Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3472: Compassionate Dream

"Your behavior is unacceptable."

Just when Pomona was about to knock on the door of the Potions classroom, Snape's voice came from inside.

"Do you want to blow up my class? I'd like to know where you heard the strange idea that mixed these ingredients together?" He said sternly.

Pomona retracted his hand that was about to knock on the door and tiptoed to leave.

"I'm sorry, professor, I just..."

"Don't say 'I'm sorry, professor' to me." Snape interrupted the student's words "You haven't repented for your behavior at all. Do you have the ability to learn? I doubt it. You shouldn't come to my class at all. Next semester..."

Pomona pushed the door open, and the students inside and Snape looked at her together.

"Go out." Pomona said to the student.

He didn't do it immediately, but looked at the Potions Professor with fear.

"I have something to say to Professor Snape."

The student hesitated for a while, and then went out like a puppet.

"Close the door." Pomona said.

The child did it.

"Do you know that your class will directly affect students' employment?" Pomona said with her hands on her hips.

"I think the Ministry of Magic should give me a medal." He smiled sarcastically. "In other words, I have prevented others from having to bear the consequences of someone's negligence."

She sighed and thought about how to change his mind.

"Is that all you want to say?" Snape asked.

"Do you want me to go out too?" Pomona asked.

"Sort those herbs well." Snape said.

"You want me to do it?" She asked in disbelief.

"If it weren't for your intervention, these jobs should have been done by the 'genius' just now." He continued to sarcastically.

Pomona would never do it. She put the herbs away and planned to leave.

"No pity is needed in the dark." Snape said behind her. "If he doesn't have the corresponding ability, even if he gets that 'good job', he will lose more than he gets."

Pomona looked back at him.

"You know that the Aurors are dealing with dark wizards, right?" He looked at her with his black eyes. "Do you think they will have more sympathy than me?"



She turned around and found that it was Glandor who came.

"You won't believe what I found underground?" He said excitedly and mysteriously.

"What did you find?" She asked perfunctorily.

"The head of Medusa." Glandor lowered his voice.

She was very surprised.

"No, not the real Medusa, I'm talking about the one made by Leonardo da Vinci." Glandor said quickly, "He tried to sculpt."

She is not interested in anything now.

How can the wizard who never makes people's wishes come true always be obsessed with his first love.

This is retribution. He doesn't let others get what they want, and others don't let him get what he wants.

"Are you listening?" Glandor asked.

"I'm listening." She continued to say perfunctorily.

"It's time to go." Bougainville came over and said, while others were leaving one after another.

"Do you know what the ancient Egyptians understood about doors?" Grando continued, not caring whether Georgiana was listening carefully or not.

In Book 6 of "Aeneid", before Aeneas traveled to the underworld, the sorcerer told him that anyone who wanted to go deep into the underworld must first pluck a golden branch and offer it to Proserpina, the queen of the underworld. After the golden branch was plucked, a second golden branch would grow again.

Before Dante climbed Mount Purgatory, he compared himself to a humble plant rush, which would regenerate immediately after being pulled out, just like the "golden branch".

There is a book about mysticism, also called "The Golden Bough". It is said that the title of this book is from Lake Nemi near Rome. There is a Diana Temple on the lakeside. According to an ancient custom, the temple priest is a fugitive slave. Not only is his previous crime not investigated, but he also enjoys the treatment of "king of the forest". However, he must hold a sharp blade and guard a sacred tree at any time. If other slaves break branches from the tree, he must duel with the newcomer until one of them dies, and the winner will continue to serve as the priest.

In that book, Jacob Grimm of the Grimm brothers was mentioned. He investigated the Germanic word "temple". The oldest sanctuaries of the Germanic people may be natural forests. At that time, Europe was not like today, with forests everywhere.

The Celtic Druid priests worshiped the god of oak trees. The ancient word "sanctuary" they used seems to have the same etymology and meaning as the Latin word nemus. The meaning of nemus is a small forest or a small open space in the forest. It is still preserved in the form of the word Nemi. Sacred groves were common among the ancient Germanic people.

The fir tree is monoecious, but Julia gave it the feminine name of Luna.

If it were any other tree, it would be hard to live to 1,500 years old. Bougainville said that "Luna" looked like a mast, but in fact, oak is better for masts. Fir is the cheapest solid wood, and it has neither the pattern and color of mahogany nor the special fragrance of camphor wood.

Zhuangzi's story also mentioned a "sacred tree". This tree was not even good for making coffins, so it grew so big and was worshipped.

The Easter vigil started at midnight. Although the wizards only sent an Easter egg to meet the occasion, it was a grand festival, enough for each cathedral to take out the holy relics.

Like the Shroud of Turin and the "iron nails" of Milan Cathedral. In order to take a look at the holy relics, almost all the people in the city came out. They gathered in the square and the streets, so that the road from Sforza Castle to the cathedral could only be walked, and this road was forcibly divided by the soldiers.

The citizens held a candle in their hands, which was used for the candlelight procession later. At this time, the street was dark, but in the moonlight, the pairs of human eyes reflected light and became the only visible object in the darkness.

If someone assassinated at this time...

However, it was rare in history for Giuliano Medici to be assassinated in the church, so she walked forward with courage.

She used to accompany Bonaparte in an open carriage on the boulevards of Paris, with Mamluks in front and behind, and Paris citizens waving at him on the roadside.

She knew this very well. Why did they cheer for her? She was just "Caesar's foil".

And now she felt it. People on the street were looking at her, but she couldn't see their expressions clearly. Those faces were hidden in the darkness.

She couldn't feel kindness, malice, joy, hatred, like a boat in a torrent, confusedly came to the front of Milan Cathedral.

A high platform had been set up there. The elder stood on the platform in full dress, and the choir was on the steps behind the platform.

Delmid was led by Paulina to the front, and he looked back from time to time.

Now Georgiana began to worry whether he could handle such a big scene, even though he had practiced how to light a fire with flint in advance.

When everyone was in place, Delmid was led by the priest to the high platform, and his golden hair was extremely eye-catching at this time.

After a while, the chanter walked to the center of the square, and the original noise suddenly disappeared, and tens of thousands of people were silent.

Then the chanter sang hymns, which was also an Easter ceremony. The last time in Notre Dame de Paris was not so grand.

After the hymns were finished, the candlelight ceremony was about to begin. Georgiana didn't need to worry. Several adults surrounded Delmid, ready to help him light the big candle at any time.

Fortunately, everything went well and the candle was lit successfully. Then the elder held it and showed it to all the citizens, and cheers were heard.

This ceremony has been held for many years, and everyone is familiar with the process. After a while of cheering, the elder used it to light the candle in the hands of the first believer, that is, Melzi's, and the choir sang.

It must be said that this kind of hymn really has a comforting effect, especially with the singing, the candles are lit one by one.

"May the night no longer be endless." The elder said when he passed in front of Georgiana.

"We have heard the good news and rejoice with heaven." She imitated the people in front of her.

Then the elder used the candle to light the candle in her palm, and it was not blown out by the wind, and then he walked to the next one.

Behind the elder was a bell ringer, who rang the bell and chanted.

In the ancient Greek and Roman Celebrities, some places worshipped the god of fear because it would unite people.

If there is no need for mercy in the dark, then naturally some people would want to stay in the light.

She looked down at the candle in her hand until others held it and walked into the church, and she followed them.

Dante mentioned the rush after leaving Hell. He did not take it with him to travel in Hell. He could only follow the guide Virgil.

So how did Virgil know the way out of Hell?

Maybe because he was the author of "Aeneid", he knew the secret of "Golden Bough".

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