When someone wants to hurt you, really hurt you, and you are unfortunately a woman, it is useless to ask for help. Even if you are surrounded by people, they will stand by and watch. It is more effective to call for fire than to call for help.

So at this time, having power will be extremely blissful, because you can protect yourself from harm.

Muggles often confuse banshees with witches. Banshees look like ugly old witches, but they have a lot of warts and use basic magic like trolls. They have a bad relationship with centaurs and mermaids. The banshee's food is children and raw liver, and its eating habits are not elegant at all. When the Ministry of Magic divided the banshee into humans, the centaurs and mermaids hoped to divide themselves into beasts.

Pomona is obviously a half-breed Veela, she doesn't want to go the same way as Lupin, denying her nature as a monster, hiding her appetite for human souls, but because a human wizard identifies with her identity as a woman.

How strange, human beings themselves have no clear definition of human beings. One moment they say that a person walks on two legs, and another moment they say that a person can speak human words. ", what is the real definition of a person?

Pomona would not choose to be a victim. In the face of bullying and insults, her consistent position is to fight back, and patience is for revenge, but the werewolf Lupine chose to escape. It is not her identity that makes her entangled, but Severer Si's first love, her mind is now full of things about the dark wizard, and she can't do anything else except simple housework.

It hasn't been cleaned up since the Room of Requirement burned down. She swung her wand and cast a restoration, and the repairable wreckage in the room began to restore itself like a dance. The furniture jumped back to its original position piece by piece, the torn pieces The flag returned to its original shape in mid-air, and the damaged books were automatically repaired. The recursive curse was effective for most materials, but those items burned by the Fiercefire Curse could not be restored, and the damage caused by that curse could not be repaired. It can be repaired by a spell.

The spell was invented by Olabella Nutley, a former staff member of the Misuse of Magic Office of the British Ministry of Magic. She used the spell to restore the accidentally destroyed Colosseum in 1754, a sprint race between Aberdeen and Rome between broomsticks Thorquill MacTavish and Silvio Aspen between Tolfi. The race ended in disaster, as a fight broke out between supporters of both competitors and resulted in the destruction of the Colosseum.

The old ghost Binns who taught the history of magic has lived at least a thousand years old. He started teaching at Hogwarts in the early days of the school. He even taught Helena and Barrow. That history reminded him of Hogwarts. A clash in the racing arena in Constantinople in AD 532.

What happened in the 14th century is old enough for young people today, not to mention the events in the 6th century, but the old ghost can still remember it vividly. Because of the hatred accumulated in the past, Muggles died on January 11, 532. In a complete outbreak, they not only destroyed the arena, but also surrounded the palace, demanding the dismissal of the magistrate and chief of staff.

At that time, the Eastern Roman Emperor Justinian I, like many Roman emperors, wanted to reunify Eastern and Western Rome, so he waged wars with foreign countries as frequently as Charles the Barbarian. Generally speaking, the achievements of the Western Expedition were short-lived and costly. It consumed financial resources and was aggressive to a certain extent. The long-term war brought disaster to the people in the conquered areas, and the people suffered unspeakably. Still living a Roman-style life, the furious people shouted Nika and burned down the Senate, Hagia Sophia, St. Irina Church, Alexandria Baths, Theodosius Market, and places in Augustus Square and The entire district of luxurious residences between the Forum of Constantine, the prettiest quarter of Constantinople, was destroyed in the fire.

After the palace was besieged for three days, Justinian I decided to give a speech to the people, but the emotional people loudly called the emperor a "stupid ass, a hypocrite, and a bastard" and asked Justinian to reduce taxes and rewrite the law. And threw stones at the emperor and empress.

In an emergency, Justinian saw that the situation was not good, and under the cover of the Gothic guards, he fled back to the palace through the secret tunnel under the royal stand. At noon, the people elected Ipadius, the nephew of Emperor Anastasis, as emperor, and pulled him out of his home. Ipadios's wife held him by his tuxedo to keep him from being snatched by rioters, but he was taken to the Forum of Constantine, wheeled up a fortification, and put on a gold collar as a crown .

After learning about this, the Senate immediately held a meeting to discuss the matter. A senator named Eurygenis said: If the situation is not quickly reversed, the future and destiny of the Byzantine Empire created by the blood of successive emperors will face serious threats. .

He persuaded Justinian to move to other palaces for temporary refuge and reorganize the resistance. However, Justinian planned to escape by boat under the persuasion of many courtiers, so he ordered the treasures in the palace to be shipped.

In the palace, Justinian ordered the eunuchs to transport the treasures of the imperial treasury to a ship in the imperial docks. Empress Theodora was furious when she saw this, and said to her husband in a decisive tone a sentence that has been recorded in various chronicles: "If the only way to find safety is to escape, and there is no other way, I will not choose to escape. The way of the world. A man who wears a crown should not live in failure. The day when I will no longer be honored as queen will never come. If you want to escape, Your Majesty, good luck to you. You have money, Your ships are ready and the sea is opening its arms. As for me, I will stay. I appreciate the old adage that the purple robe is the most beautiful shroud."

Sometimes men are also timid, and they need a woman to push them to achieve great things. The Chinese emperor Li Zhi also encountered the same dilemma. Although Li Zhi expanded China's most extensive territory, the Tang Dynasty lacked control over the Hexi Corridor, the throat and throat. This long and narrow area separates Turks and Tubo. , to avoid bordering the two great powers, and to cut off the connection between the Central Plains and the Western Regions.

At that time, Chang'an, the capital of China, was located in Guanzhong, and it was protected by four important passes. Pomona forgot the specific year, but at that time the Tang Empire was busy fighting with Goguryeo in the northeast, and had no time to take care of the Western Regions. Tubo united with the vassal states of the Western Regions Attacking the Tang army, Tang's rule in the Western Regions began to shake. Li Zhi had to face a choice, whether to continue to attack Goguryeo or rescue the Western Regions.

