileas Black yelled in the crystal ball "Do you know that Angus Buchanan, a Squib, he He even participated in the sorting ceremony, fortunately he left the school on his own initiative, which saved me a lot of trouble, a murderer can actually become the school supervisor, Merlin's beard, Albus Dumbledore is simply crazy."

"It's still not decided that Filch is the 'servant', Phileas!" Severus said coldly.

"If you try to get to know Filch, you'll know he's not that bad!" Pomona yelled at Filias, "He's a very responsible school supervisor, patrolling every night, even in the cold winter! "

"Why do I want to know him? I don't know him, and he might be grateful to me. That Angus Buchanan's brother and sister covered him, not only forged the admission letter but also bought him a wand, pretending He's a wizard, but the Sorting Hat 'understand' him right away, you don't know how humiliating the scene was." Phileas spoke as if he was the one being insulted, "Never Trying to understand the students, they hate this, you actually tried to make that werewolf girl learn to disguise and continue to hide in the school, do you see her accepting your favor?"

"You're at the old Blake house?" Pomona asked.

"Obviously not?" Severus sneered. "Do you want to come over?"

She remembered his banning her from number 12, Grimmauld Place.

"Chat somewhere else."


"I don't want to hear Phileas!" Pomona exclaimed angrily. "No wonder he's the most hated headmaster ever."

"But he likes me, doesn't he, Phyllis?" said the old bat again in that drawn, frivolous tone, which pleased him more often than not others did not.

Pomona almost forgot that he was also the most hated teacher in the school, no wonder he had the same stink as Phileas Black.

"The topic you are discussing is related to the Black family, we have the right to know!" Phyllis Black shouted, "Isn't our experience bad enough? He wasted his time understanding his students, what he really should do But I didn't do it, and the Dumbledore family is almost dead! When I was alive, I had 5 children, 10 grandchildren, and even two great-grandchildren. Later, my descendants became more, but now you see, Such a prosperous family has become extinct."

"Don't worry, Phileas, there are people here who are as worried about the offspring of the Black family as you are, do you think I'm right, Pomona?" Severus said with a smile.

But Pomona felt the full threat of death. She touched her neck subconsciously, feeling as if an invisible hand was pinching her just now.

"This castle used to belong to Slytherin, who does it belong to now?" Pomona began to change the subject, "If Salazar Slytherin has descendants, of course it belongs to his descendants. If there is no dialogue, the castle needs to be donated. will become public property."

"My good-for-nothing great-grandson, he donated Black's old house as the headquarters of Dumbledore's secret society, but it is still a personal property, so that Harry Potter can inherit it."

"If Slytherin ever gave the castle to the Blacks, then Sirius is the master of the castle and Filch is the servant."

"Including us, right? All his servants?" Severus smirked and shook his head. "No, never."

"If the Dark Lord is really a descendant of Slytherin, he is the real master of Hogwarts castle. Armando Dippet refuses him to spend the summer vacation in the castle to drive the master out of his home?" Fei Lias murmured, "No wonder."

"No wonder he let the basilisk out of the Chamber of Secrets, right? And it's Salazar Slytherin's basilisk." Pomona said blankly. "Only the basilisk doesn't listen to other Parseltongues Harry tried to control it, but the basilisk obeyed the order of the soul fragment in Tom Riddle's diary."

"If he's the real descendant of Slytherin." Severus said coldly, "Which woman did Slytherin marry later and give birth to the Gaunts?"

The Gaunt family, like the Smith family, both claim to be descendants of Slytherin, and now there seems to be evidence.

"The Resurrection Stone." Pomona whispered, "Salazar Slytherin's mother was killed by a dragon, and his father was a traveler and friend when he was young. Could it be him and Ignotu Private Peverell met when he was traveling, met Death, and then got another Deathly Hallows, which resurrected Slytherin's mother."

"Yet the woman died in despair, and Slytherin's father took his own life," Severus murmured.

"The Gaunt family lives by selling their property. Maybe the castle was sold to the Black family." Pomona still didn't give up that speculation.

"No." Phileas and Severus said together.

"why not?"

"I don't want my good-for-nothing great-great-grandson to become the master of Hogwarts Castle." Phileas shook his head and said, "I'd rather give it back to the Dark Lord."

"I'll never be Sirius Black's servant, never!" Severus said, pursing his upper lip. "Nor is Filch willing to be. You're disgusting at the idea."

"The relationship between master and servant is not about personal wishes, oh, hell, this is Krich's mood." Pomona wailed in despair. "No matter how much it hates Sirius, it will serve him."

"Dumbledore and Grindelwald have a blood oath." Phileas Black said suddenly, "Dumbledore must have broken the oath."

"But he's not a murderer," Pomona screamed.

"Peter Pedilu left that night, he went to meet his master, the Dark Lord, maybe that prophecy has nothing to do with the people in the Screaming Room." Severus sighed, "He's free, he doesn't necessarily I mean Wormtail."

"I hate Ravenclaw," said Pomona bitterly. "I think I'm going as crazy as Sybil."

"That's what's wrong with you trying to understand people," Phileas said emphatically.

"What are you doing this afternoon?" Severus asked.

"Shopping!" she said cheerfully. "Would you like to accompany me?"

"Unless I'm crazy." Severus shook his head. "Can we talk lightly?"

"Like what?"

"Tomorrow is my birthday, what is your birthday present?"

"It's on the bed in the bedroom."

"You treat yourself as a present at Christmas."

"It's not me." She blushed and said, "Why did you take the initiative to contact me?"

"Longbottom asked me for help. I never thought there would be such a day." He cursed in a low voice, and then the shadow in the crystal ball disappeared, as if what happened just now was an illusion.

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