Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3435 Winter King (Ten)

Sforza's castle is all made of red bricks, so it looks "very solid". There are four circular towers at the four corners of the castle. Their outer walls are made of black bricks, arranged in a diamond shape, and they look like Like black snakeskin.

When she was a spectator at the Paris Agricultural Association, Georgiana had heard someone say that the color of the bread a family eats is the same as the clothes they wear, which represents wealth and status. Some taxi drivers in Paris will share black bread with their horses... …

"Take it," Fredley said, handing an ice cream to her.

"Thank you." Georgiana took the ice cream.

"I hope you won't be surprised. I haven't been here for a long time. This used to be the headquarters of the French garrison. I don't know what it looks like inside." Fredly said, looking up at the city gate in front of him. "I I heard that the tower on the south side was used as an ammunition depot.”

Georgiana looked up and saw that the tower where the arsenal was located was tall and pointed. It was grand enough, but it looked like it could easily attract lightning, and there was no lightning rod installed.

When they entered the castle through the doorway, there might have been a lot of people coming in and out, but now they were empty. Although it seemed very empty, it was not as dilapidated and gloomy as the Novara Castle she stayed at last time. There were green lawns cut into geometric shapes everywhere.

She stood in the middle of the square and looked around.

The place reminded her of the atrium of Hogwarts, where children would have Quidditch lessons or practice magic, except that the atrium was surrounded by stone walls that could be walked on.

Francesco Sforza was famous for his use of metal rods. Each unit in the castle was independent and connected with an iron bridge in the middle. If the enemy captured one of the fortresses, the defenders could move the iron rods in the middle. The bridge was demolished. There are many small holes in the red brick wall of the castle, through which light can shine through and can also be used as shooting positions.

When Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo faced off in Florence, they were painting war scenes in a hall. Leonardo da Vinci painted the scene during the battle, while Michelangelo chose the scene of soldiers bathing in the river before the battle.

The water feature in Sforzesco Castle was designed by Leonardo da Vinci and does not have as many fountains as Versailles. After all, the water in the fortress will become a water source for the defenders when necessary. In a rectangular courtyard, there is a long "sink". When there is no war, it has a visual effect, making the courtyard less depressing. When there is a war, Sometimes it can become a place for many people and war horses to drink water.

But the most important thing is the underground pipe, which is hidden. This can prevent enemies or spies from poisoning the water source. Ludovico Sforza built canals not only for irrigation, but perhaps also for city defense.

There are many snake patterns in the castle. In the Babylonian creation epic "Enuma Elish", there is a poisonous snake named Basmu, which became a good-doing demon after being defeated by the Babylonian god-king Marduk. , used to guard portals against evil influences.

She took a lick of ice cream.

The "Little Star" orphanage is opposite the monastery where Leonardo da Vinci painted "The Last Supper" and is designed in the shape of a fountain.

It would be better if it was designed as a drinking fountain, so that it would be more hidden and would not be as abandoned as it is now.

There are still residents walking in the green space north of the castle. Although Sforza is nominally open, the residents still keep a certain distance from the military camp. Even if the French leave, they will not approach easily.

As the residence of Sforza, the famous patron of the Renaissance, there are too few artworks here, and even the furniture is modern.

Later, they found an octagonal stone platform in a corner. Judging from the material of the stone platform, it was Carrara marble. There should be sculptures carved from Carrara marble on the stone platform, but now there is a weathered statue that is not known to be weathered. The sculpture is still unfinished and looks like two people from its vague outline.

"Do you know what this is?" Georgiana asked Fredly, and he shook his head.

"I didn't see it last time I came here," Fredley said.

This thing might have been a work of art in the 20th century, but in the early 19th century it was treated as an unfinished product and left in a place where most people would never come.

Just when she was about to leave and visit other places, an old man was pushed towards them in a wheelchair. It was Zoisette whom they met last time.

"Good afternoon." Zoisette said with a smile, "You also come to see Michelangelo's works?"

She was so surprised that she turned to look at the sculpture.

"How do you prove it's Michelangelo's?" Fredelli asked.

Zoisette pushed the wheelchair to the stone platform by himself without asking the servant to help.

"Please look at this stone carefully. The master was very picky about the choice of stone. During the crystallization process of marble, impurity streaks sometimes appear, but this stone not only has no streaks, but also no cracks. This sculpture was created six days before Michelangelo's death. It is still being created, and the theme is the scene of the Virgin holding her son who has just been lowered from the cross. "Although it is unfinished, it is of great reference value for those who study sculpture."

Georgiana looked at the sculpture again. Although the face was still blurry and only the facial features could be seen, the legs had taken shape and looked well-proportioned. They were not as powerful as the standing David because the son was held by his mother. In order to stand, my mother had to bear the weight of two people, and her back was bent.