After Theodora, Queen of the Eastern Roman Empire, finished the famous speech, Justinian's face was flushed with shame, and he decided to stay in the capital, abandoning mild means and using violence to resolve the riot. He ordered the famous general Belisarius The general left the Schalke Palace with a troop that had just returned from Persia. They were all veterans who had fought against the Persians on the Eastern battlefield for many years, and they were also the most elite field army of the Byzantine Empire. According to the records of historians at the time, these elite cavalry were not only equipped with better armor, but also allowed the cavalry to crush their opponents in close combat. At the same time, it is also equipped with a sophisticated prairie-style compound bow, which can strike opponents at long distances. These armies armed to the teeth turned around in the arena, then rushed in through the "gate of death", and appeared at both ends of the arena with another mercenary army, surrounded the people and them who were still in the arena. The new emperor Supatius, who was supported, then led the two troops to attack from both ends of the arena at the same time, and launched a bloody massacre on the unarmed people in the arena. Passage, shooting arrows at the crowd. Some 35,000 people were killed in the racing arena, ending the "Nica riots" that shook the empire.

Muggles don’t know how to repair the curse, and it took a lot of manpower and material resources to repair such a huge loss. Justinian increased taxes, and the riots against oppression and exploitation didn’t get the power they deserved. Instead, it got worse . In addition to the Black Death, the first large-scale plague broke out in the Mediterranean world from 541 to 542. It caused extremely serious losses, almost completely destroying the sources of soldiers and taxes of the Eastern Roman Empire. , Covered and buried nearly a hundred layers together, the subsequent famine and civil strife completely shattered Justinian's ambitions, and also caused the Eastern Roman Empire to collapse. It is estimated that the Justinian Plague killed 100 million people worldwide. It reduced the European population by about half between 541 and 700.

The Muggles struggling on the edge of hell are very pitiful, but who would sympathize with the White Druid who was massacred by Muggle soldiers and the black-robed Banduri who used black magic to protect his homeland.

Just as the Black Death later required someone to take the blame, after the Justinian plague broke out, a scapegoat had to be found, and the wizard was accused of being the culprit. Since then, the wizard who was respected by the world has become hunted down by Muggles , the target of fire, wizards and Muggles became enemies, dark wizards took pleasure in killing Muggles, the world fell into darkness, and the barbaric Middle Ages began.

The purple witch's robe that Walburga likes to wear very much, that dress always reminds Pomona of the saying that purple robe is the most beautiful shroud, sometimes Pomona likes Walburga very much, especially her When my heart is as hard as iron.

"Professor!" Hagrid's huge figure appeared at the door of the Room of Requirement, holding a black, fluffy little thing in his arms, she rubbed her eyes in disbelief, it looked like a three-headed hellhound Lu Wei.

"How is it so small?" Pomona exclaimed.

"Ow~" The hell three-headed dog let out a very "vicious" sound, it sounded like a baby, and her heart almost melted.

"Reducio, the premise is that Lu Wei is willing to cooperate." Hagrid put Lu Wei on the ground. "Greek wizards always use spells on it, and it doesn't like it, so it ran back."

After he finished speaking, he aimed his umbrella at Lu Wei, and it turned into a giant dog in an instant.

Neville turned pale with fright, because one of Lu Wei's heads was glaring at him.

"My God, shouldn't you put a collar or a noose on it?" Pomona walked up to Neville and blocked him behind her.

"It's very obedient and won't bite casually." Hagrid said cheerfully, stroking the needle-like black fur on Lu Wei's body, "Are you right, old man?"

The Cerberus wags its tail like a normal dog, and Pomona suspects it will give it a run and a stick.

"He was shrunken when he ran back, about the size of a normal dog, I'm glad he's big so he won't be burned to death by Bellatrix's Fiercefire Curse like Fang ’ said the sentimental Hagrid tearfully.

"Oh, Hagrid." Pomona sighed sympathetically.

"I don't raise my teeth to replace Lu Wei, I just think they will be companions sooner or later." Hagrid sniffed his nose, "and Aragog too, he is too lonely in the Forbidden Forest, and I am sorry to cause such a big disaster." Not intentional."

Pomona felt that he must be in need of a hug right now, so she pushed Neville behind her out, silently saying "hug him" to Neville with her lips.

The stench on Hagrid was really unbearable to her, it smelled almost as bad as the Gryffindor lounge, and Neville walked over, stretching out his arms stiffly, wrapped around a moleskin Hagrid, that scene is simply unbearable to look at.

"Where is Grapp now?" asked Pomona

"Still in the same place."

"There's so much snow outside."

"He's a giant, and he can make fire."

Pomona looked at the Room of Requirement where the debris was flying around, and thought it was about as messy as his "nest" in the forest.

Malfoy's family motto says that the deepest love and greatest achievement are those who take the greatest risks.

"Your father is definitely a brave man, Hagrid." Pomona sighed, making out with the giantess requires extraordinary courage and a strange aesthetic, but it is precisely because of Hagrid that there are so many variables.

"Thank you for saying that, Professor, I'm sure he would love you very much if he was alive." Hagrid wiped away his tears, and let go of Neville, "This is the first time you've seen Lu Wei, right? Do you want to touch it?" Touch it?"

The herbal medicine professor looked at Lu Wei, who was staring at him with six eyes, and didn't do anything.

"Where's the music box?" asked Pomona.

"Here." Hagrid took the music box out of his coat pocket.

"I've heard there must be someone in the Room of Requirement. Can giants do that too? Neville?" Pomona asked.

"I...I don't know." Neville asked tremblingly, "Are giants considered human?"

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