Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3447 Hell Cat (Part 2)

According to Vitruvius's records, there was also a fountain in Susa, the capital of the Persian king, but people who drank the water there would lose their teeth. At the same time, there was an inscription carved beside the fountain, which roughly meant that the water was good for bathing, but not suitable for drinking, and drinking it would cause teeth to fall out.

The existence of this inscription was actually dispensable, because in Vitruvius's time, there were few literate people, and reading was a privilege only for the nobles. He might as well arrange someone to tell the people who fetched water that the water was not drinkable, or to spread the word in the capital, so that people would spread the word that the water there was not drinkable.

Lead was produced in Spain in ancient Roman times, and it remained at a relatively high level until the third century, almost throughout the entire Mediterranean region. In fact, Romans like Vitruvius also knew that using lead as water pipes would have problems, and it would be healthier to use ceramic pipes for transportation. The Egyptians associated lead with Osiris, the god of the underworld, and lead was used to make coffins at that time.

However, even if ceramics were used as water pipes, they needed to be replaced frequently because of their fragility. Many Roman waterways were built underground, and it was not easy to replace them.

Lead pipes are easy to shape and popular, and they are not as easy to rust as iron. They only turn white when exposed to vinegar and wine.

A construction project has to consider issues such as cost and maintenance, and lead, a cheap and excellent pipe material, is widely used.

So does the water sprayed from those ancient Roman fountains contain lead, and does anyone drink it?

Of course, some people drink it, and people are more afraid of cholera and the Black Death than lead poisoning. The water of the Seine River can be taken at will, but Parisians would rather spend money to buy fountain water for drinking.

Unlike Gibraltar and Malta, Nassau is located on the largest island in the archipelago. There is fresh water on the island. Between 1793 and 1794, in order to welcome the queen's visit, stairs were carved out on the steep limestone cliffs on the island, known as the "Queen's Stairs".

However, it was not the queen who ruled England at the time. Since the death of Queen Anne in 1714, it has been the king, and Nassau was established in 1715 by a privateer captain named Benjamin Hornigold.

Even though pirates and privateers would raise black flags, privateers were more like mercenaries. They served the country with charters like the navy, but they did not receive salaries like the navy. The proceeds from the auction of privateers minus the part they handed in were theirs.

A privateer captain in Nice went to Gibraltar to "attend a party", but the privateers who had just participated in the War of Spanish Succession did not have this treatment. They were not only confined to the port, but also guarded like prisoners.

Pirates would be hanged, and there would be no income if they did not go out to plunder. When Portugal and Spain divided the world according to the papal meridian, the British divided the world according to the latitude. Benjamin Hornigold came to Nassau with his followers.

Before that, the Spanish had razed the pirate den in Nassau to the ground, but they did not station troops there. There were not many traces of the city, not even villages or even thatched houses, even though the tropical scenery here was beautiful and the seafood was rich.

The 12-year-long Spanish Succession War almost bankrupted the participating countries, so the Spanish Bourbon dynasty urgently needed silver shipped from South America.

Compared with Nassau, Britain originally had a better Royal Port in Jamaica. Like other Caribbean islands, it was originally due to the rise of pirates. However, in 1670, according to the Treaty of Madrid, Spain officially ceded Jamaica to Britain. Until the earthquake in 1692, it was the "center" of the Caribbean Sea.

This place is the intersection of the Caribbean Plate and the North American Plate. There is a huge seismic fault. The earthquake in 1692 destroyed the Royal Port. Two-thirds of the houses, along with the foundations and the people living in them, sank to the bottom of the sea. After the earthquake, Jamaica was left with many wide cracks.

After that, the Governor of Jamaica established Kingston on the basis of the Royal Port. However, the British Navy has been looking for a new port. There were many strong aftershocks after the earthquake, but the British were more interested in India at that time.

The shipwreck in 1715 was just the beginning. Those British privateers sometimes even robbed British merchant ships, except Benjamin Hornigold, who was still loyal to Britain, so he didn't start robbing British merchant ships until the end.

At that time, Britain was still engaged in slave trade, and sometimes pirates would rob them. As long as the slaves joined them and abided by the rules of the "Pirate Republic", they could get freedom.

"Wait, Pirate Republic?" Georgiana asked in surprise.

"You haven't heard of it?" Bougainville asked.

"No." She said in surprise, and subconsciously took a bite of rum ice cream.

"Then have you heard of the Pirate Amnesty, sailor." Bougainville asked "As long as you accept the amnesty, you can return to England without wandering outside, and you don't have to worry about being punished. But you have to hand over all your property, especially Spanish silver coins."