"Are you interested in it?" Georgiana asked Fredly jokingly.

Fredley smiled and said nothing.

After all, it is also the theme of "Pieta". This one does not have Michelangelo's signature, so what Zoisette said is not enough evidence to confirm it to the world.

It may also be that because Michelangelo was nearing the end of his life, this Madonna does not have a smile on her face like the one in the Vatican collection. She looks extremely miserable.

"I heard that you want to take Count Ciconiara to Elba Island to see the marble mines there." Zoisette suddenly said, "Do you want to decorate the palace on Elba Island with marble?"

Georgiana had forgotten all about it.

"I heard that there are also quarries in Malta, and the stones there are very special." Zoisette said. "The stones are soft when they are first mined. You can even use a woodworking plane to plan them, but they will become hard after being exposed to the sun for a while." ”

"I've never been to Malta." Fredly smiled awkwardly.

Zoisette smiled slightly and looked at Georgiana again.

"This time the supplies taken away by the French were packed on backpacks, unlike the last time they were carried on ships in Malta. Napoleon plundered the goods of the Knights of Malta and the merchants who came to the island to use as military supplies. When the Baltic Sea was affected by the severe cold When the harvest failed, Malta ushered in a long and hot summer in 1800. "The Knights of Malta spent many years building fortifications on the island," Zoisette said earnestly. "Not all of these stones were mined from the island." Yes, the knights had other properties in Europe, and the proceeds from these assets were shipped to the treasury of the Knights of Malta. Because of these financial supports, the knights began to build Malta when France began to confiscate the property of the Hospitallers. It was also confiscated in 1792. Although the Knights of Malta still have properties in other countries, France is the most important. It can be said that France is their foundation. "

Georgiana looked at Fredly, and he looked at Zoisette, still with a smile on his face.

Napoleon would not abandon such an important strategic location as Malta and go to Egypt without sending people to garrison it. Without recapturing Malta, building the Suez Canal would be of little benefit to France. On the contrary, for the United Kingdom, Malta and Gibraltar will become the key points of this life-and-death route to India.

If France does not recapture Malta, it will not be able to reach Marseille or Toulon even if it does not go to the Atlantic ports through Gibraltar.

If, as Zoisset said, the Maltese Knights' industry is the most important in France, then they will value their relationship with France.

Despite the Revolution and the confiscation of French property, the Knights of Malta provided water and shelter for the "Frenchmen" who had just experienced the stormy seas of the Mediterranean.

The average temperature of the earth has not changed much, and it has been so for billions of years. The Cretaceous period when the dinosaurs lived was only about 10 degrees Celsius higher, but it was this 10 degrees Celsius that caused the extinction of the dinosaurs.

It is extremely cold in the north, but it is extremely hot near the equator where Malta is located. Considering the barren land and lack of water in Malta, it is estimated that famine will eventually occur on the island. If the Maltese start an uprising, then the British officer proposes that the Maltese garrison commander evacuates... …

Malta's important strategic location is a maritime civilization. I heard that before the signing of the Treaty of Amiens, the Malta Parliament had sent people to London to seek protection from King George III.

At this time, she looked at Zoisette again, feeling the empty military camp behind her, and the granary that was hidden somewhere, and she didn't know whether it was empty or full, and suddenly she felt a strange feeling.

The gem named after Zoisette reminded her of the wine-colored sea, and that stone could only have come from meteorites or space.

Humans can synthesize it, but only if they understand the rules, just like the Venetians can make transparent glass, which is priceless before the secret recipe is deciphered. Galileo used plant ash instead of manganese dioxide to improve the glass production process, just because he wanted to use a telescope to watch the stars.

Georgiana is just a weak woman. She has no ability to protect a country that is about to be ravaged by war.

She just has a little skill and can create illusions to fascinate Bonaparte, but it may not be effective for everyone.

And if she continues to use "magic", people will think that their "heads" are controlled, and driving her away will be a good end. The worst thing is that they will be executed as a "foolish king" and a "witch" together.

Misbelief is equally fatal, and the good-doing demons in Babylonian mythology are still demons.

Using demons to guard the door sounds like a "good idea."

"The sun is nice today, let's take a walk." Georgiana said to Zoisette.

"Can I?" Zoisette asked Fredly.

"I heard that the Hospitallers inherited the legacy of the Templars." Before Fredly could speak, Georgiana said to Zoisette, "I asked him last time if he had found any treasures of the Templars... …”

Frederick didn't answer, leaving her chattering alone, and then the three of them walked on the green lawn in the sunshine.

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