Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3426 Winter King (I)

Some people once thought that Albus Dumbledore chose to give up revenge because he was afraid of the large number of Muggles.

But the purpose of him and Grindelwald to find the Deathly Hallows was not to become the master of the Death and achieve immortality. In their plan, the most critical resurrection stone used to create the Inferi has always been in the Gaunt family. Anyway, by the time of Marvolo Gaunt, they had declined and would not appear in the public eye with the ring with the Peveril emblem as before.

As for why Tom Riddle appeared in school wearing it, but Albus didn't notice it, it's a bit puzzling. It may be because he had just taken over Hogwarts as the headmaster and had to "deal" with people like the Malfoy family.

The sunset on the evening of the previous day originally indicated good weather, but when she got up in the morning, Georgiana found that the sky was covered with dark clouds, as if cumulonimbus clouds from the Alps were floating over.

Such weather makes people feel depressed, especially the whistling wind, which makes people feel that the upcoming spring has been blown away again.

She gently swirled her finger around the rim of the wine glass to wipe off the mark of her lipstick, then looked up at the window.

When Maria Theresa was still a little girl, she was not trained as an heir. In 1713, her father, Charles VI, issued the "Republican Bull", because neither Charles VI nor his brother had male heirs, so in the bull he asked the eldest daughter to inherit the throne.

There had never been a female ruler in Rome, and even Maria Theresa was the only female ruler of the Holy Roman Empire.

After the "Republican Bull", Charles VI still did not give up giving birth to a male heir. He later had two daughters, and after the age of 39, he had no children.

She was going to marry Peter II, the only grandson of Peter the Great, but Peter II died in 1730. When her father wanted her to marry, she claimed to be a "widow" and had good reasons to control her second marriage.

In 1740, Maria Theresa inherited the title of Grand Duke of Habsburg, which was not difficult, after all, there were many Grand Dukes.

However, it was not so easy to become an "emperor". Maria Theresa never used the title of "Empress" in her life, although people were used to calling her "Empress".

In the first half of her reign, Austria's focus was on Western Europe. Although Hungarians had no horses, they were still an important source of cavalry for the Holy Roman Empire. Maria Theresa was not like other Holy Roman Emperors who strictly controlled Hungary, but the most important thing was that she did not infringe on the interests of the Hungarian nobles and allowed them to enjoy a certain degree of autonomy.

Since 1723, Charles VI has promoted the manor jurisdiction system in the Holy Roman Empire, which is different from the manors of the Junker nobles.

Feudal criminal law had extensive judicial discretion and legal uncertainty, which was irreconcilable with a centralized monarchy or enlightened thought. However, the Habsburgs had just lost the Spanish Succession War and were no longer as powerful as before, so the lords of manors, large and small, were given the power of judicial arbitration and the establishment of manor courts.

This was even different from the feudal manors in the British Viland system, or to put it this way, these German feudal manors had "blood courts" where the lords could sentence to death, while lower-level courts, even those in privileged cities, did not have the power to directly execute prisoners.

The courts of privileged territories, free royal cities, and mining towns had privileges. The Golden Bull clearly stipulated which lords could have manors or, as in Hungary, could choose their own kings.

County courts were supervised by nobles, cities by citizen communities, and manor courts were supervised by lords. Before Maria Theresa's reforms to eliminate witchcraft persecution in 1750, Hungarian nobles could make decisions in their own manor courts, even for death or torture. After the reform, the Royal Governor's Council of Hungary was required to supervise, and all death penalty cases could not be executed before all documents were submitted to the Royal Governor's Council for approval.

This measure was not implemented immediately as in Croatia, and it was not implemented until 1757.

Around this time, the European cattle plague was rampant. Although it did not cause a large number of deaths to people like the Black Death, it killed a lot of cattle.

Transylvania waited until 1768 to end the witch hunt. In 1766, Maria Theresa used the "Caesar Decree lex regia", thereby writing the accusation of magic into the "Transylvanian Constitution", and the punishment activities during the review became "mild".

But this is official, and many unofficial places still use "customs". There have also been large-scale witchcraft persecutions in East Prussia occupied by Prussia. At that time, she thought that the Prussians did not go to the countryside and did not understand the local situation.

Feudal villages are very closed. Everyone in a village knows each other, and it is relatively easy for everyone to hide something. Maids are often from other places, and they have no relatives or friends in the local area.

However, this is only a small part of the darkness of the Middle Ages. The most likely issues to arise with vampires are "cults" and economic issues. Just as some people claim to be alchemists who can make gold, there are also people who claim to be vampires.

There was a witch trial in Transylvania, and the trial was abolished based on the principle of "no crime without explicit legal provisions".

This principle was proposed by an Italian named Beccaria, and vampires were not within the scope of explicit provisions because vampires did not belong to magical activities.

Wizards did not regard vampires as human beings. They regarded vampires as "medicines" and made them into powder like mummies.

But vampires were raised in front of Muggles who longed for eternal life.

After Joseph ascended the throne, he wanted to reform the Holy Roman Empire, and Belgium also did so.

However, as the Tacitus Trap said, once the emperor became the object of people's hatred, his good and bad deeds would equally arouse people's disgust towards him.

What's wrong with equality before the law? Belgians would rather have unequal and unfair laws than accept reforms.

In other words, Dalmatia is valuable because it has value, and everyone fights for it.

But in order to possess it, it is easy to "become mired in the mud" and it is difficult to get out of it.

The situation of the healer is not good there either. They will suspect that the healer and the witch have colluded. The witch cast the curse and the healer is responsible for the treatment.

So Germany has a doctor registration license to prove that these doctors are really doctors and are not involved in any scam.

If he gains immortality, like the goddess of dawn, he forgets to pray for eternal youth for his lover, he will sooner or later become a cricket.

It is best to be young and youthful, and to have these, you must also have beauty. Voldemort lost his nose after his resurrection, although he remained in his 40s, a relatively young state.

"Madam, breakfast is ready." The new maid said to Georgiana.

"I will be there soon." She put down the wine glass casually, then left the bedroom and went to the breakfast meeting.

Although she thought that having a meeting during a meal would make people lose their appetite.

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