"I guess most pirates don't want to." Georgiana said with a smile.

"Except for Benjamin Hornigold, his surrender made many people think that the pirates of Nassau had stopped plundering, navigation was restored to freedom and smoothness, and the relationship between Spain and Britain returned to normal. Then there was a legend that Spain agreed to England's voyage to South America. Trade, some people really believe it." Bougainville took a sip of rum. "John Law was a Scotsman, Roger Wood, who arrived in Nassau in 1717 to become the governor, was also a Scotsman, and even John Markham of India was also a Scotsman. "Scottish. And of course you, Georgiana, you're Scottish too. I guess more people can tell the difference between the three of you now."

Bougainville took another sip of rum. "Because pirate activities affected the slave trade, the navy went to Nassau to clear them. As you said, not all pirates accepted the amnesty like Honigo."

"What trouble did you get into this time?" Georgiana asked, looking into Bougainville's eyes.

"A Spanish treasure ship 'disappeared', and we believe that a batch of jewelry belonging to the French royal family is also on board." Bougainville said slowly.

"How did the French royal family's jewelry end up in the Caribbean?" Georgiana asked in surprise.

"It's not the Caribbean, it's Louisiana. She used to belong to Spain." Bougainville said, "These jewels are for..."

"Bribery, what do they want?" Georgiana interrupted Bougainville.

"They want to buy Louisiana and form a country like the Americans." Bougainville looked at Georgiana and said, "Using the Missouri River as the boundary."

She stood up and walked around the table with her waist in her arms.

"There was a pirate named Bellamy. He was quite famous at the time. People called him the 'Prince of Freedom'. He was richer than Benjamin Hornigold." Bougainville sat on a chair and said, "With other pirates Different, he abides by the laws of the pirate republic, only robs wealth and does not harm human life, and he truly believes that he is robbing the rich and giving to the poor.”

"But?" asked Georgiana.

"He did everything for his wife. Her father did not approve of a poor boy as his son-in-law. They lived in eastern Massachusetts at the time." Bougainville paused. "Located south of Salem, a place named The town of Eastham.”

She looked at Bougainville in shock.

"She became pregnant out of wedlock, and her father cut off the relationship with her, leaving her to raise the child alone. Perhaps due to the bad environment or other reasons, the child did not survive, so she was accused of being a witch."

"How does this have anything to do with witches?" she asked in disbelief. "Or does anyone else know who the father of the child is?"

"I don't know, that's what I've heard, and also I've heard that there was a 'Black Caesar' in Nassau, and he seemed to be from Boston because he spoke with an accent there, although some people say he was an African prince. "

"Oh my God." Georgiana whispered in disbelief.

For people in the 20th century, 20 years ago was a long time ago, but for the ancients, 20 years was not that long ago. Some people lived the same life for three generations.

Hermione was also shocked when she first heard about mudbloods. She came from a modern society that was changing with each passing day.

"Can you do me a favor?" Georgiana said, looking at Bougainville. He looked very decent, not like a liar.

"What's the deal?"

"Tell the children outside, of course not directly, that there is treasure hidden in this castle." Georgiana said.

Regardless of whether the smelly fountain was underneath a granary or was polluted by sewage, she didn't plan to go down there herself, it was too smelly.

Although Muggles don't know the Soaking Curse, there are Leonardo da Vinci's diving devices so explorers won't be poisoned by miasma.

"Why tell them this?" Bougainville asked in confusion.

"This is my teaching method." She said sincerely.

Harry's last first-year adventure was carefully designed by Dumbledore, so there was no danger...

Anyway, she won't go to that sewer.

"Do you think they are students?" Bougainville said in disbelief.

Instead, she had no idea what Bougainville was talking about.

"Don't you think they are handsome?" Bougainville asked.

"What?" she asked in confusion.

"Who do you think is the most handsome among them?" Bougainville asked.

She first thought of Harry. The 11-year-old Harry had green eyes and was full of curiosity about the entire magical world. But the last time Pomona saw him in Godric's Hollow, he was similar to the group of young people outside. .

"Is there any special significance in judging which of them is the most handsome?" Georgiana asked.

"Never mind...thank you for the hospitality." Bougainville said, stood up, drank the last sip of rum before leaving, and then left her study.

Georgiana waited for him to leave, put her feet up on the soft board, and ate the remaining rum ice cream.

Although it has melted a bit, it still tastes good.

This is her looking out the window. The sky is still bright. What are she doing this afternoon?

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